Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 131 - Inland Fisheries and Game and Other Natural Resources
Section 40a - Orders Protecting Inland Wetlands

Section 40A. The commissioner of environmental protection shall from time to time, for the purpose of preserving and promoting the public safety, private property, wildlife, fisheries, water resources, flood plain areas and agriculture, adopt, amend or repeal orders regulating, restricting or prohibiting dredging, filling, removing or otherwise altering or polluting inland wetlands. In this section, the term ''inland wetlands'' shall include the definition of ''freshwater wetlands'' as set forth in section forty, and it shall further include that portion of any bank which touches any inland waters of any freshwater wetland, and any freshwater wetland subject to flooding.
The commissioner of environmental protection shall protect flood plain areas by establishing by order that, along any waterway or flood-prone area lines beyond which in the direction of the waterway or flood-prone area, no obstruction or encroachment shall be placed by any person, firm or corporation, public or private, unless authorized by the commissioner. Said commissioner, in establishing such encroachment lines shall base their location on the boundaries of the area which have been mapped, designated and recorded as inland wetlands in accordance with the provisions of this section.
The commissioner of environmental protection shall, before adopting any such order under the preceding paragraphs, hold a public hearing thereon in the city or town or watershed region in which the inland wetlands or flood plains to be affected are located, giving notice thereof to the state reclamation board, the department of environmental management, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, the selectmen, conservation commissioners and assessors of each such city or town, and each assessed owner of such wetland or flood plains by certified mail at least twenty-one days prior thereto. For the purposes of this section, the person to whom the land was assessed in the last preceding annual tax levy shall be deemed to be the assessed owner thereof, and the notice shall be addressed in the same manner as the notice of such tax levy unless a different owner or a different address is known by said commissioner to be the correct one in which case the notice shall be so addressed. No order shall be adopted until it is approved by the selectmen or city council of the town or city in which said wetlands or flood plains are located; provided, however, that if the selectmen or the city council fail to approve or disapprove in writing, stating reasons for such disapproval, such proposed order within thirty days after receipt of a written request from said commissioner such order shall be deemed to have been approved; and provided, further, if such order is so disapproved said commissioner may, after expiration of six months from the date of such disapproval and after due consideration of the reasons for such disapproval, adopt such order or amended order.
Upon the adoption of any such order or any order amending or repealing the same, the commissioner of environmental protection shall cause a copy thereof, together with a plan of the lands affected and a list of the assessed owners of such lands, to be recorded in the registry of deeds or the office of the assistant recorder for the district wherein the land lies, and shall send by certified mail a copy of such order and plan to each assessed owner of land affected and to the clerk and board of assessors of each city or town in which the land is located. Such order shall not be subject to the provisions of chapter one hundred and eighty-four. The superior court shall have jurisdiction to enforce, and remedy violations of such orders.
Any person having an ownership interest, any lessee holding a lease of twenty-five years length or more and any mortgagor having an interest in land affected by any such order, may within ninety days after receiving notice thereof, petition the superior court to determine whether such order so restricts the use of his property as to deprive him of the practical uses thereof and is therefore an unreasonable exercise of the police power because the order constitutes the equivalent of a taking without compensation. If the court finds the order to be an unreasonable exercise of the police power, as aforesaid, the court shall enter a finding that such order shall not apply to the land of the petitioner; provided, however, that such finding shall not affect any other land than that of the petitioner. The commissioner of environmental protection shall cause a copy of such finding to be recorded forthwith in the proper registry of deeds or, if the land is registered, in the registry district of the land court. The method provided in this paragraph for the determination of the issue of whether any such order constitutes a taking without compensation shall be exclusive, and such issue shall not be determined in any other proceeding, nor shall any person have a right to petition for the assessment of damages under chapter seventy-nine by reason of the adoption of any such order. Any person who violates any such order, (a) shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than twenty-five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment; or (b) shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars for such violation. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
The department of environmental management may, after a finding has been entered that such order shall not apply to certain land as provided in the preceding paragraph, take the fee or any lesser interest in such land in the name of the commonwealth by eminent domain under the provisions of chapter seventy-nine and hold the same for the purposes set forth in this section. No such order shall prohibit, restrict or regulate the use or improvement of land or water for agricultural purposes without the written consent of the owner, provided, however, that any subsequent nonagricultural use of land which was filled or drained for agricultural purposes at a time when said land was subject to an order under this section may be regulated, restricted, or prohibited by such order. No such order shall prohibit, restrict or regulate the exercise or performance of the powers and duties conferred or imposed by law upon the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, the division of fisheries and wildlife, the Massachusetts aeronautics division, or the state reclamation board, or any mosquito control or other project operating under or authorized by chapter two hundred and fifty-two. If after following the procedures hereinbefore set forth, no such order has become effective as to any particular land or interest therein, the department of environmental management may, subject to a specific appropriation for the purpose, take such land or interest therein by eminent domain, or may acquire the same by purchase, gift or otherwise. Awards of damages, expenses of acquisition of land and water, and expenses incidental thereto and to the preparation of maps and plans of the lands to be affected, to the holding of hearings, and to the adoption and recording of orders, as provided in this section, may be paid out of funds made available for the purpose of section three of chapter one hundred and thirty-two A.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XIX - Agriculture and Conservation

