Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 35 - County Treasurers, State Supervision of County Accounts and County Finances
Section 53a - Director of Affirmative Action; Affirmative Action Plan; Reports

Section 53A. The county commissioners of each county shall designate or appoint a director of affirmative action who shall be the chief affirmative action officer for their respective county. Said person so designated shall not be a county commissioner. The person so designated shall presently be employed by said county. The person to be designated or appointed to said position shall possess: three years full-time or equivalent part-time experience in personnel administration or in a related field, or in a program or position in which their duties significantly involve affirmative action programs, or significant involvement in a community organization dealing with minority employment, or has earned a baccalaureate degree from a recognized college or university in the field of public administration, business administration, personnel administration, urban planning, social work, counseling, or in any related field of study or has successfully completed courses toward a graduate degree in the above fields. The person so designated shall receive no additional compensation for such appointment, and the county shall not consider the position held prior to such appointment vacant and shall not hire any additional employee in consideration of this appointment. In addition, said person shall also have a knowledge of the problems of minorities, females, and other affected groups when seeking employment, a knowledge of the elements of affirmative action programs, laws, regulations and guidelines, a knowledge of the various personnel selection processes, a knowledge of social psychology and its application, a knowledge of interviewing and counseling techniques, the ability to analyze written and statistical data in conjunction with planning abilities, good writing skills and oral expression, the ability to coordinate effectively with other public and private agencies, and the administrative skills to operate and supervise the office of affirmative action. The director of affirmative action shall report to and be under the direct supervision of the county commissioners.
Said director, with the assistance of the county personnel director, shall develop a county affirmative action plan. The purpose of this plan shall be to highlight equal employment opportunity discrepancies and to establish affirmative measures to ensure equal opportunity in the areas of hiring, promotion, demotion, transfer, recruitment, layoff, termination, rate of compensation, inservice or apprenticeship training programs, grievance procedures, and all terms and conditions of employment. Such affirmative actions shall include efforts required to remedy the effects of present and past discriminatory patterns and practices, as well as actions necessary to guarantee equal employment opportunity for all people. Said director shall also monitor all county contracts with outside vendors to ensure that every effort is made to utilize minority and women vendors and that contractors engaged for county work have instituted their own affirmative action plans.
Said director shall, from time to time, but at least every three months, report to the commissioners of the progress being made by all appointing and hiring authorities in meeting their affirmative action plans. Said director, with the approval of the county commissioners, may designate certain employees as department or office affirmative action representatives. Said affirmative action representatives shall monitor the implementation of and compliance with the affirmative action plan in their departments or offices and report on same for said director.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VI - Counties and County Officers

Chapter 35 - County Treasurers, State Supervision of County Accounts and County Finances

Section 1 - Qualifications; Election; Tenure

Section 2 - Assistant Treasurer; Bond; Duties

Section 3 - Oaths; Bonds

Section 4 - Salaries; Source of Payment

Section 7 - Commissioners Acting by Appointment; Compensation; Travel Expenses

Section 8 - Traveling Expenses

Section 9 - Wilful Violation of Duty; Penalties

Section 10 - Collection and Disbursement of County Funds; Investment of Funds

Section 10a - Disbursement of Matching Funds for Federally Funded Programs

Section 11 - Payment of Expenses, etc.; Restrictions

Section 12 - Expenses of Court Sittings; Court Costs for Indigent Parties; Delivery of Bills to Treasurer

Section 13 - Filing of Bills

Section 14 - Statement of Law Authorizing Payment of Accounts; Liability for Payments; Exceptions

Section 15 - Accounts; Form and Contents

Section 16 - Fiscal Year

Section 18 - Suffolk and Nantucket Counties; Applicability of Laws

Section 19 - County Salaries; Payment; Payroll Deductions; Deposits to Employee Bank Accounts Authorized

Section 19a - Accumulated Vacation Allowance; Payment Upon Death or Separation From Service

Section 19b - Deceased Officers and Employees; Payment of Salary to Next of Kin; Effect

Section 19c - Deposits in Credit Union; Pension or Retirement Allowances

Section 20 - Prosecution of Suits Upon Bonds, Notes, etc.; Joinder of Treasurer as Party

Section 21 - Delinquency of Officers as to Money Payments; Notification of District Attorney

