Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 258b - Rights of Victims and Witnesses of Crime
Section 5 - Programs Created and Maintained by District Attorneys; Services

Section 5. Each district attorney shall create and maintain, to the extent reasonably possible and subject to the available resources, a program to afford victims and witnesses of crimes the rights and services described in this chapter. Those services shall include but not be limited to the following:
(a) court appearance notification services, including cancellations of appearances;
(b) informational services relative to the availability and collection of witness fees, victim compensation and restitution;
(c) escort and other transportation services related to the investigation or prosecution of the case, if necessary;
(d) case process notification services;
(e) employer intercession services;
(f) expedited return of property services;
(g) protection services;
(h) family support services including child and other dependent care services;
(i) waiting facilities; and
(j) social service referrals.