Chapter 131 - Inland Fisheries and Game and Other Natural Resources

Section 1 - Definitions; Rules of Construction

Section 1a - Division of Fisheries and Wildlife; Board; Members

Section 1b - Removal of Board Members

Section 1c - Conflicts of Interest

Section 1d - Reimbursement

Section 1e - Meetings

Section 1f - Director

Section 1g - Director; Powers and Duties

Section 1h - Bureau of Wildlife Research and Management

Section 1i - Damage by Moose or Deer

Section 2a - Wildland Acquisition Account

Section 2b - Deposit of Revenues; Interest

Section 2c - George L. Darey Inland Fisheries and Game Fund; Funding Sources; Appropriations

Section 3 - Disposition of Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures

Section 4 - Powers of Director

Section 5 - Open Seasons; Rules and Regulations

Section 5b - Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program; Administration; Advisory Committee

Section 5c - Obstruction or Interference With Lawful Taking of Fish or Wildlife; Remedies

Section 6 - Acquisition of Rights, Privileges, Lands and Properties

Section 7 - Wildlife Sanctuaries; Trusts

Section 8 - Use of Wildlife Sanctuaries and Preserves; Rules and Regulations

Section 9 - Publication of Order Establishing Wildlife Sanctuary; Posting

Section 10 - Hunting or Trapping Within Wildlife Sanctuary

Section 10a - Nature Preserves; Designation

Section 10b - Nature Preserve Council

Section 10c - Release of Nature Preserves

Section 10d - Consultation; Rules and Regulations

Section 11 - Licenses; Requirements; Fees; Trapper Training Courses

Section 12 - Licenses; Issuance; Form; Display

Section 13 - Construction of Licensing Laws; Archery or Primitive Firearm Season on Deer; Migratory Waterfowl Season; Certificates for Veterans Hospitals and Schools for Mentally-Retarded

Section 13a - Wildlands Conservation Stamps

Section 14 - Hunter Education Programs; Issuance of Licenses to Minors; Target Practice; Confiscation of Firearms

Section 15 - Issuance of Special Complimentary Certificate to Officials of Other States

Section 16 - Loss or Destruction of License; Duplicates

Section 17 - Retention of Part of License Fee by Issuing Officer or Person

Section 17a - Municipal Processing Fee for Sale of Licenses

Section 17b - Notice of Intent Not to Sell Licenses

Section 18 - License Record Books; Payment of Monies by Issuing Officer to Director; Surety Bonds

Section 19 - License to Put Fish or Spawn Into Inland Waters; Permit to Import Live Fish or Viable Eggs, Certification, Inspection for Disease, and Disposition

Section 19a - Permit to Import Live Birds or Mammals; Rules and Regulations; Inspection and Testing for Disease; Certification; Disposition

Section 19b - Transporting Mammals for Purpose of Euthanasia; Putting Animal to Death by Drowning Prohibited

Section 20 - Field Trials for Retriever or Bird Dogs

Section 21 - Training of Hunting Dogs; Field Trials

Section 21a - Unfair Hunting Practices Prohibited

Section 22 - Sale of Fish and Game

Section 22a - Disposition of Deer; Rules and Regulations; Permits; Fees

Section 23 - Propagation, Dealing, etc., in Fish, Birds, Mammals, Reptiles or Amphibians; Rules and Regulations; Licenses; Fees

Section 24 - Dealers' Licenses; Sale for Food Purposes

Section 25 - Possession of Live Birds, Mammals, Reptiles or Amphibians; Sale; Tags; Labels; Accounts

Section 25a - Quarantine of Diseased Fish, Birds, Mammals, etc.; Order or Notice; Procedures; Liability for Expenses

Section 25b - Quarantined Animals; Destruction and Disposal

Section 25c - Quarantined Animals; Prohibited Acts; Penalties

Section 26 - Importation of Fish, Birds, Mammals, Reptiles or Amphibians; Shipments; Tags; Violations; Seizure and Disposition

Section 27 - Taxidermists' Licenses; Permits; Accounts; Shipments

Section 28 - Fur Buyers' Licenses; Shipments; Accounts

Section 29 - Natural History Associations and Museums, Zoos

Section 30 - Permits for Netting of Carp and Suckers

Section 31 - Commercial Shooting Preserves; Permits; Licenses

Section 32 - Licenses; Expiration; Loan or Transfer; Production for Examination; Suspension or Revocation

