Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 156b - Certain Business Corporations
Section 57 - Quorum at Directors' Meeting

Section 57. Unless otherwise provided in the by-laws, the number of directors required to constitute a quorum shall be a majority of the directors then in office. If a quorum is present, a majority of the directors present may take any action on behalf of the board except to the extent that a larger number is required by law or the articles of organization or the by-laws.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 156b - Certain Business Corporations

Section 1 - Short Title

Section 2 - Definitions; Corporation; Articles of Organization

Section 3 - Application of Chapter

Section 4 - Rights and Liabilities of Existing Corporations, Directors, Officers and Stockholders

Section 5 - Adoption of Chapter by Certain Corporations Created by Special Act; Liability for Debts

Section 6 - State Secretary; Duties

Section 6a - Correction of Inaccurate Corporate Records; Filing

Section 7 - Change of Law; Effect

Section 8 - Voting by Stockholders; Effect of Articles of Organization or By-Laws

Section 9 - Corporate Powers; Exceptions

Section 9a - Partnership

Section 9b - Contracts of Guarantee and Suretyship

Section 10 - Unauthorized Exercise of Franchise or Privilege or Transaction of Business; Injunction

Section 11 - Name

Section 12 - First Meeting; By-Laws; Officers; Consent to Action; Articles of Organization

Section 13 - Articles of Organization; Contents

Section 14 - Change of Principal Office

Section 15 - Limitation on Stock Holdings in Certain Other Corporations

Section 16 - Scope of By-Laws

Section 17 - Power to Make, Amend and Repeal By-Laws

Section 18 - Consideration for Issuance of Stock

Section 19 - Payment for Stock; Cash or Instalments; Record; Transfer

Section 20 - Pre-Emptive Rights

Section 21 - Unissued Shares; Authority to Issue; Consideration

Section 21a - Reacquired Shares; Restoration to Unissued Share Status

Section 22 - Terms of Payment; Demand; Notice of Payment Due

Section 23 - Stockholders' Liability for Issued Stock

Section 24 - Default of Subscriber; Sale; Deficiency or Surplus; Action; Forfeiture

Section 25 - Default in Instalment Payments; Sale; Surplus or Deficiency; Action; Forfeiture; Dividends on Forfeited Shares

Section 26 - Division of Class of Stock Into Series; Variations; Reissue of Restored Shares; Filing of Certificate

Section 27 - Certificates for Shares Held

Section 28 - Fractional Shares; Scrip; Dividends and Voting Rights; Exchange or Sale

Section 29 - Replacement of Certificates

Section 30 - Certificate for Stock Transferred as Collateral Security

Section 31 - Unclaimed Dividends; Publication

Section 32 - Location of Records; Stock and Transfer Records, Evidence, Exhibition or Refusal, Court Order

Section 32a - Restrictions on Exercise, Transfer, Receipt or Holding of Rights or Options Issued by Corporations

Section 33 - Annual Stockholders' Meeting

Section 34 - Special Stockholders' Meeting

Section 35 - Place of Stockholders' Meetings

Section 36 - Notice of Stockholders' Meeting

Section 37 - Waiver of Notice

Section 38a - Filing of Certificate

Section 39 - Quorum

Section 40 - Voting by Corporation

Section 41 - Stockholders' Voting Rights; Proxy Regulations

Section 41a - Agreements for Voting Shares

Section 42 - Record Date; Closing Transfer Books

Section 43 - Consent in Lieu of Stockholders' Meeting; Effect

Section 44 - Exercise of Stockholders' Rights by Incorporators Prior to Stock Issuance

Section 45 - Stockholders' Liability on Distribution Causing Insolvency

Section 46 - Stockholder's Action; Qualifications of Plaintiff

Section 47 - Directors; Number; Election; Qualifications

Section 48 - Election or Appointment of Officers; Qualifications; Bonds; Records of Proceedings

Section 49 - Resident Agent

Section 50 - Term of Officers and Directors; Contingent Term; Vacancy

Section 50a - Directors; Staggered Terms; Election for Exemption; Vacancies

Section 51 - Removal of Officers and Directors

Section 52 - Filling Vacancies

Section 53 - Certificate of Change in Officers or Directors; Forfeiture for Failure to File