Section 22 - Disposition of Surplus Money; Deposits; Investments; Interest

Section 22a - Deposit of Funds Restricted

Section 23 - Money Paid Into Courts; Disposition; Interest

Section 23a - Unclaimed Funds; Disposition

Section 24 - Overdue Accounts; Interest Charge

Section 25 - Annual Report; Contents

Section 26 - Annual Report of County Commissioners; Contents

Section 26a - Capital Facilities and Capital Facility Projects; Jurisdiction of Capital Planning and Operations Division

Section 27 - Annual Reports; Publication and Distribution

Section 27a - Treasurer and Custodian of Certain Funds

Section 28 - Estimates of County Receipts and Expenditures; Preparation; Recordation

Section 28b - Advisory Board for County Expenditures; Action on Proposed Budget; Public Hearing; Capital Improvement Fund

Section 30 - Taxes; Approval; Computation

Section 31 - Taxes; Apportionment, Assessment and Collection

Section 32 - Provisions of Appropriation Acts for Counties and County Hospitals; Approved Schedules; Certification; Transfers; Purposes; Expenditures in Excess of Appropriations; Reserve Fund

Section 32a - Contributory Retirement Systems; Anticipated Costs; Recovery of Pension Costs

Section 34 - Expenses and Liabilities Incurred Prior to Appropriations; Limitations; Exceptions

Section 34a - Expenses Incurred Prior to Appropriation; Highway Agreements Excepted

Section 35 - Enforcement of Provisions; Conditions

Section 36 - County Receipts, Cash on Hand and Expenditures; Monthly Account

Section 36a - Emergency Borrowing for Extraordinary Expenditures

Section 37 - Borrowing Funds in Anticipation of Tax Income

Section 37a - Bonds and Notes; Method of Payment; Use of Proceeds; Limitations

Section 37b - Temporary Notes; Refunding; Payment

Section 38 - Sale of Notes or Securities; Bids Required; Exceptions

Section 38a - Bonds Issued Subject to Call and Redemption

Section 38b - Refunding Bonds and Notes; Issuance; Limitations

Section 39 - Interest Rates

Section 39a - Forms for Note Issues; Contents, Etc.

Section 39b - Notes; Procedure for Issuance

Section 39c - Bearer Notes; Procedure for Issuance

Section 39d - Payment of Notes; Notice

Section 39e - Certification Fee; Refunds

Section 39f - Effect of Certification

Section 39g - Facsimile of County Seal on Bonds, etc.; Validity

Section 39h - Facsimile of County Seal on Bonds, etc.; Authorization of Making and Use

Section 39i - Facsimile of County Seal on Bonds or Notes; Validity of Signatures of Officers Leaving Office Before Delivery of Bonds or Notes

Section 40 - Fines; Accounting; Returns

Section 41 - Payments to Treasurers; Sworn Statements

Section 42 - Auditor of Boston; Additional Duty

Section 43 - Exchange of Order Instruments for Bearer Instruments; Penalty for Noncompliance

Section 43a - Surety Bonds of Officers and Employees; Payment of Premiums

Section 43b - Recovery on Surety Bonds of Officers and Employees; Effect of Acceptance by County of Additional Annual Bond

Section 47 - Penalty for Noncompliance With Orders

Section 48 - Establishment of Board; Membership; Election; Tenure, Etc.

Section 49 - Classification of Positions; ''salary'' Defined

Section 51 - Personnel Board; Powers and Duties; Discharge of Employees, Etc.

Section 51a - Definitions

Section 51b - Salary Schedules

Section 52 - Classification and Allocation of Offices and Positions; Review

Section 53 - County Commissioners; Powers and Duties

Section 53a - Director of Affirmative Action; Affirmative Action Plan; Reports

Section 54 - Newly Elected Officers, etc., to Receive Minimum Rate; Exceptions; Recommendations for Promotions, Etc.

Section 55 - Salaries to Be Full Compensation; Overtime Pay, Etc.

Section 56 - Suffolk County; Applicability of Act; Classification Agencies in Other Counties

Section 57 - Deferred Compensation Program for Employees; Authorized Investments; Requisites; Limitations

Section 57a - Employee Individual Retirement Accounts