Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 51 - Voters
Section 37 - Annual Register; Omitted Names; Notice

Section 37. The registrars, as soon as they have prepared the lists required by section four, shall prepare an annual register containing the names of all qualified voters in their city or town for the current year, beginning with January first, except the name of any person who provides the registrars with a copy of a court order granting protection, or evidence of residence in a protective shelter, or an affidavit signed by a chief of police or his designee that said person is entitled to have certain information withheld from the public under section 24C of chapter 265. Such names shall be arranged in alphabetical order, and, opposite to the name of each voter, shall be placed his residence on January first preceding or on any subsequent day when he became an inhabitant of the city or town. The registrars shall enter in the annual register every name contained in the lists prepared by them under section four which they can identify as that of a person whose name was borne on the voting list of the city or town at the last preceding election or town meeting, giving the residence of each such person on January first of the current year. They shall make all inquiries and investigations necessary to identify such person, and they shall not enter in the annual register the name of a person objected to by any registrar, nor shall they enter in such register as residing at any licensed inn, lodging house or public lodging house the name of a person which has not been reported to them under section ten A, until such person has been duly notified and given an opportunity to be heard. They shall forthwith enter in the annual register the name of every person who has registered as a voter in the current year. They shall, on or before the first Monday of June in each year, send notice in writing to each voter of the preceding year whose name has not been entered in the annual register of the current year that the name of such voter may be removed from the voting list if the voter fails to respond to the notice and does not vote in the next two biennial state elections following the mailing of such notice. Such notice shall (1) be postage prepaid; (2) contain a preaddressed and postage prepaid return card; (3) be sent by forwardable mail; (4) instruct the voter to return the card before the last day to register if the voter did not change residence from the city or town; and (5) contain additional information about remaining eligible to vote, as prescribed by the state secretary. The registrars shall prepare a list of the names of voters not so entered, which shall be open to public inspection in their principal office, and shall be posted by copy in accordance with the same schedule of times and in the places where copies of voting lists are required to be posted under section fifty-seven. The registrars, in addition, may publish such lists in a newspaper devoted wholly or chiefly to the publication of local or general news. Copies of said lists shall be made available to members of the public upon payment of the cost of the copying thereof.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VIII - Elections

Chapter 51 - Voters

Section 1 - Qualifications of Voters

Section 1f - Persons Not Included in Register of Voters

Section 2 - Name of Registered Voter Changed

Section 3 - Place of Registration and Voting; Change of Residence

Section 4 - Making of Lists by Registrars or Boards

Section 4a - Notifying Residents of Opportunity to Register

Section 6 - Street Lists

Section 7 - Form, Contents and Distribution of Street Lists

Section 8 - Persons Omitted From Lists; Certificate

Section 10a - Statements by Innholders, Etc.

Section 11 - Records Kept

Section 12 - Posting of Penalty Sections

Section 14 - Death of Resident; Notice

Section 14a - Assistance in Making Lists

Section 14b - Applicability of Chapter to Cities and Towns Governed by Special Law

Section 15 - Board of Registrars in Certain Cities and Towns; Appointment; Term of Office

Section 16a - Board of Election Commissioners; Powers and Duties; Members; Appointment; Term of Office

Section 17 - Board of Registrars in Certain Cities; Appointment; Term of Office

Section 17a - Annual Training on State and Federal Election Laws and Regulations

Section 18 - Political Representation by Board of Registrars

Section 19 - Unequal Political Representation; Notice and Hearing

Section 20 - Vacancies in Board of Registrars; Temporary Registrars

Section 21 - Registrars; Term of Office

Section 22 - Assistant Registrars in Cities and Towns; Appointment; Term; Political Representation

Section 22a - Absent Registration Officers; Appointment; Political Representation; Physically Disabled Registrants

Section 23 - Registrars, Assistant Registrars and Absent Registration Officers; Oath of Office; Compensation

