Section 64. Whoever, knowing that his interest in the property described in a warehouse receipt has been attached, endorses, assigns or otherwise disposes of such receipt without disclosing such attachment to the person to whom such receipt is endorsed, assigned or disposed of, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars and by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than three years, or by imprisonment in a jail or house of correction for not more than one year.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Title XV - Regulation of Trade
Chapter 105 - Public Warehouses
Section 1 - Licenses; Application; Notice; Bond
Section 2 - Failure to File Bond
Section 2a - Discharge From Liability Under Bond; Notice; Revocation of License
Section 2b - Duties and Rights of Warehousemen After Revocation of License
Section 2c - Public Warehouses; License Exemption
Section 4 - Insuring Property Upon Request; Notice to Depositor of Household Goods
Section 5 - Books of Warehousemen; Accounts; Inspection
Section 6 - Publication of Notice of Revocation of License
Section 55 - Issuance of Receipt for Goods Not Received
Section 56 - Issuance of Receipt Containing False Statement
Section 57 - Issuance of Unmarked Duplicate Receipts
Section 58 - Issuance of Receipt Not Stating Fact of Ownership
Section 59 - Delivery of Goods With Negotiable Receipt Outstanding
Section 60 - Negotiation of Receipt for Mortgaged Goods
Section 61 - Fraudulent Negotiation or Transfer of Receipt
Section 62 - Unlawful Sale, Pledge or Loan of Deposited Property
Section 63 - Forging or Counterfeiting Warehouse Receipts
Section 64 - Disposing of Receipt After Attachment