Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 25 - Department of Public Utilities
Section 22 - Energy Efficiency Advisory Council; Membership; Duties; Quarterly Report to Council

Section 22. (a) The department shall appoint and convene an energy efficiency advisory council which shall consist of 15 members, including 1 person representing each of the following: (1) residential consumers, (2) the low-income weatherization and fuel assistance program network, (3) the environmental community, (4) businesses, including large C&I end-users, (5) the manufacturing industry, (6) energy efficiency experts, (7) organized labor, (8) the department of environmental protection, (9) the attorney general, (10) the executive office of housing and economic development, (11) the Massachusetts Non-profit Network, (12) a city or town in the commonwealth, (13) the Massachusetts association of realtors, (14) a business employing fewer than 10 persons located in the commonwealth that performs energy efficiency services and (15) the department of energy resources. Interested parties shall apply to the department for designation as members. Members shall serve for terms of 5 years and may be reappointed. The commissioner of energy resources shall serve as chair of the council. A member who is a representative of energy efficiency experts shall not have a contractual relationship with an electric or natural gas distribution company doing business in the commonwealth or any affiliate of such company, or any municipal aggregator. There shall be 1 non-voting, ex-officio member from each of the electric and natural gas distribution companies, 1 from each of the approved municipal aggregators, 1 from the heating oil industry, 1 from ISO New England and 1 from energy efficiency businesses.
  (b) The council shall, as part of the approval process by the department, seek to maximize net economic benefits through energy efficiency and load management resources and to achieve energy, capacity, climate and environmental goals through a sustained and integrated statewide energy efficiency effort. The council shall review and approve demand resource program plans and budgets, work with program administrators in preparing energy resource assessments, determine the economic, system reliability, climate and air quality benefits of efficiency and load management resources, conduct and recommend relevant research, and recommend long term efficiency and load management goals to maximize economic savings and achieve environmental goals. Approval of efficiency and demand resource plans and budgets shall require a two-thirds majority vote. The council shall, as part of its review of plans, examine opportunities to offer joint programs providing similar efficiency measures that save more than 1 fuel resource or to coordinate programs targeted at saving more than one fuel resource. Any costs for joint programs shall be allocated equitably among the efficiency programs.
  (c) The council may retain expert consultants; provided, however, that such consultants shall not have any contractual relationship with an electric or natural gas distribution company doing business in the commonwealth or any affiliate of such company.
  The council shall annually submit to the department a proposal regarding the level of funding required for the retention of expert consultants and reasonable administrative costs. The proposal shall be approved by the department either as submitted or as modified by the department. The department shall allocate funds sufficient for these purposes from the natural gas and electric efficiency funding authorized under section 19; provided, however, that such allocation shall not exceed 1 per cent of such funding on an annual basis. The consultants used under this section shall be experts in energy efficiency and shall be independent.
[ Subsection (d) effective until June 24, 2021. For text effective June 24, 2021, see below.]
  (d) The electric and natural gas distribution companies and municipal aggregators shall provide quarterly reports to the council on the implementation of their respective plans. The reports shall include a description of the program administrator's progress in implementing the plan, a summary of the savings secured to date and such other information as the council shall determine. The council shall provide an annual report to the department and the joint committee on telecommunications, utilities and energy on the implementation of the plan which includes descriptions of the programs, expenditures, cost-effectiveness and savings and other benefits during the previous year.
[ Subsection (d) as amended by 2021, 8, Secs. 29 and 30 effective June 24, 2021. For text effective until June 24, 2021, see above.]
  (d) The electric and natural gas distribution companies and municipal aggregators shall provide quarterly reports to the council on the implementation of their respective plans. The reports shall include a description of the program administrator's progress in implementing the plan, a summary of the savings secured to date, a quantification of the degree to which the activities undertaken pursuant to each plan contribute to meeting any and all greenhouse gas emission limits and sublimits imposed by statute or regulation and such other information as the council shall determine. The council shall provide an annual report to the department and the joint committee on telecommunications, utilities and energy on the implementation of the plan which includes descriptions of the programs, expenditures, cost-effectiveness and savings and other benefits during the previous year and a quantification of the degree to which the activities undertaken pursuant to each plan contribute to meeting any and all greenhouse gas emission limits and sublimits imposed by statute or regulation.
  (e) A business employing fewer than 10 persons located in the commonwealth that performs energy efficiency services may only be appointed to the energy efficiency advisory council, under subsection (a), if the business is elected by a majority of businesses performing energy efficiency services in the Mass Save program.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 25 - Department of Public Utilities

