Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 51 - Voters
Section 42g1/2 - Automatic Voter Registration Agencies; Data Sharing

Section 42G1/2. (a)(1) For purposes of this section and section 42G, the term "automatic voter registration agency'' shall mean a location at a state agency where an eligible citizen may register to vote.
  (2) The state secretary shall determine that an agency collects "reliable citizenship information'' if the agency, in the regular course of business for serving applicants: (i) requests, in a clear, understandable and consistently stated manner, that customers affirm their citizenship status; and (ii) collects a signed affirmation of citizenship status or documentary proof of citizenship status such that records of citizens are segregable from non-citizens.
  (b)(1) The state secretary shall enter into memoranda of understanding with the registry of motor vehicles, the division of medical assistance and the commonwealth health insurance connector authority who shall serve as automatic voter registration agencies; provided, however, that the terms of such memoranda shall include, without limitation, the timeline for the establishment or enhancement of interfaces and the schedule for data to be shared between the secretary's office and the automatic voter registration agencies; and provided further, that only information obtained by the registry of motor vehicles from driver's license transactions and identification card transactions shall be used for automatic voter registration purposes. The state secretary may enter into memoranda of understanding with state agencies that collect reliable citizenship information for all applicants if the state secretary determines that enabling the agency to serve as an automatic voter registration agency will materially increase voter registration or the accuracy of the register of voters. Any such memorandum of understanding between the state secretary and an automatic voter registration agency shall provide that the state secretary shall conduct appropriate training of agency staff, shall provide all forms, material and equipment necessary to carry out voter registration activities and shall have oversight responsibility to ensure proper compliance with applicable provisions of federal and state law; provided further, that any such memorandum of understanding shall specify that all trainings, forms and materials shall be funded by the state secretary. Registration agencies not designated as automatic voter registration agencies shall continue to provide voter registration services as required by section 42G.
  (2) For each automatic voter registration agency, the state secretary shall: (i) conduct appropriate training of agency staff; (ii) make available voter registration forms; (iii) specify all material, language, forms and electronic interfaces necessary for the collection and transmission of the information needed to carry out activities under this section; (iv) eliminate to the extent practicable duplicative entries into the central voter registry; and (v) have oversight responsibility to ensure proper compliance with applicable provisions of federal and state law.
[ Subsection (c) effective until January 1, 2023. For text effective January 1, 2023, see below.]
  (c) An agency that has entered into a memorandum of understanding to become an automatic voter registration agency shall: (i) conduct automatic voter registration, as specified by subsections (d) to (g), inclusive; (ii) work with the state secretary to implement this chapter and meet the goals of automatic voter registration enumerated in section 65; and (iii) provide notice to each applicant: (A) explaining that the agency application shall serve as an attestation to eligibility and an application to register to vote unless the person declines to register to vote; (B) informing the applicant of the eligibility requirements to register to vote; and (C) advising the applicant that non-citizens are ineligible to register, and that the applicant must decline to register unless the applicant is a United States citizen and is otherwise eligible to register to vote.
[ Subsection (c) as amended by 2022, 92, Sec. 6 effective January 1, 2023. See 2022, 92, Sec. 29. For text effective until January 1, 2023, see above.]
  (c) An agency that has entered into a memorandum of understanding to become an automatic voter registration agency shall: (i) conduct automatic voter registration, as specified by subsections (d) to (g), inclusive; (ii) work with the state secretary to implement this chapter and meet the goals of automatic voter registration enumerated in section 65; and (iii) provide notice to each applicant: (A) explaining that the agency application shall serve as an attestation to eligibility and an application to register to vote unless the person declines to register to vote pursuant to subsection (d) of section 65; (B) informing the applicant of the eligibility requirements to register to vote; and (C) advising the applicant that non-citizens are ineligible to register, and that the applicant must decline to register unless the applicant is a United States citizen and is otherwise eligible to register to vote.
[ Subsection (d) effective until January 1, 2023. For text effective January 1, 2023, see below.]
  (d) In accordance with the memorandum of understanding required by subsection (b), each eligible applicant for services at an automatic voter registration agency who meets the qualifications to register to vote and does not decline to register to vote shall be registered as a voter under section 65 as of the date the registrar adds the person's name and address to the register of voters, pursuant to clause (4) of subsection (d) of said section 65; provided, however, that an applicant who meets the qualifications to register to vote, does not decline to register to vote and completes a qualifying transaction with an automatic voter registration agency not less than 21 days prior to an election shall be entitled to vote in that election.
[ Subsection (d) as amended by 2022, 92, Sec. 7 effective January 1, 2023. See 2022, 92, Sec. 29. For text effective until January 1, 2023, see above.]
  (d) In accordance with the memorandum of understanding required by subsection (b), each eligible applicant for services at an automatic voter registration agency who meets the qualifications to register to vote and does not decline to register to vote under subsection (d) of section 65 shall be registered as a voter under said section 65 as of the date the registrars add the person's name and address to the register of voters, pursuant to paragraph (4) of said subsection (d) of said section 65; provided, however, that an applicant who meets the qualifications to register to vote, does not decline to register to vote under said subsection (d) of said section 65 and completes a qualifying transaction with an automatic voter registration agency not less than 10 days before an election shall be entitled to vote in that election. If necessary to comply with federal law, the division of medical assistance and the commonwealth health insurance connector authority may allow an applicant to decline to register to vote at the time of application. Otherwise, all automatic voter registration agencies, including the registry of motor vehicles, shall transmit records of all eligible applicants as provided in subsection (e) and these applicants may decline to register to vote only after receiving notice from the registrars under paragraph (3) of said subsection (d) of said section 65.
  (e) For each applicant, an automatic voter registration agency shall transmit electronic records containing information on the applicant's legal name, age, residence, citizenship and the applicant's electronic signature to the state secretary who shall transmit the same to the board of registrars or election commission of the city or town in which the person resides, in a manner prescribed by the state secretary. An automatic voter registration agency may consult with the registry of motor vehicles or other agencies to augment data to be transmitted in a manner prescribed by the state secretary. An automatic voter registration agency shall not transmit a record that contains: (i) a home address designated as confidential pursuant to section 8 of chapter 9A; or (ii) a record that does not clearly and consistently contain both the applicant's electronic signature and sworn or verified information for the applicant's: (A) legal name; (B) age; (C) residence; and (D) citizenship.
  (f) The state secretary shall adopt regulations governing the collection and transmission of personal information under this subsection, which shall include, but not be limited to, provisions requiring automatic voter registration agencies to: (i) employ the most cost-effective forms of transmission; (ii) implement measures, such as encryption, to secure information in order to prevent security breaches and the unauthorized use of personal information, as required under section 3 of chapter 93H; (iii) implement measures for reporting security breaches or the unauthorized use of personal information as required under section 3 of chapter 93H; (iv) provide protections against disclosure of confidential information, including home addresses, designated as confidential pursuant to section 8 of chapter 9A; (v) make application forms available in English and Spanish, and in such additional languages as the state secretary deems necessary or as required by law; and (vi) work with the state secretary to insure, by public education and other methods, that information sufficient to understand the process for and consequences of automatic voter registration is available in all languages, as required by the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended and all languages the agency offers or provides services in.
  (g) Nothing in this subsection shall prevent an automatic voter registration agency from establishing and enforcing additional security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of inter-agency data transfers.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VIII - Elections