Section 33 - Prohibited Acts; Licenses, Permits, Applications, Certificates, Tags or Seals

Section 34 - Conviction for Violations; Surrender of License, Permit or Certificate

Section 35 - Failure to Carry License and Wear It Visibly; Exception Under Automated Licensing System

Section 36 - Fishing, Hunting, or Trapping on Private, Posted Land

Section 37 - Killing of Game by Owner or Tenant of Land; Reports

Section 38 - Farmers; Permit to Trap and Kill Birds

Section 39a - Berkshire County; Watershed Resources; Natural Scenic Qualities

Section 40 - Removal, Fill, Dredging or Altering of Land Bordering Waters

Section 40a - Orders Protecting Inland Wetlands

Section 40b - Farmland Advisory Board; Meetings; Advisory Duties

Section 41 - Protection of Fisheries From Discharge of Waste Materials Into Inland Waters

Section 42 - Protection of Fish in Inland Waters; Pollution; Alteration of Flows or Water Levels; Application of Section; Damages

Section 43 - Poisons

Section 44 - Deposit of Garbage or Trash on Property While Hunting, Fishing or Trapping

Section 45 - Great Ponds; Public Use; Rules and Regulations

Section 46 - Measurement of Ponds

Section 47 - Riparian Proprietors; Enclosure of Waters

Section 48 - Draining of Pond, Reservoir or Other Body of Water

Section 49 - Ponds on State Boundary; Fishing

Section 50 - Methods of Taking Fish; Angling, Nets and Seines, Pots, Spearing, Bow and Arrow

Section 51 - Taking of Trout in Coastal Waters

Section 52 - Taking of Certain Fish for Bait

Section 52a - Commercial Taking of Eels in Inland Waters; Penalties

Section 53 - Fishing With Floats; Toggle Fishing

Section 54 - Fish Traps, Nets and Seines, Hooks

Section 55 - Forfeiture of Net, Seine, or Other Device; Forfeiture of Fish

Section 56 - Special Statutes Relating to Fisheries; Alewife Fisheries

Section 57 - Sundays

Section 58 - Shooting Upon or Across Highway; Hunting Near Dwelling

Section 59 - Reservations, Parks, Public Lands; Hunting; State Forests

Section 60 - Weapons; Careless or Negligent Use Causing Injury or Death to Another; Report

Section 61 - Weapons; Careless or Negligent Use Causing Damage to Property or Livestock; Tort Liability

Section 62 - Weapons; Intoxicating Liquor or Drugs

Section 63 - Loaded Shotgun or Rifle in Motor Vehicle, Aircraft or Motorboat

Section 64 - Automatic Firearms, Machine Guns or Bows; Use of Tracer Ammunition

Section 65 - Hunting From Motor Vehicle, Snowmobile, Aircraft or Watercraft

Section 65a - Online Shooting or Spearing

Section 66 - Shotgun Shells, Load

Section 67 - Rifles, Revolvers and Pistols; Caliber

Section 68 - Hunting With Artificial Light; Swivel or Pivot Gun

Section 69 - Bows and Arrows for Hunting

Section 70 - Hunting With Rifle, Revolver or Pistol, or by the Aid of a Dog; Primitive Firearms

Section 71 - Orange Clothing While Hunting

Section 72 - Deer Tags

Section 73 - Hunting Moose

Section 74 - Bird Nests and Eggs

Section 75 - Wild Turkey

Section 75a - Birds of Prey

Section 76 - Removal of Mammal From Hole, or From Under Ledge, Stone or Log

Section 77 - Ferrets; Possession and Use

Section 77a - Wild Canid and Felid Hybrids

Section 78 - Protection of Property by Owner or Tenant; Transportation of Firearms to or From Range

Section 79 - Trap, Net or Snare; Use Restricted

Section 80 - Registration and Identification of Traps

Section 80a - Leghold Traps and Certain Other Devices Restricted; Punishment

Section 81 - Suspension of Open Seasons Because of Fire Hazard

Section 82 - Dogs, Running at Large; Protection of Deer

Section 83 - Sparrows and Starlings

Section 84 - Pigeons

Section 85 - Transportation of Fish or Other Animals Into or Out of Commonwealth

Section 86 - Property Used for Scientific Experiments or Investigations or for Propagation

Section 87 - Arrest Without Warrant; Seizures; Forfeitures

Section 88 - Display of Fish, Game, and Equipment for Inspection

Section 89 - Search Warrants; Seizures and Forfeitures

Section 90 - Penalties

Section 90a - Suspended or Revoked Foreign Licenses

Section 91 - Limitation of Actions and Prosecutions

Section 92 - Severability