Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 146 - Inspection of Boilers, Air Tanks, Etc. Licenses of Engineers, Firemen, and Operators of Hoisting Machinery
Section 50 - Prerequisites for Examinations

Section 50. To be eligible for examination for a second class fireman's license, a person must furnish evidence as to his previous training, and, except students attending all day state aided vocational high schools in the steam engineering course or students performing the duties of a first or second class fireman at said school, be at least eighteen years of age; provided, however, that no such license issued shall be used in employment by the holder thereof unless he is at least eighteen years of age.
To be eligible for examination for a first class fireman's license, a person must furnish evidence as to his previous training and experience and must have been employed in a boiler or steam power plant as a steam engineer, fireman, control room operator, watertender auxiliary operator or engineer's assistant for not less than one year, or he must have held and used a second class fireman's license for not less than six months.
To be eligible for examination for a third class engineer's license, a person must be a citizen or furnish proof of having filed a declaration of his intention to become a citizen of the United States, must furnish evidence as to his previous training and experience and must have been employed in a boiler or steam power plant as a steam engineer, fireman, control room operator, watertender auxiliary operator or engineer's assistant for not less than one and one half years, or held and used an equivalent license in the United States merchant marine for one year or used a current third class steam license issued by another state for one year or must have held and used a first class fireman's license for not less than one year.
To be eligible for examination for a second class engineer's license, a person must be a citizen or furnish proof of having filed a declaration of his intention to become a citizen of the United States, must furnish evidence as to his previous training and experience and must have been employed as an engineer in charge of or operating a steam plant or plants having at least one engine or turbine of not less than fifty horse power for not less than two years or held and used an equivalent license in the United States merchant marine for two years, or have held and used an equivalent license from another state for two years or must have held and used a third class engineer's license either as an engineer, assistant engineer, control room operator or a fireman for not less than one year, or must be a person who has held and used a special license to operate a first class plant for not less than two years, except any person who is a United States citizen and served three years as an apprentice to the machinist or boiler making trade in stationary, marine or locomotive engine or boiler works and who has been employed one year in connection with the operation of a steam plant, or any person who has a bachelor of science degree in engineering from any duly recognized school of engineering, who has been employed for one year in connection with the operation of a steam plant, shall be eligible for examination for a second class engineer's license.
To be eligible for examination for a first class engineer's license, a person must be a citizen or furnish proof of having filed a declaration of his intention to become a citizen of the United States, must furnish evidence as to his previous training and experience and must have been employed for not less than three years as an engineer in charge of a steam plant or plants having at least one engine or turbine of over one hundred and fifty horse power, or must have held and used a second class engineer's license in a second class plant for not less than one and one half years, or in a first class plant as assistant engineer for one and one half years or held and used an equivalent license in the United States merchant marine for three years or have held and used an equivalent license from another state for three years.
Every application for any grade of license, except a second class fireman or special application granted under the provisions of chapter one hundred and forty-six, shall be indorsed by an engineer or fireman holding the same or higher grade of license. The indorsee shall state his name, address, grade of license currently in force and that he has personal knowledge of the applicant's experience and trustworthiness. The license of an indorsee making a wilful falsification shall be suspended or revoked. District engineering inspectors of the department of fire services shall not indorse applications, except when applying the oath when the applicant is being examined.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XX - Public Safety and Good Order

Chapter 146 - Inspection of Boilers, Air Tanks, Etc. Licenses of Engineers, Firemen, and Operators of Hoisting Machinery

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 1a - Inspectors; Appointment; Powers and Duties; Appointment as Special State Police; Oath of Office

Section 2 - Duties of Board of Boiler Rules; Rules in General; Prescription of Tests; Form of Certificate of Inspection; Assistance of Attorney General

Section 3 - Changes in Rules; Hearings; Notices

Section 4 - Effective Date of Changes in Rules Affecting Construction of Boilers; Special Type of Boilers

Section 5 - Enforcement of Statutes and Rules; Entry of Premises in Pursuance of Duties