Chapter 51 - Voters

Section 1 - Qualifications of Voters

Section 1f - Persons Not Included in Register of Voters

Section 2 - Name of Registered Voter Changed

Section 3 - Place of Registration and Voting; Change of Residence

Section 4 - Making of Lists by Registrars or Boards

Section 4a - Notifying Residents of Opportunity to Register

Section 6 - Street Lists

Section 7 - Form, Contents and Distribution of Street Lists

Section 8 - Persons Omitted From Lists; Certificate

Section 10a - Statements by Innholders, Etc.

Section 11 - Records Kept

Section 12 - Posting of Penalty Sections

Section 14 - Death of Resident; Notice

Section 14a - Assistance in Making Lists

Section 14b - Applicability of Chapter to Cities and Towns Governed by Special Law

Section 15 - Board of Registrars in Certain Cities and Towns; Appointment; Term of Office

Section 16a - Board of Election Commissioners; Powers and Duties; Members; Appointment; Term of Office

Section 17 - Board of Registrars in Certain Cities; Appointment; Term of Office

Section 17a - Annual Training on State and Federal Election Laws and Regulations

Section 18 - Political Representation by Board of Registrars

Section 19 - Unequal Political Representation; Notice and Hearing

Section 20 - Vacancies in Board of Registrars; Temporary Registrars

Section 21 - Registrars; Term of Office

Section 22 - Assistant Registrars in Cities and Towns; Appointment; Term; Political Representation

