Section 49A. A society operating on the lodge system with a representative form of government whose rates are on a basis of mortality not lower than the National Fraternal Congress Table as adopted by the National Fraternal Congress on August 23, 1899, or any society formed under section 45, if its constitution and by-laws so provide, may pay a pension to any employee who has been continuously in the service of the society for ten years or more and who has become incapacitated for further service by reason of physical or mental disability, and may pay a pension to any employee who has been continuously in the service of the society for 15 years or more and who is retired by reason of the infirmities of age or has attained the age of 65 years. All moneys expended for the purposes of this section shall be paid from the expense fund of the society. This section shall not apply to any society formed under section 46.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Chapter 176p - Limited Societies
Section 3 - Representative Government; Elections; Meetings; Record
Section 4 - Limitation of Membership
Section 5 - Exemption From Certain Laws
Section 6 - Formation of Corporation; Purposes; Association Agreement
Section 7 - First Meeting; Notice; Adoption of By-Laws; Filing of Certificate
Section 11 - Limited Societies; Change of Location of Business; Change of Purpose of Corporation
Section 13 - Death Funds; Emergency Funds; Disability Funds
Section 13a - By-Laws; Creation of Independent Hospitalization and Medical Services Fund
Section 18 - Investment of Funds
Section 19a - Death Benefits Payable as Annuities
Section 20 - Death Benefit Certificates
Section 21 - Death or Annuity Benefits; Beneficiaries Designated by Members
Section 22 - Funeral Expenses of Insureds
Section 24 - Death Benefit Certificates as to Children
Section 26 - Separation of Assets, Funds and Liabilities
Section 27 - Mingling of Certain Funds
Section 28 - Actions by Beneficiaries
Section 29 - Attachment or Taking of Benefits to Pay Debt of Member or Beneficiary
Section 30 - Exemption From Attachment or Execution
Section 31 - Admission of Persons to Beneficial Membership
Section 32 - Constitution and By-Laws of Society; Amendments
Section 32a - Fraudulent Alteration or Concealment of Records
Section 33 - Location of Meetings; Location of Principal Office
Section 34 - Waiver of Constitutional Provisions
Section 35 - Filing Certified Copies of Amendments to Constitution or By-Laws With Commissioner
Section 37 - Copy of Commissioner's Examination Reports Served on Societies
Section 37a - Disbursements Made by Societies; Requirements
Section 38 - Annual Statement of Society's Condition and Standing
Section 38a - Applicability of Chapter 176v to a Limited Society Governed by This Chapter
Section 38b - Applicability of Chapter 176w to a Limited Society Governed by This Chapter
Section 39 - Annual Valuation Report in Addition to Annual Statement; Societies on Lodge System
Section 39a - Valuation of Bonds or Other Evidence of Debt
Section 41 - Licenses for Foreign Societies to Transact Business in Commonwealth
Section 42 - Foreign Societies; Service of Process
Section 42a - Foreign Societies; Deposit
Section 43 - Foreign Societies; Refusal to Issue License; Revocation of License
Section 44 - Foreign Societies; Examination by Commissioner
Section 46a - Subordinate Lodge of Society; Ritualistic Form of Work; Disability Benefits
Section 46b - Incorporated Domestic Society Transacting Business Under Sec. 45 or 46; Real Estate
Section 46c - Society Subject to Sec. 45 or 46; Payment of Benefits
Section 47 - Jurisdiction of Superior Court in Equity
Section 49 - Unauthorized Solicitation; Penalties
Section 49a - Pensions for Society Employees; Expense Fund