Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 118 - Aid to Families With Dependent Children
Section 2 - Aid to Parents With Dependent Children

Section 2. The department shall aid a parent in properly bringing up, in his or her own home, each dependent child, but no aid shall be granted, under this chapter, for, or on account of, any child unless the said child resides in the commonwealth. Further, the department shall render aid to any pregnant women, who is otherwise eligible, upon medical verification of pregnancy. The aid furnished shall be sufficient to enable such parent to bring up such child or children properly in his or her own home, and shall be in an amount to be determined in accordance with budgetary standards of the department, and shall be granted from the date on which the applicant is determined to be eligible or thirty days from the receipt of a signed and completed application form, whichever is earlier. Such assistance shall be paid by cash or in check and shall be paid semimonthly in advance unless the applicant prefers less frequent payments. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, aid shall be provided for each such child or children without regard to whether the child was conceived or born after the parent began receiving aid under this chapter.
Payment for funeral expenses of any such parent or dependent child in his or her custody may be paid directly to the person furnishing such services. Payment for other services rendered to such parent or dependent child in his or her custody may be paid directly to the person furnishing such services only when such payment is effected to meet an expense which remained unpaid at the time of the death of the parent or his commitment to an institution as a mentally ill person or in a case where such payment is necessary to discharge an obligation incurred by the department in securing such services for such parent or dependent child. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as authorizing any public official, agent or representative, in carrying out any provision of this chapter, to take charge of any child over the objection of the father or the mother of such child, or of the person standing in loco parentis to such child, except pursuant to a proper court order.
The department may pay a sum not exceeding $1,100 toward the funeral and final disposition of a recipient to the funeral establishment if there are insufficient resources to pay for the cost of such funeral and final disposition and if the total expense of the funeral and final disposition does not exceed $3,500. The commonwealth shall have the right of reimbursement from whatever resources may exist in the estate of the recipient.
Effective July first of every year, subject to appropriation, the department shall increase the total budget of each eligible recipient, before taking into consideration any available income and resources, by a percentage amount equal to the percentage rise in the United States Consumer Price Index for January first of that year over the level of said index for January first of the previous year plus such additional percentage amount as is recommended annually by the department and appropriated by the general court.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XVII - Public Welfare

Chapter 118 - Aid to Families With Dependent Children

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Aid to Parents With Dependent Children

Section 2b - Application Form; Contents

Section 3 - Duties of Department

Section 3a - Access to Information by Department for Purpose of Locating, Establishing and Enforcing Liability of Persons Obligated to Pay Support

Section 3b - Employment Counseling and Job Training Program

Section 3c - Pathways to Self-Sufficiency Program

Section 4a - Aid to Dependent Children During Absence of Parents or Children From Commonwealth; Reciprocal Agreements

Section 4b - New Chardon Street Shelter; Continued Assistance for Eligible Families; Sliding Scale System of Fees

Section 5 - Reports of Department

Section 9 - Eligibility to Receive Veterans' Benefits; Option; Waiver

Section 10 - Exemption From Trustee Process; Assignment; False Statement or Fraud

Section 11 - Institutions Furnishing Care; Application for Aid; Payment

Section 12 - Temporary Absences From Commonwealth; Presumption of Abandonment of Residency and Eligibility for Assistance

Section 13 - Job Search Requirements for Non-Exempt Adult Applicants for Assistance; Submission of Proof of Initial Job Search and Weekly Reaffirmation

Section 14 - Benefit Period for Individuals Who Are Part of a 2 Parent Assistance Unit

Section 15 - Economic Independence Goals; Demonstration of Good Faith Attempt to Meet Goals as Condition of Additional Benefits or Extension

Section 16 - Economic Independence Accounts

Section 17 - Proof of Income and Assets for Unverified Applicants

Section 18 - Education or Training Activities for Purposes of Meeting Work Requirement

Section 19 - Eligibility of Pregnant Teens to Receive Cash or Other Assistance