Section 24 - Powers and Duties

Section 25 - Registrars; Assistant Registrars; Compatibility of Offices

Section 26 - Registration Sessions

Section 26a - High School Voter Challenge Program

Section 28 - Last Day for Registration

Section 31 - Final Day for Registration

Section 32 - Places and Hours of Sessions; Notices

Section 33 - Affidavits of Registration

Section 33a - Online Completion of Affidavit of Registration

Section 34 - Persons Not Registered at Close of Registration

Section 35 - Omitted Listings Compared With Annual Register of Voters; Exceptions

Section 36 - Affidavit of Voter Registration; Distribution; Expenses

Section 37 - Annual Register; Omitted Names; Notice

Section 37a - Inactive Voters List

Section 38 - Revisions and Corrections of Registers, Etc.

Section 40 - Public Sessions; Inspection of Records

Section 41 - Preservation of Documents

Section 41a - Duties Imposed by Secs. 10a and 37 in Cities Not Having Registrars

Section 42 - Affidavit of Registration; Exception

Section 42a - Physically Disabled Applicants

Section 42c - Registration Sessions in High Schools and Vocational Schools

Section 42d - Registration Sessions in Regional High Schools, Colleges or Universities

Section 42e - Voter Registration Affidavit Forms for College, High School and Vocational School Students

Section 42f - Affidavits of Registration From Registrants Residing in Other Cities or Towns

Section 42g - Transmission of Completed Affidavits to City or Town Where Registrant Resides; Cooperative Agreements

Section 42g1/2 - Automatic Voter Registration Agencies; Data Sharing

Section 42h - Receipt of Completed Affidavit by Registrar

Section 44 - Completion of Affidavit of Voter Registration Form

Section 45a - Production of Naturalization Papers for Inspection; Notation

Section 46 - Affidavit of Registration; Filing; Addition of Voter's Name to Annual Register

Section 46a - Transmittal of Duplicate Certificate of Registration to Place of Voter's Last Registration

Section 47 - Rejection of Defective Affidavit of Registration; Notices to Person Named

Section 47a - Pre-Registration of Persons Having Obtained the Age of 16

Section 47b - False Statements in Affidavit of Registration; Complaint and Summons; Examination of Qualifications

Section 47c - Central Registry of Voters; Agreement With Electronic Registration Information Center, Inc.

Section 48 - Complaint; Time for Filing; Summons and Service of Process

Section 49 - Examination of Persons Summoned; Status for Annual Register; Failure to Appear

Section 50 - Supplementary Registration

Section 51 - Certificate of Supplementary Registration; Voting Thereon

Section 51a - Confidential Registration Certificate

Section 52 - Duties of Registrars

Section 52a - Solicitation of Votes and Distribution of Campaign Literature in Registration Offices Prohibited; Penalties

Section 53 - Police Assistance at Meetings

Section 54 - Supervisors of Registration; Appointment; Duties; Interference With Supervisors; Penalties

Section 55 - Preparation of Voting Lists; Contents and Arrangement; Distribution; Revisions

Section 57 - Posting of Lists; Copies for State Political Committees

Section 58 - New Names Added to Lists; Distribution of Copies; Posting or Publication

Section 59 - Certificate in Case of Omissions or Clerical Errors; Voting Procedure

Section 60 - Voting Lists for Use at Polls

Section 61 - Certification of Registered Voters

Section 62 - Certified Copies for Use at Caucus; Party Enrollment Designations

Section 63 - Lists Furnished for New Wards and Voting Precincts

Section 64 - Online Portal for Verification of Registration or Pre-Registration Status

Section 65 - Administration of Automatic Voter Registration; Duties of Registrars Upon Receipt of Electronic Records; Electronic Interfaces; Annual Reports; Opting Out; Liability of Ineligible Persons Registered Under This Section; Use of Information...

Section 66 - Provision of Data to State Secretary for Maintenance of Voter Lists; Provision of Data to Electronic Registration Information Center, inc.; Centralized Data Management