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Section 1 - Definitions - Section 1. As used in this chapter, the following words...
Section 2 - Eligibility for Compensation - Section 2. (a) No compensation shall be paid under this...
Section 3 - Maximum Award; Compensable Expenses - Section 3. (a) The maximum award for compensation to a...
Section 4 - Division of Victim Compensation and Assistance; Program Director; Powers and Duties - Section 4. (a) The division of victim compensation and assistance...
Section 5 - Filing and Proof of Claims; Civil Investigative Demands - Section 5. (a)(1) A claim for compensation under this chapter...
Section 6 - Notification by Claimant of Change in Address - Section 6. The claimant shall have a continuing obligation to...
Section 7 - Notice to Claimant; Payment of Compensation - Section 7. (a) Within fifteen days of completion of the...
Section 8 - Request for Reconsideration of Award or Denial - Section 8. (a) Within 20 days of the date of...
Section 9 - Judicial Review - Section 9. (a) Within thirty days of the date of...
Section 10 - Amounts Received by Claimant From Other Sources; Offset - Section 10. No compensation shall be awarded or paid unless...
Section 11 - Subrogation - Section 11. Acceptance of any compensation under this chapter shall...
Section 12 - Misrepresentations or Concealment; Fines and Damages - Section 12. Any person who: (a) submits a false or...
Section 13 - ''good Samaritans''; Liability - Section 13. No person who, in good faith, provides or...
Section 14 - Debt Collection Activities by Health Care Provider Prohibited Until Award Made or Claim Denied - Section 14. When a person files a claim pursuant to...