Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 91 - Waterways
Section 5 - Power to Take or Purchase Real Property

Section 5. With the consent of the governor and council, the department may take by eminent domain under chapter seventy-nine or acquire by purchase or otherwise, and hold, such real property and such rights and easements therein as the department may from time to time consider necessary for the purpose of constructing, or securing the constructing or utilizing of, piers and, in connection therewith, highways, waterways, railroad connections, storage yards and sites for warehouses and industrial establishments, and may lay out and build thereon, and upon such other lands within its jurisdiction under section three, such piers, with buildings and appurtenances, docks, highways, waterways, railroad connections, storage yards and public warehouses as the department deems desirable; provided, that if general plans bearing the signed approval of the department, given after due notice and a hearing, describing the property and showing the location and character of any proposed docks, piers, wharves, warehouses, factories, power plants, and industrial terminals, of adequate and proper design and general suitability for the purposes for which they are to be used, shall be filed with the department, together with a notice signed by the owners or lessees or by others having legal rights in the premises stating that they propose to construct upon the property described the improvements shown by said plans and claiming exemption from the taking by eminent domain as herein authorized of any of such property, including the lands upon which said improvements are to be constructed, then said land and said improvements shall not be taken by the department by right of eminent domain without authorization of the general court granted within forty years after the date of filing of said plans, if substantial construction in general accordance with such plans is actually begun in good faith within one year after the date of approval by the department of the plans, and if said improvements are finished substantially in accordance therewith within five years after the beginning of construction of said improvements unless the department shall extend the time within which said improvements shall be completed; and provided, that after completion, said improvements during said period of forty years are kept in suitable repair and are used for the purposes to which said approval applied, and provided, that if general plans bearing the signed approval of the department, given after due notice and a hearing, and describing the property, and the location and character of any existing docks, piers, wharves, warehouses, factories, power plants, and industrial terminals, and certifying that they are of proper design and adequate and suitable for the purposes for which they are to be used, and that they are in proper condition and in thorough repair, shall be filed with the department, together with a notice signed by the owners or lessees, or others having legal rights in the premises and claiming exemption from the taking by eminent domain as authorized by this section of any such property, including the lands upon which said improvements have been constructed, then said land and said improvements shall not be taken by the department by the right of eminent domain without authorization of the general court granted within forty years after the date of the approval by the department, if during that time such property is kept in suitable repair and is used for the purposes to which said approval applied; and provided, that none of the exemptions from the right of eminent domain herein provided for shall apply to the taking by the department of any property necessary for providing suitable and convenient track connections between the rails serving any piers that may be built, or acquired or improved under sections four and five or may have been built or acquired or improved under corresponding provisions of earlier laws, and the rails of any existing or proposed railroad that reaches or may reach Boston.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XIV - Public Ways and Works

Chapter 91 - Waterways

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Duties of Public Works Department Relative to Commonwealth Lands

Section 2a - Powers as to Property Acquired, Built or Improved in Plymouth by Pilgrim Tercentenary Commission

Section 3 - Powers as to Boston Harbor

Section 4 - Improvement of Boston Harbor; Access to Piers, Railroads, Etc.

Section 5 - Power to Take or Purchase Real Property

Section 6 - Power to Lease Piers, etc.; Port of Boston Fund

Section 7 - Piers, etc.; Freight Loading Equipment; Rules and Regulations

Section 8 - Acquisition of Apple Island and Shore Lands

Section 9 - Utilization Plans for Acquired Property

Section 9a - Construction or Reconstruction of Piers and Waterfront Terminal Facilities; Written Contracts

Section 10 - Powers and Duties Relative to Harbors, Etc.

Section 10a - Temporary Moorings of Floats or Rafts; Permits, Issuance or Refusal; Review; Public Nuisances

Section 10c - Docking of Commercial Vessels; Permits; Applications; Appeal

Section 10d - Scuba Divers and Skin Divers; Access to Commonwealth Tidelands

Section 11 - Improvement and Preservation of Rivers, Streams, Harbors, Etc.

