Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 6c - Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Section 4 - Massachusetts Transportation Trust Fund

Section 4. There shall be established and placed within the department a separate fund to be known as the Massachusetts Transportation Trust Fund which shall be used for financing transportation-related purposes of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. The secretary shall be authorized to enter into agreements with the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, the Massachusetts Port Authority, the regional transit authorities and, for so long as it shall continue to exist, the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority to commit any funds generated from fares, fees, tolls or any other revenue sources including, but not limited to, from federal sources of these authorities to the fund. There shall be credited to the fund all turnpike revenues and other toll and non-toll revenue collected by the department after assumption of the assets, obligations and liabilities of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, all tolls collected by the department after transfer of the Maurice J. Tobin Memorial Bridge by the Massachusetts Port Authority to the department, all refunds and rebates made on account of expenditures on ways by the department, any revenues from appropriations or other monies authorized by the general court and specifically designated to be credited to the fund, any gifts, grants, private contributions, investment income earned on the fund's assets, all monies received by the department for the sale or lease of property, all monies received by the department in satisfaction of claims by the department for damage to highway and bridge safety signs, signals, guardrails, curbing and other highway and bridge related facilities, and other receipts of the department. Money remaining in the fund at the end of the year shall not revert to the General Fund.
The fund, which shall be under the control of the department and not subject to appropriation, shall be used as follows:
(a) for expenditures to meet any debt obligations of the department following the dissolution of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority and assumption of assets, obligations and liabilities by the department;
(b) for expenditure by the department for maintaining, repairing, improving and constructing municipal ways and bridges, sidewalks adjacent to such ways and bridges, bikeways and other projects eligible for funding as a transportation enhancement project as described in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, P.L. 102–240, salt storage sheds, bikeways and public use off-street parking facilities related to mass transportation, for engineering services and expenses related to highway transportation enhancement and mass transportation purposes, for care, repair, storage, replacement, purchase and long-term leasing of road building machinery, equipment and tools, for the erection and maintenance of direction signs and warning signs and for necessary or beneficial improvements to unpaved municipal ways, together with any money which a municipality may appropriate for such purposes, to be used on the same ways, sheds, bikeways, bridges, machinery, equipment, tools and facilities; provided, however, that municipalities shall expend funds authorized for projects under this section within 5 years of final authorization or the authorization shall be redistributed under procedures established by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation; and provided further, that a municipality may petition the department for a waiver of the 5–year expenditure requirement upon satisfactorily meeting the waiver requirements as provided for in the procedures. A city or town shall not carry forward more than 50 per cent of its allocated amount from 1 year to the next year, unless the city or town submits to the department a 5–year spending outline. Engineering services, including surveying services, shall only be performed by architectural, engineering or surveying firms prequalified by the department; provided, however, that a municipality may seek a waiver of this requirement from the department if the municipality demonstrates to the satisfaction of the department that it would be cost prohibitive to use a prequalified firm. Any such ways, sheds, bikeways, bridges, machinery, equipment, tools and facilities shall remain municipal ways, sheds, bikeways, bridges, machinery, equipment, tools and facilities. The department shall withhold or withdraw the unexpended balance of any funds assigned by it under this clause if the municipality fails to comply with the official standards for traffic control established by the department or with any provision of a traffic control agreement negotiated between the department and the municipality, as required by the United States Secretary of Commerce under 23 U.S.C. § 109. The department shall provide cities and towns with preliminary notice of the amount of funds authorized for projects pursuant to this section not later than March 1 of each year;
(c) for expenditure by the department for maintaining, repairing and improving state highways and bridges in the state highway system designated parkways and for the turnpike and the metropolitan highway system managed by the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority until its dissolution;
(d) for expenditure by the department, in addition to federal aid payments received under section 30 of chapter 81, for construction of state highways;
(e) for expenditure by the department for engineering services and expenses, for care, repair, storage, replacement and purchase of road building machinery and tools, for the erection and maintenance of direction signs and warning signs, for the care of shrubs and trees on state highways, for snow and ice removal and for expenses incidental to the foregoing or incidental to the purposes specified in clauses (b) to (d), inclusive; provided, however, that the department may incur liabilities and make expenditures in excess of funds available to the department for snow and ice removal; provided further, that expenditures for snow and ice removal shall be approved by the secretary of transportation in consultation with the secretary of administration and finance; provided further, that no expenses shall be made in excess of funds available in any fiscal year until $40,000,000 has been expended for snow and ice removal in that fiscal year; and provided further, that the negative balance of funds available for snow and ice removal shall not exceed $50,000,000 at any time during a fiscal year and the state comptroller may certify for payment invoices in excess of funds available to the department;
(f) for expenditure for the operations of the department and any divisions thereof;
(g) for expenditure by the department for infrastructure improvements to transportation facilities throughout the commonwealth;
(h) for regional expenditure by the department for highway division projects in the 5 geographic regions of the commonwealth consistent with the boundaries of the 5 highway division districts as existing on July 1, 2009;
(i) for expenditure for highway field services and transportation support programs including, but not limited to, state police highway patrols and accident teams; and
(j) for any other expense of the department necessary to carry out its purposes.
Annually, not later than May 1, the department shall report to the executive office for administration and finance and the house and senate committees on ways and means the total amounts budgeted and expended for snow and ice removal. The department shall seek appropriations, as required, to cure deficiencies resulting from snow and ice removal in each fiscal year that expenses are made in excess of funds available.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 6c - Massachusetts Department of Transportation