Section 1 - Department of Public Utilities; Seal

Section 1a - Department Priorities

Section 2 - Commonwealth Utilities Commission; Membership; Appointment and Terms; Chairman; Quorum; Salaries; Annual Report

Section 2a - Energy Advisory Board; Membership; Duties

Section 3 - Commissioners; Oath; Interests in Regulated Industry Companies

Section 4 - Chairman of Commission; Powers and Duties; Hearings; Investigations; Reports

Section 4a - Hearings on Change of Rates or Reduction in or Discontinuance of Service; Time and Place

Section 4b - Authority of Commissioner Upon Declaration of State of Emergency

Section 4c - Action for Appointment of Receiver to Oversee Operation of Investor-Owned Electric Distribution, Transmission or Natural Gas Distribution Company During Existence of Emergency

Section 5 - Rulings; Orders; Appeal; Costs; Staying Enforcement; Burden of Proof; Evidence

Section 5a - Witnesses; Summonses; Subpoenas; Fees

Section 5b - Rules and Regulations

Section 5c - Hazardous Materials; Rail Transportation Regulations

Section 5d - Trade Secrets, Confidential Information; Protection From Disclosure; Burden of Proof

Section 5e - Audit of Companies Subject to Jurisdiction of Department; Time of Commencement; Payment of Costs; Filing of Results

Section 7 - Duties Relative to Common Carriers; Employees; Division of Railroad Track Inspection

Section 8 - Duties Relative to Common Carriers; Expenditures

Section 9 - Duties Relative to Water, Gas and Electric Companies; Expenditures; Employees

Section 10 - Officers and Employees; Supervision and Control

Section 10b - Filing Fees

Section 12f - Transportation Division; Director; Assistants

Section 12g - Transportation Division; Investigations and Inquiries

Section 12n - Facility Siting Division

Section 12o - Department of Telecommunications and Energy Trust Fund

Section 12p - Department of Public Utilities Storm Trust Fund

Section 12q - Department of Public Utilities Energy Facilities Siting Board Trust Fund

Section 12r - Department of Public Utilities Unified Carrier Registration Trust Fund

Section 18 - Assessments Upon Energy Companies Based on Intrastate Revenues; Rates; Suspension of Rates

Section 18a - Assessment Against Steam Distribution Companies; Apportionment; Time for Payment; Credit for Unexpended Funds

Section 19 - Funding for Energy Efficiency Programs; Mandatory Charge per Kilowatt-Hour; Other Funding; Gas Energy Efficiency Programs; Allocation of Funds; Transfer of Funds for the Clean Energy Equity Workforce and Market Development Program

Section 20 - Funding for Development and Promotion of Renewable Energy Projects; Mandatory Charge per Kilowatt-Hour; Election by Certain Municipal Lighting Plants

Section 21 - Energy Efficiency and Demand Reduction Resources Cost-Effective or Less Expensive Than Supply Preferred; Energy and Natural Gas Efficiency Investment Plans; Failure to Reasonably Comply With Plan

Section 22 - Energy Efficiency Advisory Council; Membership; Duties; Quarterly Report to Council

Section 23 - Division for the Administration, Implementation and Enforcement of Chapter 159a1/2; Funding From Surcharge on Transportation Network Companies