Section 11a - Resource Protection, Navigational Safety and Development Projects; Work Agreements With Local Authorities

Section 12 - License for Structures in Connecticut, Westfield and Merrimack Rivers

Section 12a - License for Structures in Rivers or Streams Where Expenditures for Channel Improvement and Flood Control Already Made

Section 13 - Licenses for Booms in Connecticut River and Structures in Great Ponds

Section 14 - License for Structures in or Over Tide Water; Conduits or Cables Under Tide Water; Private or Commonwealth Tidelands

Section 15 - Revocation and Expiration of Authority or License; Exception; Mortgageable Interest

Section 16 - Cessation, Determination of Authority or License for Non-Use

Section 17 - Construction of Licenses; Approval

Section 18 - Application for License; Notice; Hearings; Records

Section 18a - Public Access to Great Ponds; Petition

Section 18b - Secretary as Administrator of Tidelands; Duties; Public Benefit Review and Public Benefit Determination; Appointment of Public Information Officer

Section 18c - Noncommercial Small-Scale Docks, Piers and Similar Structures Accessory to Residential Use; Issuance of General License; Applicability of Other Laws to Projects Subject to General License

Section 19 - Restriction on Structures in Great Ponds

Section 19a - Lowering Waters of Great Ponds; Penalty

Section 20 - Supervision by Department of Erections Under Legislative Grants

Section 21 - Compensation for Displacement of Tidewater

Section 22 - Compensation When Title to Land Is in Commonwealth

Section 23 - Unauthorized Work in Public Waters; Public Nuisances

Section 24 - Money Paid Into General Fund

Section 25 - Supervision of Province Lands

Section 26 - Exemption of Portion of Province Lands From Certain Provisions of Law

Section 27 - Bounds of Province Lands; Regulations

Section 28 - Unlawful Existing Structures

Section 29 - Improvement of Tidal and Non-Tidal Waters by Counties or Towns; Assumption of Liability for Improvements

Section 29a - Protection of Private Property Along Shores; Construction of Structures by Cities or Towns

Section 30 - Removal of Gravel, Sand, Stones, Etc. From Beaches; Notice; Penalty

Section 30a - Removal of Natural Barriers Preventing Erosion by Sea; Jurisdiction of Superior Court; Penalty

Section 31 - Surveys and Improvements for Preservation of Harbors

Section 32 - Survey of Connecticut River

Section 33 - Improvement of Topographical Survey of Commonwealth; Sale of Maps

Section 34 - Establishment of Harbor Lines

Section 35 - Great Ponds; Definition

Section 36 - Applications to Congress for Appropriations for Harbors

Section 37 - Enforcement of Stipulations in Deeds From Commonwealth

Section 38 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 38 to 48

Section 39 - Willful Abandonment of Vessel on Public Lands or Shores of the Commonwealth

Section 40 - Application for Title to Abandoned Vessel; Priority of Claims; Prerequisites to Filing; Notice to Owner or Lienholder

Section 41 - Failure of Owner or Lienholder to Claim Vessel; Application for Title by Claimant

Section 42 - Granting of Title to Claimant

Section 43 - Removal, Destruction or Sale of Vessel by Claimant After Receipt of Title

Section 43a - Removal of Obstructing Vessel by Department; Department as Claimant

Section 43b - Penalty for Willful Abandonment of Vessel; Exceptions

Section 43c - Fraudulent Claim to Abandoned Vessel; Penalty

Section 43d - Rules and Regulations Relating to Secs. 38 to 43c

Section 44 - Liability of Insurer

Section 45 - Application to Federal Government for Reimbursement

Section 46 - License for Breaking Up and Disposing of Floating Structures

Section 46a - Violations of Sec. 46; Penalty

Section 47 - Application for License; Issuance; Conditions; Bond

Section 48 - Failure to Comply With Terms of License; Completion of Work by Department

Section 49a - Removal of Whales or Other Mammals From Tidewaters

Section 49b - Removal of Dilapidated or Unsafe Wharves or Piers; Notice; Revocation of License; Liability for Cost; Lien

Section 50 - Foreign Corporations Engaged in Business of Wrecking or Salvaging; License; Bond; Penalty

Section 51 - Impairment of Right or Authority Derived From Federal Government

Section 52 - Supervision of Transportation and Dumping of Dredged Material in Tidewaters; Payment of Cost; Burning and Towing of Rubbish

Section 53 - Terms of License

Section 54 - Dumping; Notice; Inspector; Cost of Supervision

Section 55 - Penalty for Violating Secs. 52 to 54

Section 56 - Application of Secs. 52 to 55 to Federal Government and Its Agents

Section 57 - Jurisdiction of Supreme Judicial Court

Section 58 - Arrest Without Warrant

Section 59 - Discharge of Petroleum Products, Refuse or Other Matter Into or on Lakes, Rivers or Tidal Waters; Penalty; Exception; Enforcement

Section 59a - Tort Liability for Discharge or Deposit of Crude Petroleum or Products; Double Damages

Section 59b - Marinas; Licensing by Division of Water Pollution Control; Restrictions; Term; Renewal; Fees

Section 63 - Salvage, Recovery, Etc. of Underwater Archaeological Resources; Permits; Restrictions; Disposition of Resources; Enforcement; Violations; Penalties; Jurisdiction and Venue

Section 64 - Uniform Beach Warning and Safety Flag Program