Section 51. Articles seized under the preceding section may, after due notice and hearing, be adjudged to be forfeited, and may be ordered to be sold or destroyed in such manner as the court or magistrate may direct, and the proceeds, if any, paid into the county treasury.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Title XX - Public Safety and Good Order
Section 4 - Persons Authorized to Enter and Inspect Premises; Inspections of Institutions; Reports
Section 5a - Unvented Liquid Fired Space Heaters; Use or Sale Prohibited
Section 6 - Neglect or Refusal of Officers to Comply With Duty
Section 7 - Reports of Marshal and Commissioner of Insurance
Section 9a - Model Rocket Engines; Storage; Manufacture; Use; Sale
Section 10 - Regulations Relative to Fire Prevention
Section 10b - Violation of Regulations of Board
Section 10e - Apprentice Certificates; Fee; Duration; Expiration; Renewal
Section 10f - Rules and Regulations Regarding Types and Classes of Certificates
Section 10g - Suspension or Revocation of Certificates
Section 10h - Firms or Corporations; Licensing Requirements
Section 11 - Expert Assistants; Laboratory
Section 14 - Inflammable Fluids in Motor Vehicles
Section 15 - Transportation of Explosives or Inflammable Materials; Violation of Regulations
Section 16 - Fireworks, Explosives and Inflammable Materials; Violations; Penalties
Section 17 - Restraint of Erection or Use of Buildings in Violation of Statute or Regulations
Section 19 - Bonds for Blasting Permits; Filing Fee
Section 20 - Actions on Bonds; Employee of Permittee; Pro Rata Payment of Claims
Section 20a - Bond for Blasting Operations in More Than One Place
Section 20c - Liability for Damages Caused by Blasting
Section 21 - Enforcement of Laws and Regulations Relative to Blasting
Section 22 - Injuries From Explosives Kept or Transported Contrary to Statutes or Regulations
Section 23 - Keeping and Use of Inflammable Fluids; Permit; Fee
Section 23a - Inflammable Anti-Freeze in Hydrants
Section 24 - Keeping and Handling of Fire Menace Material; Carpenter or Paint Shop in Habitation
Section 25 - Use of Salamanders or Stoves for Drying Materials
Section 25a - Second Hand Space Heaters; Unvented Space Heaters
Section 25b - Unvented Liquid Fired Space Heaters; Use or Sale Prohibited
Section 25c - Sale of Decorating Candles; Rules and Regulations
Section 25d - Manufacture and Sale of Children's Clothing and Sleepwear; Rules and Regulations
Section 25e - Residential Gas Appliances; Sale or Installation
Section 26 - Installation of Automatic Equipment on Order of Marshal
Section 26a - Automatic Sprinklers in High Rise Buildings; Enforcement; Appeals
Section 26c - Certain Public Accommodations; Automatic Smoke or Heat Detectors
Section 26d - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 26d to 26f
Section 26e - Residential Buildings or Structures; Installation of Smoke Detectors
Section 26h - Lodging or Boarding Houses; Automatic Sprinkler Systems
Section 26i - Multiple Dwelling Units; New Construction; Automatic Sprinkler Systems
Section 27 - Failure to Comply With Order of Marshal
Section 27b - Piling Snow on Fire Hydrants; Penalty
Section 28 - Regulations to Prevent Fire Hazards and Fires
Section 28a - Reports of Violations of Building Laws
Section 28b - Buildings With Canine Guards; Reports
Section 30 - Violations; Notice and Enforcement of Orders or Regulations
Section 30a - Unlawful Tampering, Etc. With Notice of Violation; Punishment
Section 31 - Appeals to Marshal
Section 33 - Duties and Powers of Marshal
Section 34 - Violation of Statutes
Section 34a - Assembly Use Group Building; Dangerous Condition
Section 34b - Serious Bodily Injury; Penalties
Section 34c - Subsequent Violations of State Building Code or State Fire Code
Section 34d - Enforcement of Orders of Marshall or Head of Fire Department
Section 37b - Grants for Removal or Replacement of Fuel Storage Tanks
Section 38 - Regulations Relative to Tanks
Section 39a - Regulations for Permits for Displays of Fireworks; Fees
Section 40 - Storage of Fireworks; Bonds for Manufacture and Storage; Fee
Section 42 - Displays or Exhibits of Fireworks; Bonds
Section 43 - Actions on Bonds; Pro Rating Claims; Other Remedies
Section 44 - Firecrackers and Pyrotechnical Ship or Railway Signals
Section 45 - Violation of Secs. 40 to 44
Section 46 - Inflammable Stove Polish and Foundry Paste; Regulations; Penalties
Section 51 - Forfeiture of Explosive, Inflammable and Combustible Substances; Sale or Destruction; Proceeds
Section 52 - Matches Kept for Sale or Use in Store
Section 52a - Sale of Exploding Matches, Cigars or Cigarettes
Section 55 - Explosive Golf Balls
Section 57 - Siding as Conductor of Electricity; Approval
Section 58 - Fire Extinguishing Systems, Issuance of Certificates for Installation and Servicing
Section 59 - Display of Street Address Number on Buildings; Use in Enhanced 911 Service