Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 176p - Limited Societies
Section 29 - Attachment or Taking of Benefits to Pay Debt of Member or Beneficiary

Section 29. The beneficiary under a certificate issued by any society may maintain an action thereon in his own name.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 176p - Limited Societies

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Lodge System

Section 3 - Representative Government; Elections; Meetings; Record

Section 4 - Limitation of Membership

Section 5 - Exemption From Certain Laws

Section 6 - Formation of Corporation; Purposes; Association Agreement

Section 7 - First Meeting; Notice; Adoption of By-Laws; Filing of Certificate

Section 8 - Lodge Plan; Preliminary License; Solicitation of Members; Collection of Payments; Minimum Membership; Issuance of Certificate

Section 9 - Certificate of Organization; Certificate Endorsed by Commissioner; Filing; Certification by State Secretary; Evidence of Corporate Existence

Section 10 - Certificate of Commissioner; Time Limitation; Certificate of Incorporation; Cessation of Business Operations

Section 11 - Limited Societies; Change of Location of Business; Change of Purpose of Corporation

Section 12 - Mergers; Transfers; Notice; Contracts, Financial Statements and Certificates; Commissioner's Approval

Section 13 - Death Funds; Emergency Funds; Disability Funds

Section 13a - By-Laws; Creation of Independent Hospitalization and Medical Services Fund

Section 14 - By-Laws; Payments by Members; Provisions; Purpose of Payments; Proportion of Payments Which May Be Used for Expenses

Section 15 - Deferred Payments; Installments of Claims; Fixed Liabilities on Happening of Contingency

Section 16 - Loans to Members; Accumulating and Maintaining Tabular Reserve Required by Table of Mortality

Section 17 - Societies Maintaining Surplus of Assets at Required Level May Waive Collection of Regular Mortuary Contributions From Members

Section 18 - Investment of Funds

Section 19 - Payment of Benefits for Disability on Account of Old Age; Periodical Member Contribution for Mortuary Purposes; Restrictions

Section 19a - Death Benefits Payable as Annuities

Section 20 - Death Benefit Certificates

Section 21 - Death or Annuity Benefits; Beneficiaries Designated by Members

Section 22 - Funeral Expenses of Insureds

Section 22a - Personal Representative or Family of Deceased; Freedom of Choice in Procuring Burial Supplies and Services

Section 23 - Payment of Death, Endowment or Annuity Benefits Upon Lives of Children Less Than 18 Years of Age

Section 24 - Death Benefit Certificates as to Children

Section 25 - Funds Representing Benefit Contributions for Lives of Children Less Than 18 Years of Age

Section 26 - Separation of Assets, Funds and Liabilities

Section 27 - Mingling of Certain Funds

Section 28 - Actions by Beneficiaries

Section 29 - Attachment or Taking of Benefits to Pay Debt of Member or Beneficiary

Section 30 - Exemption From Attachment or Execution

Section 31 - Admission of Persons to Beneficial Membership

Section 32 - Constitution and By-Laws of Society; Amendments

Section 32a - Fraudulent Alteration or Concealment of Records

Section 33 - Location of Meetings; Location of Principal Office

Section 34 - Waiver of Constitutional Provisions

Section 35 - Filing Certified Copies of Amendments to Constitution or By-Laws With Commissioner

Section 36 - Examinations of Domestic Societies by Commissioner; Confidentiality and Privilege; Proceedings Brought by Attorney General Against Domestic Societies

Section 37 - Copy of Commissioner's Examination Reports Served on Societies

Section 37a - Disbursements Made by Societies; Requirements

Section 38 - Annual Statement of Society's Condition and Standing

Section 38a - Applicability of Chapter 176v to a Limited Society Governed by This Chapter

Section 38b - Applicability of Chapter 176w to a Limited Society Governed by This Chapter

Section 39 - Annual Valuation Report in Addition to Annual Statement; Societies on Lodge System

Section 39a - Valuation of Bonds or Other Evidence of Debt

Section 40 - Deficiencies; Additional Contributions or Increased Rates of Contribution; Higher Rate Class of Members

Section 41 - Licenses for Foreign Societies to Transact Business in Commonwealth

Section 42 - Foreign Societies; Service of Process

Section 42a - Foreign Societies; Deposit

Section 43 - Foreign Societies; Refusal to Issue License; Revocation of License

Section 44 - Foreign Societies; Examination by Commissioner

Section 45 - Domestic Societies Governed by Direct Vote of Members; Membership Limited to Permanent Employees of Cities or Towns, Commonwealth or Federal Government; No Death Benefits; Annuities or Gratuities Contingent on Disabilities or Long Servic...

Section 46 - Domestic Societies; Limited Membership; Members and Ex-Members of Any Social Organization; Governing Provisions

Section 46a - Subordinate Lodge of Society; Ritualistic Form of Work; Disability Benefits

Section 46b - Incorporated Domestic Society Transacting Business Under Sec. 45 or 46; Real Estate

Section 46c - Society Subject to Sec. 45 or 46; Payment of Benefits

Section 46d - Grand or District Lodge of Secret Order or Fraternity Transacting Business Under Sec. 45 or 46; Benefits

Section 47 - Jurisdiction of Superior Court in Equity

Section 47a - Contract of Insurance or Benefit Certificate Issued in Violation of Any Provision of This Chapter

Section 48 - False or Fraudulent Statement or Representation by Society With Reference to Application for Membership; Penalties

Section 49 - Unauthorized Solicitation; Penalties

Section 49a - Pensions for Society Employees; Expense Fund

Section 50 - Violation of Chapter Provisions; Penalty