Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 35 - County Treasurers, State Supervision of County Accounts and County Finances
Section 18 - Suffolk and Nantucket Counties; Applicability of Laws

Section 18. Sections ten, fourteen, twenty-five to twenty-nine, inclusive, and forty-four shall not apply to Suffolk county, nor shall sections fifteen, sixteen, twenty-five to thirty, inclusive, and thirty-two to thirty-four, inclusive, affect the special laws relative to Suffolk or Nantucket county.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VI - Counties and County Officers

Chapter 35 - County Treasurers, State Supervision of County Accounts and County Finances

Section 1 - Qualifications; Election; Tenure

Section 2 - Assistant Treasurer; Bond; Duties

Section 3 - Oaths; Bonds

Section 4 - Salaries; Source of Payment

Section 7 - Commissioners Acting by Appointment; Compensation; Travel Expenses

Section 8 - Traveling Expenses

Section 9 - Wilful Violation of Duty; Penalties

Section 10 - Collection and Disbursement of County Funds; Investment of Funds

Section 10a - Disbursement of Matching Funds for Federally Funded Programs

Section 11 - Payment of Expenses, etc.; Restrictions

Section 12 - Expenses of Court Sittings; Court Costs for Indigent Parties; Delivery of Bills to Treasurer

Section 13 - Filing of Bills

Section 14 - Statement of Law Authorizing Payment of Accounts; Liability for Payments; Exceptions

Section 15 - Accounts; Form and Contents

Section 16 - Fiscal Year

Section 18 - Suffolk and Nantucket Counties; Applicability of Laws

Section 19 - County Salaries; Payment; Payroll Deductions; Deposits to Employee Bank Accounts Authorized

Section 19a - Accumulated Vacation Allowance; Payment Upon Death or Separation From Service

Section 19b - Deceased Officers and Employees; Payment of Salary to Next of Kin; Effect

Section 19c - Deposits in Credit Union; Pension or Retirement Allowances

Section 20 - Prosecution of Suits Upon Bonds, Notes, etc.; Joinder of Treasurer as Party

Section 21 - Delinquency of Officers as to Money Payments; Notification of District Attorney

Section 22 - Disposition of Surplus Money; Deposits; Investments; Interest

Section 22a - Deposit of Funds Restricted

Section 23 - Money Paid Into Courts; Disposition; Interest

Section 23a - Unclaimed Funds; Disposition

Section 24 - Overdue Accounts; Interest Charge

Section 25 - Annual Report; Contents

Section 26 - Annual Report of County Commissioners; Contents

Section 26a - Capital Facilities and Capital Facility Projects; Jurisdiction of Capital Planning and Operations Division

Section 27 - Annual Reports; Publication and Distribution

Section 27a - Treasurer and Custodian of Certain Funds

Section 28 - Estimates of County Receipts and Expenditures; Preparation; Recordation

Section 28b - Advisory Board for County Expenditures; Action on Proposed Budget; Public Hearing; Capital Improvement Fund

Section 30 - Taxes; Approval; Computation

Section 31 - Taxes; Apportionment, Assessment and Collection

Section 32 - Provisions of Appropriation Acts for Counties and County Hospitals; Approved Schedules; Certification; Transfers; Purposes; Expenditures in Excess of Appropriations; Reserve Fund

Section 32a - Contributory Retirement Systems; Anticipated Costs; Recovery of Pension Costs

Section 34 - Expenses and Liabilities Incurred Prior to Appropriations; Limitations; Exceptions

Section 34a - Expenses Incurred Prior to Appropriation; Highway Agreements Excepted

Section 35 - Enforcement of Provisions; Conditions

Section 36 - County Receipts, Cash on Hand and Expenditures; Monthly Account

Section 36a - Emergency Borrowing for Extraordinary Expenditures

Section 37 - Borrowing Funds in Anticipation of Tax Income

Section 37a - Bonds and Notes; Method of Payment; Use of Proceeds; Limitations

Section 37b - Temporary Notes; Refunding; Payment

Section 38 - Sale of Notes or Securities; Bids Required; Exceptions

Section 38a - Bonds Issued Subject to Call and Redemption

Section 38b - Refunding Bonds and Notes; Issuance; Limitations

Section 39 - Interest Rates

Section 39a - Forms for Note Issues; Contents, Etc.

Section 39b - Notes; Procedure for Issuance

Section 39c - Bearer Notes; Procedure for Issuance

Section 39d - Payment of Notes; Notice

Section 39e - Certification Fee; Refunds

Section 39f - Effect of Certification

Section 39g - Facsimile of County Seal on Bonds, etc.; Validity

Section 39h - Facsimile of County Seal on Bonds, etc.; Authorization of Making and Use

Section 39i - Facsimile of County Seal on Bonds or Notes; Validity of Signatures of Officers Leaving Office Before Delivery of Bonds or Notes

Section 40 - Fines; Accounting; Returns

Section 41 - Payments to Treasurers; Sworn Statements

Section 42 - Auditor of Boston; Additional Duty

Section 43 - Exchange of Order Instruments for Bearer Instruments; Penalty for Noncompliance

Section 43a - Surety Bonds of Officers and Employees; Payment of Premiums

Section 43b - Recovery on Surety Bonds of Officers and Employees; Effect of Acceptance by County of Additional Annual Bond

Section 47 - Penalty for Noncompliance With Orders

Section 48 - Establishment of Board; Membership; Election; Tenure, Etc.

Section 49 - Classification of Positions; ''salary'' Defined

Section 51 - Personnel Board; Powers and Duties; Discharge of Employees, Etc.

Section 51a - Definitions

Section 51b - Salary Schedules

Section 52 - Classification and Allocation of Offices and Positions; Review

Section 53 - County Commissioners; Powers and Duties

Section 53a - Director of Affirmative Action; Affirmative Action Plan; Reports

Section 54 - Newly Elected Officers, etc., to Receive Minimum Rate; Exceptions; Recommendations for Promotions, Etc.

Section 55 - Salaries to Be Full Compensation; Overtime Pay, Etc.

Section 56 - Suffolk County; Applicability of Act; Classification Agencies in Other Counties

Section 57 - Deferred Compensation Program for Employees; Authorized Investments; Requisites; Limitations

Section 57a - Employee Individual Retirement Accounts