Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 210 - Adoption of Children and Change of Names
Section 6 - Decree of Court; Force and Effect; Private Hearings

Section 6. If the court is satisfied of the identity and relations of the persons, and that the petitioner is of sufficient ability to bring up the child and provide suitable support and education for it, and that the child should be adopted, it shall make a decree, by which, except as regards succession to property, all rights, duties and other legal consequences of the natural relation of child and parent shall thereafter exist between the child and the petitioner and his kindred, and such rights, duties and legal consequences shall, except as regards marriage, incest or cohabitation, terminate between the child so adopted and his natural parents and kindred or any previous adopting parent; but such decree shall not place the adopting parent or adopted child in any relation to any person, except each other, different from that before existing as regards marriage, or as regards rape, incest or other sexual crime committed by either or both. The court may also decree such change of name as the petitioner may request. If the person so adopted is of full age, he shall not be freed by such decree from the obligations imposed by section six of chapter one hundred and seventeen and section twenty of chapter two hundred and seventy-three.
In evaluating whether a petitioner is of sufficient ability to provide suitable support for the child, the court shall give consideration to assurances by the department of children and families that it will provide an adoption subsidy for the child.
No decree shall be made under this section until there has been filed in the court a statement, signed and sworn to by the petitioner, or petitioners, setting forth the date of birth and place of residence of each adopting parent and such other facts relating to each such parent as would be required by section thirteen of chapter forty-six for the correction of the record of the birth of the person sought to be adopted, and also a copy of the birth record of such person; provided, that in case such person has been previously adopted, either a copy of the record of his birth amended to conform to the previous decree of adoption or a copy of such decree may be so filed; and, provided further, that the filing of any such copy may be dispensed with if the judge is satisfied that it cannot be obtained.
Every decree of adoption entered by the court shall include the words ''This adoption is final and irrevocable.''
The probate judge may determine that the hearing on any adoption petition shall be held in chambers. He shall, on the request of any party to an adoption proceeding, hold the hearing thereon in chambers, except that if said petition is contested, the consent of the other party or parties shall be required. No person shall be allowed to be present at any such hearing unless his presence is necessary either as a party or as a witness, and the probate judge shall exclude the general public from the hearing.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title III - Domestic Relations

Chapter 210 - Adoption of Children and Change of Names

Section 1 - Nature of Adoption; District or Juvenile Court

Section 2 - Written Consent of Certain Persons; Form of Consent; Identification of Father

Section 2a - Decree of Adoption; Entry; Conditions Precedent

Section 2b - Adoption Decrees; Mandatory Language

Section 3 - Dispensing With Required Consent in Certain Cases

Section 3b - Registration of Interest for Pre-Adoptive or Adoptive Placement; Criminal Record Review

Section 4 - Notice

Section 4a - Fathers of Children Born Out of Wedlock; Adoption Rights

Section 5 - Failure to Object After Notice; Proceedings

Section 5a - Children Under Fourteen; Adoption; Regulations; Removals

Section 5b - Adoptive Custody; Factors Considered; Request for Religious Designation

Section 5c - Inspection of Pleadings, Reports, etc.; Docket Book

Section 5d - Release of Information Concerning Adoption

Section 5e - Department of Children and Families Adoption Report

Section 6 - Decree of Court; Force and Effect; Private Hearings

Section 6a - Certificates of Adoption

Section 6b - Adoption Nunc Pro Tunc

Section 6c - Agreement for Post-Adoption Contact or Communication

Section 6d - Enforcement of Agreement

Section 6e - Decisions of Adoptive Parent on Behalf of Child

Section 9 - Succession to Property; Right of Child Adopted in Foreign State

Section 10 - Second Adoption; Effect

Section 11 - Appeals

Section 11a - Adoption Services Offered by Certain Persons or Agencies; Penalty

Section 12 - Petitions for Change of Name

Section 13 - Notice and Certificate; Decree; Entry; Conditions Precedent

Section 14 - Annual Return of Changes of Name