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Creation; Board of Directors; Officers and Employees

Section 3 - Powers

Section 4 - Massachusetts Transportation Trust Fund

Section 5 - Organization and Function as a Single State Agency for Administrative Purposes; Reporting Requirements

Section 6 - Office of Performance Management and Innovation; Duties

Section 6a - Office of Performance Management and Innovation; Goals

Section 7 - Employee Performance Evaluation Program

Section 8 - Money Received to Be Held as Trust Funds

Section 9 - Internal Special Audit Unit

Section 10 - Office of Transportation Planning

Section 11 - Publication of Comprehensive State Transportation Plan; Report on Plan Compliance; Equitable Capital Expenditures

Section 11a - Project Selection Advisory Council

Section 12 - Integrated Asset Management System

Section 12a - Performance and Asset Management Advisory Council

Section 13 - Toll Roads, Bridges and Tunnels; Authority to Collect Tolls; Limitations; Use of Revenue

Section 14 - Department as Public Agency for Purposes of State Contracts

Section 15 - Department as Public Agency for Purposes of State Finance Law

Section 16 - Annual Finance Plan

Section 17 - Refinancing of Bonds Relating to Financing of the Turnpike and Metropolitan Highway System

Section 18 - Appearance by Office of the Attorney General in Civil Proceedings Against the Department

Section 19 - Eminent Domain Powers of Department

Section 20 - Sale of Real Property; Procedure; Sale of Buildings or Other Structures

Section 21 - Abandoned, Mislaid or Lost Property; Sale of Unclaimed Property

Section 22 - Enforcement by Superior Court Department

Section 23 - Termination of Department

Section 24 - Investigations, Studies, Grant Applications and Applications for Project Approvals; Lease, Loan, Grant or Conveyance of Real or Personal Property to Department

Section 25 - Conduct of Secretary, Administrators and Directors

Section 26 - Application of Chapter 12a

Section 27 - Exemption From Taxes or Assessments

Section 28 - Annual Revenue and Expenditure Report

Section 29 - Office of Planning and Programming; Secretary

Section 30 - Duties of the Office of Planning and Programming; Agencies Within the Office; Duties of the Secretary

Section 31 - Administrative Units Within the Office of Planning and Programming

Section 32 - Federal Gifts, Loans or Grants-in-Aid for Improved Transportation Management Systems

Section 33 - Healthy Transportation Compact

Section 34 - Fiscal Analysis Prior to Expending of Funds or Final Approval of Transportation Infrastructure Project

Section 35 - Annual Report of Department's Activities

Section 36 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 41 to 56

Section 37 - Division of Highways; Administrator

Section 38 - Duties of the Division of Highways

Section 39 - Administrative Units Within the Division of Highways; Description of Organization; Appointments

Section 40 - Procedure for Recommending Approval or Disapproval of Contracts

Section 41 - Engineering Internship Program

Section 42 - Co-Operative Engineer Program

Section 43 - Real Estate Appraisal Review Board

Section 44 - Functional Replacement of Real Property in Public Ownership; Relocation of Utility or Utility Facility

Section 46 - Lease of Air Rights Over Land Owned by the Department in Connection With the Turnpike and the Boston Extension Portion of the Metropolitan Highway System

Section 46a - Lease of Land Owned by the Department and No Longer Required for the Turnpike or the Boston Extension of the Metropolitan Highway System

Section 50 - Regional Mobility Assistance Program

Section 51 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 52 to 54

Section 52 - Mass Transit Division; Administrator

Section 53 - Duties of the Mass Transit Division

Section 54 - Administrative Units Within the Mass Transit Division; Statement of Organization

Section 55 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 56 to 57

Section 56 - Registry of Motor Vehicles; Administrator

Section 57 - Administrative Units Within the Registry of Motor Vehicles; Statement of Organization

Section 57a - Motor Vehicle Insurance Merit Rating Board

Section 58 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 59 to 61

Section 59 - Aeronautics Division; Administrator

Section 60 - Duties of the Aeronautics Division

Section 61 - Administrative Units Within the Aeronautics Division; Statement of Organization

Section 62 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 62 to 73

Section 63 - Contracts for Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain or Design-Build-Operate-Maintain Services

Section 64 - Request for Proposals; Content of Public–private Agreement

Section 65 - End of Term or Termination of Public–private Agreement

Section 66 - Rights of Department Upon Material Default by an Operator

Section 67 - Issue and Sale of Bonds or Notes of the Department

Section 68 - Acceptance of Funds From the United States and Other Sources

Section 69 - Application of Sec. 26

Section 70 - Exercise of Power of Eminent Domain

Section 71 - Powers and Jurisdiction of Law Enforcement Officers

Section 72 - Waiver of Sovereign Immunity Not Limited

Section 73 - Public-Private Partnership Infrastructure Oversight Commission

Section 74 - Repair or Rehabilitation of Certain Signs or Markers Abutting Highway or Turnpike Projects

Section 75 - Contracts With Fuel Providers to Provide for the Consumption of Alternative Fuel

Section 76 - Removal and Storage of Vehicle Left Unattended at State-Owned Park and Ride Facility

Section 77 - Job Order Contracts