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Section 1 - Definitions - Section 1. As used in this chapter, the following words...
Section 2 - Eligibility of Victim for Services - Section 2. Prosecutors shall not be precluded from providing, subject...
Section 3 - Rights Afforded Victims, Witnesses or Family Members - Section 3. To provide victims a meaningful role in the...
Section 4 - Victim and Witness Assistance Board - Section 4. There is hereby established a victim and witness...
Section 5 - Programs Created and Maintained by District Attorneys; Services - Section 5. Each district attorney shall create and maintain, to...
Section 6 - Program Plan - Section 6. Each district attorney shall submit annually on January...
Section 7 - Interagency Cooperation - Section 7. The district attorney, local law enforcement agencies, local...
Section 8 - Assessments Imposed by Court - Section 8. The court shall impose an assessment of no...
Section 9 - Deposit of Assessments - Section 9. Any assessment imposed pursuant to section eight shall...
Section 10 - Construction - Section 10. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as...
Section 11 - Duration of Rights and Duties - Section 11. The rights and duties established under this chapter...
Section 12 - Assurance of Rights; Assistance by Criminal Justice Agencies - Section 12. Law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, judges, probation officers, clerks...
Section 13 - Failure to Provide Rights, Privileges, or Notice to Victim; No Grounds for Appeal of or Objection to Conviction - Section 13. A defendant or person convicted of a criminal...