Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 118 - Aid to Families With Dependent Children
Section 3c - Pathways to Self-Sufficiency Program

Section 3C. (a) The department, in consultation with the commonwealth corporation, shall establish the pathways to self-sufficiency program to promote financial independence for recipients of transitional aid to families with dependent children, hereinafter referred to as TAFDC, by coordinating the placement of recipients with regional employers through employment agencies, including one-stop career centers, with the goal of permanent employment. The program shall identify applicants with relevant job skills and experience, then match those applicants with appropriate employment for the required number of hours, as specified in 106 CMR 203.400(A)(5). Applicants shall be referred to the program following an intake and employment assessment process.
(b) The department, in consultation with the commonwealth corporation, shall create selection criteria and guidelines for employment agencies seeking to participate in the placement of applicants, including, but not limited to: (1) experience with job-seeking difficulties facing recipients of public assistance; (2) demonstrated ability to identify and overcome barriers to employment; (3) geographic diversity; (4) experience with members of diverse populations and individuals who do not speak English; (5) a willingness to accommodate job seekers with dependent children or family members; and (6) a proven track record of job placement and retention.
(c) For identified applicants who are not connected with appropriate employment within 60 days of applying for TAFDC benefits, the department shall provide a written finding as to why the pathways to self-sufficiency program was not successful. The finding shall be part of the applicant's TAFDC case file.
(d) The department shall annually file a report, in consultation with the commonwealth corporation, detailing the number of households and recipients receiving cash assistance under TAFDC who are participating in the pathways to self-sufficiency program who can reasonably be moved into gainful employment within 12 months of applying for TAFDC benefits. This report shall include, but not be limited to: (1) the cost of implementing the components of the pathways to self-sufficiency program; (2) the estimated placement cost per participant; (3) job placement and retention rates; (4) the extent to which appropriate activities and supports were available to recipients; (5) the components of the pathways to self-sufficiency program that were implemented in light of available resources and appropriations; and (6) the reasons recipients were unsuccessful in obtaining gainful employment within 12 months. The report shall be filed with the clerks of the house of representatives and the senate who shall forward the report to the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on children, families and persons with disabilities and the house and senate committees on ways and means.
(e) The department shall promulgate regulations in accordance with this section.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVII - Public Welfare

Chapter 118 - Aid to Families With Dependent Children

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Aid to Parents With Dependent Children

Section 2b - Application Form; Contents

Section 3 - Duties of Department

Section 3a - Access to Information by Department for Purpose of Locating, Establishing and Enforcing Liability of Persons Obligated to Pay Support

Section 3b - Employment Counseling and Job Training Program

Section 3c - Pathways to Self-Sufficiency Program

Section 4a - Aid to Dependent Children During Absence of Parents or Children From Commonwealth; Reciprocal Agreements

Section 4b - New Chardon Street Shelter; Continued Assistance for Eligible Families; Sliding Scale System of Fees

Section 5 - Reports of Department

Section 9 - Eligibility to Receive Veterans' Benefits; Option; Waiver

Section 10 - Exemption From Trustee Process; Assignment; False Statement or Fraud

Section 11 - Institutions Furnishing Care; Application for Aid; Payment

Section 12 - Temporary Absences From Commonwealth; Presumption of Abandonment of Residency and Eligibility for Assistance

Section 13 - Job Search Requirements for Non-Exempt Adult Applicants for Assistance; Submission of Proof of Initial Job Search and Weekly Reaffirmation

Section 14 - Benefit Period for Individuals Who Are Part of a 2 Parent Assistance Unit

Section 15 - Economic Independence Goals; Demonstration of Good Faith Attempt to Meet Goals as Condition of Additional Benefits or Extension

Section 16 - Economic Independence Accounts

Section 17 - Proof of Income and Assets for Unverified Applicants

Section 18 - Education or Training Activities for Purposes of Meeting Work Requirement

Section 19 - Eligibility of Pregnant Teens to Receive Cash or Other Assistance