Section 22a - Absent Registration Officers; Appointment; Political Representation; Physically Disabled Registrants

Section 23 - Registrars, Assistant Registrars and Absent Registration Officers; Oath of Office; Compensation

Section 24 - Powers and Duties

Section 25 - Registrars; Assistant Registrars; Compatibility of Offices

Section 26 - Registration Sessions

Section 26a - High School Voter Challenge Program

Section 28 - Last Day for Registration

Section 31 - Final Day for Registration

Section 32 - Places and Hours of Sessions; Notices

Section 33 - Affidavits of Registration

Section 33a - Online Completion of Affidavit of Registration

Section 34 - Persons Not Registered at Close of Registration

Section 35 - Omitted Listings Compared With Annual Register of Voters; Exceptions

Section 36 - Affidavit of Voter Registration; Distribution; Expenses

Section 37 - Annual Register; Omitted Names; Notice

Section 37a - Inactive Voters List

Section 38 - Revisions and Corrections of Registers, Etc.

Section 40 - Public Sessions; Inspection of Records

Section 41 - Preservation of Documents

Section 41a - Duties Imposed by Secs. 10a and 37 in Cities Not Having Registrars

Section 42 - Affidavit of Registration; Exception

Section 42a - Physically Disabled Applicants

Section 42c - Registration Sessions in High Schools and Vocational Schools

Section 42d - Registration Sessions in Regional High Schools, Colleges or Universities

Section 42e - Voter Registration Affidavit Forms for College, High School and Vocational School Students

Section 42f - Affidavits of Registration From Registrants Residing in Other Cities or Towns

Section 42g - Transmission of Completed Affidavits to City or Town Where Registrant Resides; Cooperative Agreements

Section 42g1/2 - Automatic Voter Registration Agencies; Data Sharing

Section 42h - Receipt of Completed Affidavit by Registrar

Section 44 - Completion of Affidavit of Voter Registration Form

Section 45a - Production of Naturalization Papers for Inspection; Notation

Section 46 - Affidavit of Registration; Filing; Addition of Voter's Name to Annual Register

Section 46a - Transmittal of Duplicate Certificate of Registration to Place of Voter's Last Registration

Section 47 - Rejection of Defective Affidavit of Registration; Notices to Person Named

Section 47a - Pre-Registration of Persons Having Obtained the Age of 16

Section 47b - False Statements in Affidavit of Registration; Complaint and Summons; Examination of Qualifications

Section 47c - Central Registry of Voters; Agreement With Electronic Registration Information Center, Inc.

Section 48 - Complaint; Time for Filing; Summons and Service of Process

Section 49 - Examination of Persons Summoned; Status for Annual Register; Failure to Appear

Section 50 - Supplementary Registration

Section 51 - Certificate of Supplementary Registration; Voting Thereon

Section 51a - Confidential Registration Certificate

Section 52 - Duties of Registrars

Section 52a - Solicitation of Votes and Distribution of Campaign Literature in Registration Offices Prohibited; Penalties

Section 53 - Police Assistance at Meetings

Section 54 - Supervisors of Registration; Appointment; Duties; Interference With Supervisors; Penalties

Section 55 - Preparation of Voting Lists; Contents and Arrangement; Distribution; Revisions

Section 57 - Posting of Lists; Copies for State Political Committees

Section 58 - New Names Added to Lists; Distribution of Copies; Posting or Publication

Section 59 - Certificate in Case of Omissions or Clerical Errors; Voting Procedure

Section 60 - Voting Lists for Use at Polls

Section 61 - Certification of Registered Voters

Section 62 - Certified Copies for Use at Caucus; Party Enrollment Designations

Section 63 - Lists Furnished for New Wards and Voting Precincts

Section 64 - Online Portal for Verification of Registration or Pre-Registration Status

Section 65 - Administration of Automatic Voter Registration; Duties of Registrars Upon Receipt of Electronic Records; Electronic Interfaces; Annual Reports; Opting Out; Liability of Ineligible Persons Registered Under This Section; Use of Information...

Section 66 - Provision of Data to State Secretary for Maintenance of Voter Lists; Provision of Data to Electronic Registration Information Center, inc.; Centralized Data Management