Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 25 - Department of Public Utilities
Section 4b - Authority of Commissioner Upon Declaration of State of Emergency

Section 4B. Upon declaration by the governor that a state of emergency exists, the governor may authorize the chairman of the department of public utilities to take such action that the chairman may consider necessary to assure public safety and welfare through the priority restoration or continuing availability of gas, electric and water utility services. Under such authority, the chairman may issue operational and management directives and order expenditures or other measures by any investor-owned utility that the chairman considers necessary to respond to the state of emergency, including but not limited to, expenditures for the deployment of personnel, equipment and other assets or property of an alternative utility to assume responsibility for the restoration of service if, in the judgment of the chairman, the affected utility is incapable of restoring service. The chairman shall have immediate access to all utility documents, information and personnel necessary to respond to the state of emergency; provided, however, that documents and information provided to the chairman during such state of emergency shall be subject to the exemption provided by subclause (n) of clause 26 of section 7 of chapter 4, to the extent necessary to protect the public safety. The chairman may temporarily suspend any department rule or regulation and implement any emergency rule, procedure or protocol that is necessary to respond to the emergency. Any orders issued by the chairman shall expire within 30 business days unless ratified by the commission prior to the 30 day expiration; provided, however, that said ratification by the commission shall prescribe an end date for each order. Expenses authorized by the chairman under this section may be recognized by the department for all purposes as proper business expenses of the affected utility or alternative utility subject to investigation and recovery through rates. The affected utility shall be required to reimburse the alternative utility for all its costs incurred within 90 days of the receipt of invoices for the cost of service. Failure of any investor-owned utility to carry out an order by the chairman authorized under this section shall be subject to investigation and a penalty of up to $1,000,000 per violation. A penalty levied by the department shall be returned to ratepayers through distribution rates. Any investor-owned utility aggrieved by an order or directive issued by the chairman under this section may request a hearing within 90 days from the date the state of emergency ends.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 25 - Department of Public Utilities

Section 1 - Department of Public Utilities; Seal

Section 1a - Department Priorities

Section 2 - Commonwealth Utilities Commission; Membership; Appointment and Terms; Chairman; Quorum; Salaries; Annual Report

Section 2a - Energy Advisory Board; Membership; Duties

Section 3 - Commissioners; Oath; Interests in Regulated Industry Companies

Section 4 - Chairman of Commission; Powers and Duties; Hearings; Investigations; Reports

Section 4a - Hearings on Change of Rates or Reduction in or Discontinuance of Service; Time and Place

Section 4b - Authority of Commissioner Upon Declaration of State of Emergency

Section 4c - Action for Appointment of Receiver to Oversee Operation of Investor-Owned Electric Distribution, Transmission or Natural Gas Distribution Company During Existence of Emergency

Section 5 - Rulings; Orders; Appeal; Costs; Staying Enforcement; Burden of Proof; Evidence

Section 5a - Witnesses; Summonses; Subpoenas; Fees

Section 5b - Rules and Regulations

Section 5c - Hazardous Materials; Rail Transportation Regulations

Section 5d - Trade Secrets, Confidential Information; Protection From Disclosure; Burden of Proof

Section 5e - Audit of Companies Subject to Jurisdiction of Department; Time of Commencement; Payment of Costs; Filing of Results

Section 7 - Duties Relative to Common Carriers; Employees; Division of Railroad Track Inspection

Section 8 - Duties Relative to Common Carriers; Expenditures

Section 9 - Duties Relative to Water, Gas and Electric Companies; Expenditures; Employees

Section 10 - Officers and Employees; Supervision and Control

Section 10b - Filing Fees

Section 12f - Transportation Division; Director; Assistants

Section 12g - Transportation Division; Investigations and Inquiries

Section 12n - Facility Siting Division

Section 12o - Department of Telecommunications and Energy Trust Fund

Section 12p - Department of Public Utilities Storm Trust Fund

Section 12q - Department of Public Utilities Energy Facilities Siting Board Trust Fund

Section 12r - Department of Public Utilities Unified Carrier Registration Trust Fund

Section 18 - Assessments Upon Energy Companies Based on Intrastate Revenues; Rates; Suspension of Rates

Section 18a - Assessment Against Steam Distribution Companies; Apportionment; Time for Payment; Credit for Unexpended Funds

Section 19 - Funding for Energy Efficiency Programs; Mandatory Charge per Kilowatt-Hour; Other Funding; Gas Energy Efficiency Programs; Allocation of Funds; Transfer of Funds for the Clean Energy Equity Workforce and Market Development Program

Section 20 - Funding for Development and Promotion of Renewable Energy Projects; Mandatory Charge per Kilowatt-Hour; Election by Certain Municipal Lighting Plants

Section 21 - Energy Efficiency and Demand Reduction Resources Cost-Effective or Less Expensive Than Supply Preferred; Energy and Natural Gas Efficiency Investment Plans; Failure to Reasonably Comply With Plan

Section 22 - Energy Efficiency Advisory Council; Membership; Duties; Quarterly Report to Council

Section 23 - Division for the Administration, Implementation and Enforcement of Chapter 159a1/2; Funding From Surcharge on Transportation Network Companies