Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 210 - Adoption of Children and Change of Names
Section 12 - Petitions for Change of Name

Section 12. A petition for the change of name of a person may be heard by the probate court in the county where the petitioner resides. The change of name of a person shall be granted unless such change is inconsistent with public interests.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title III - Domestic Relations

Chapter 210 - Adoption of Children and Change of Names

Section 1 - Nature of Adoption; District or Juvenile Court

Section 2 - Written Consent of Certain Persons; Form of Consent; Identification of Father

Section 2a - Decree of Adoption; Entry; Conditions Precedent

Section 2b - Adoption Decrees; Mandatory Language

Section 3 - Dispensing With Required Consent in Certain Cases

Section 3b - Registration of Interest for Pre-Adoptive or Adoptive Placement; Criminal Record Review

Section 4 - Notice

Section 4a - Fathers of Children Born Out of Wedlock; Adoption Rights

Section 5 - Failure to Object After Notice; Proceedings

Section 5a - Children Under Fourteen; Adoption; Regulations; Removals

Section 5b - Adoptive Custody; Factors Considered; Request for Religious Designation

Section 5c - Inspection of Pleadings, Reports, etc.; Docket Book

Section 5d - Release of Information Concerning Adoption

Section 5e - Department of Children and Families Adoption Report

Section 6 - Decree of Court; Force and Effect; Private Hearings

Section 6a - Certificates of Adoption

Section 6b - Adoption Nunc Pro Tunc

Section 6c - Agreement for Post-Adoption Contact or Communication

Section 6d - Enforcement of Agreement

Section 6e - Decisions of Adoptive Parent on Behalf of Child

Section 9 - Succession to Property; Right of Child Adopted in Foreign State

Section 10 - Second Adoption; Effect

Section 11 - Appeals

Section 11a - Adoption Services Offered by Certain Persons or Agencies; Penalty

Section 12 - Petitions for Change of Name

Section 13 - Notice and Certificate; Decree; Entry; Conditions Precedent

Section 14 - Annual Return of Changes of Name