Section 6 - Annual Inspection; Extension of Time; First Inspection

Section 7 - Boilers Excepted From Inspections

Section 8 - Necessity of Inspection; Issuance, Display and Accessibility of Certificate

Section 9 - Pressure; Safety Appliances

Section 10 - Reports as to Boilers Not Inspected by Insurers

Section 11 - Inspections While Boiler Is Being Operated

Section 12 - Removing, Tampering With or Loading Safety Valve

Section 13 - Persons Authorized to Inspect Boilers

Section 14 - Inspectors of Insurers; Notice of Cessation of Employment

Section 15 - Non-Certificated Inspectors of Insurers

Section 16 - Inspection Certificate Issued by Insurer and Signed by Non-Certificated Inspector

Section 17 - Reports by Inspectors; Recommendations

Section 18 - Reports of Inspections by Insurers

Section 19 - Reports of Cancellation and Refusal of Insurance

Section 20 - Safety Appliances For, and Inspection Of, Heating Boilers

Section 21 - Preparation of Boiler for Inspection; Notice; Forbidding Operation of Boiler

Section 22 - Fees; Payment to Commonwealth

Section 23 - Certificate of Inspection; Prerequisites; Necessity

Section 24 - Numbering, Stamping or Tagging Boiler; Defacement or Removal of Number

Section 25 - Submission of Information of Boiler Inspection by Insurance Company to Department; Issuance of Certificate of Inspection

Section 26 - Insurance on Non-Certificated Boiler; Notice; Inspection; Boiler Not Conforming to Rules

Section 27 - Certificate of Inspection; Contents; Display; Accessibility

Section 29 - Notification of Defects

Section 30 - Expiration or Cancellation of Insurance

Section 31 - Hydrostatic Pressure Test

Section 32 - Prevention of Entry on Premises

Section 33 - Violation of Statutes or Rules

Section 34 - Compressed Air Tanks; Necessity of Certificate of Inspections; Exceptions

Section 35 - Regulations

Section 36 - Inspections

Section 37 - Notice of Location of Tanks

Section 38 - Reports of Inspections by Insurers

Section 39 - Inspection Tests; Preparation

Section 40 - Fees; Payment to Commonwealth

Section 41 - Violation of Statutes or Regulations

Section 42 - Ammonia Compressor Safety Valves

Section 43 - Rules; Formulation

Section 44 - Rules; Effect; Printing; Furnished on Request

Section 45 - Changes in Rules

Section 45a - Necessity of Certificate of Inspection for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems; Exceptions; Inspections; Reports; Prohibition of Operation; Fees; Rules and Regulations; Penalty

Section 46 - Necessity of Licenses for Engineers and Firemen; Exceptions

Section 46a - Checklist for Steam Boiler Maintenance

Section 47 - Prima Facie Evidence of Violation of Statute

Section 48 - Ascertainment of Horse Power

Section 49 - Classes of Licenses and Work Permitted; License Renewal; Continuing Education

Section 50 - Prerequisites for Examinations

Section 50a - Nuclear Power Plant Operators and Engineers; Eligibility of Applicants; Examinations; Fees

Section 50b - Nuclear Power Plant Operators and Engineers; Licenses Classified

Section 50c - Nuclear Power Plant Operators and Engineers; Minimum Supervising and Shift Requirements

Section 51 - Display of License; Daily Record of Boiler, Condition and Repairs; Filing; Accessibility

Section 53 - Necessity of Licenses for Operating Hoisting Machinery Not Run by Steam; Classification of Hoisting Machinery; Exemptions

Section 53a - Rules and Regulations; Classifications of Hoisting Machinery; Criteria for Issuing Apprentice Operator Licenses

Section 54 - Carrying of License or Temporary Permit

Section 54a - Violation of Sec. 53, 53a, or 54; Penalties

Section 55 - Violation of Statutes or Rules; Prevention of Entry on Premises

Section 56 - Examiners of Applicants for Certificates of Competency to Inspect Boilers, and for Licenses as Engineers or Firemen; Administration of Oath to Applicants