Section 54 - Powers of Directors

Section 55 - Committees; Delegation of Powers

Section 56 - Meetings of Directors; Necessity of Notice

Section 57 - Quorum at Directors' Meeting

Section 58 - Notice of Directors' Meeting

Section 59 - Consent in Lieu of Directors' Meeting; Effect; Telephone Conference Meetings

Section 60 - Improper Stock Issue; Liability of Directors

Section 61 - Unauthorized Distributions; Liability of Directors

Section 62 - Loans to Insiders; Liability of Officers and Directors

Section 63 - False Statement or Report; Liability of Officers

Section 64 - False Articles; Liability of Officers and Incorporators

Section 65 - Good Faith and Prudence as Defense

Section 66 - Contribution

Section 67 - Indemnification of Officers and Directors

Section 68 - False Statement or Report; Domestic; Punishment

Section 69 - False Statement or Report; Other State or Country; Punishment

Section 70 - Amendments Authorized by Majority Vote

Section 71 - Amendment of Articles of Organization; Authorization by Corporation

Section 72 - Articles of Amendment; Filing; Time Effective

Section 73 - Amendment on Reorganization

Section 74 - Restatement of Articles of Organization; Vote; Filing; Contents; Time Effective

Section 75 - Mortgage or Disposal of Assets; Vote; Notice of Meeting

Section 76 - Dissenting Stockholder; Right to Demand Payment for Stock

Section 77 - Amendments Adversely Affecting Rights of Stockholder

Section 78 - Consolidation or Merger of Corporations

Section 79 - Consolidation or Merger With Foreign Corporation

Section 80 - Effect of Consolidation or Merger; Rights of Creditors

Section 81 - Surviving or New Corporation; Bond and Stock Issues to Complete Merger or Consolidation

Section 82 - Merger of Subsidiary Into Parent Corporation

Section 83 - Merger of Association or Trust Into Corporation

Section 83a - Domestic and Foreign Limited Liability Companies

Section 84 - Certificate of Filing Articles of Consolidation or Merger

Section 85 - Dissenting Stockholder; Right to Demand Payment for Stock; Exception

Section 86 - Sections Applicable to Appraisal; Prerequisites

Section 87 - Statement of Rights of Objecting Stockholders in Notice of Meeting; Form

Section 88 - Notice of Effectiveness of Action Objected To

Section 89 - Demand for Payment; Time for Payment

Section 90 - Demand for Determination of Value; Bill in Equity; Venue

Section 91 - Parties to Suit to Determine Value; Service

Section 92 - Decree Determining Value and Ordering Payment; Valuation Date

Section 93 - Reference to Special Master

Section 94 - Notation on Stock Certificates of Pendency of Bill

Section 95 - Costs; Interest

Section 96 - Dividends and Voting Rights After Demand for Payment

Section 97 - Status of Shares Paid For

Section 98 - Exclusive Remedy; Exception

Section 99 - Petition for Dissolution in Supreme Judicial Court; Cases

Section 100 - Voluntary Dissolution; Manner

Section 101 - Dissolution by State Secretary

Section 102 - Continuation for Purposes of Litigation and Settlement of Affairs

Section 103 - Petition for Distribution; Notice

Section 104 - Receivership; Dissolved or Terminated Corporation; Jurisdiction; Application; Powers of Receiver

Section 105 - Receivership; Corporation as Judgment Debtor; Powers of Receiver

Section 106 - Duties of Receiver

Section 107 - Dissolution; Return; Notice to Corporation

Section 108 - Revival of Dissolved Corporation for General or Limited Purposes; Conditions; Effect

Section 109 - Annual Report; Contents

Section 112 - Annual Report; Failure or Refusal to File; Penalties

Section 113 - Action to Recover Penalties and Forfeitures; Venue; Injunction

Section 114 - Filing Fees

Section 115 - Conveyance of Land

Section 116 - Certificate of Good Standing