Section 56a - Examiners of Applicants for Certificates of Competency to Operate Hoisting Machinery and to Inspect Amusement Devices; Administration of Oath to Applicants; Issuance of Temporary Permits

Section 57 - Application; Fees, Number of Examinations; Frequency of Applications

Section 57a - Application for License as Operator of Hoisting Machinery Not Run by Steam; Form; Examination Fee

Section 58 - Taking Notes at Examinations and on Appeals; Representative of Insurer

Section 59 - Suspension, Revocation, Loss or Destruction of Certificates or Licenses; Fee

Section 60 - Request of Insurer for Examination of Person Applying for Inspector of Boilers Position Accompanying Application; Fee

Section 60a - Request of Insurer for Examination of Person Applying for Inspector of Amusement Devises Position Accompanying Application; Fee; Eligibility for Certificate of Competency

Section 61 - Board of Examiners for Certification of Competency to Inspect Steam Boilers; Subject Matter of Examination

Section 61a - Board of Examiners for Certification of Competency to Inspect Amusement Devices; Subject Matter of Examination

Section 62 - Certificate of Competency to Inspect Steam Boilers; Term; Expiration Date; Notice; Renewal; Lapse; Reexamination; Fees; Suspension or Revocation

Section 62a - Certificate of Competency to Inspect Amusement Devices; Term; Expiration Date; Notice; Renewal; Lapse; Reexamination; Fees; Suspension or Revocation

Section 63 - Appeals; Rehearing; Fee; Finality of Decision

Section 64 - Engineers and Firemen; Examinations; Appeal

Section 65 - Operators of Hoisting Machinery; Licenses; Application; Examination

Section 65a - Issuance of Temporary Permits by Person or Entity From Which Hoisting Machinery Is to Be Rented

Section 66 - Appeal of Refusal, Suspension or Revocation of License to Act as Engineer or Fireman; Board of Appeal; Finality of Decision

Section 66a - Appeal of Refusal, Suspension or Revocation of License to Act as Operator of Hoisting Machinery; Board of Appeal; Finality of Decision

Section 67 - Licenses; Duration; Fees; Expiration; Renewal; Revocation

Section 67a - Examiners for the Certification of Oil Burner Technicians; Place and Time of Examinations

Section 69 - Expenditures by State Fire Marshal for Work and Apparatus

Section 70 - Inspection of Hot Water Heating Boilers; Changes in Rules for Construction of New Boilers

Section 71 - Unlawful Operation of Boilers; Certificate of Inspection; Identification Number; Inspection Fees

Section 72 - Hydrostatic Test

Section 73 - Insurance Company Inspection; Authorization

Section 74 - Safety Appliances; Tampering; Maximum Pressure

Section 75 - Employment of Inspectors by Insurance Companies

Section 76 - Inspector of Boilers; Certificate of Competency Required

Section 77 - Reports and Recommendations of Inspectors; Insurance Cancellation or Refusal Report

Section 78 - Preparation of Boilers for Inspection; Notice of Defect to Division; Operation Forbidden Pending Issuance of Certificate of Inspection

Section 79 - Certificate of Inspection; Contents; Display

Section 80 - Violations; Written Notice of Violation; Appeals; Penalties

Section 81 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 81 to 88

Section 82 - Pipefitting Examining and Licensing Rules; Classification of Pipefitter Licenses

Section 83 - Examiners of Applicants for Fire Sprinkler System Contractor, Pipefitter, Refrigeration and Sprinkler Fitter Licenses; Rules; Codes

Section 84 - Necessity for License

Section 85 - License Applications; Examinations; Fees; Renewal; Expiration

Section 85a - Apprentice Sprinkler Fitters

Section 86 - Classification and Limitation of Licenses

Section 87 - Pipefitters, Inapplicability of Provisions

Section 88 - Refrigeration Technicians, Inapplicability of Provisions

Section 88a - Exclusion From Sprinkler Fitter's Examination and Licensing Requirements for Certain Public Water System Employees

Section 89 - Penalties

Section 90 - Fee for the Issuance of Certificate of Inspection