Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 30 - General Provisions Relative to State Departments, Commissions, Officers and Employees
Section 39r - Keeping and Maintaining of Books, Records and Accounts; Statement of Management on Internal Accounting Control; Financial Statements; Enforcement

Section 39R. (a) The words defined herein shall have the meaning stated below whenever they appear in this section:
(1) ''Contractor'' means any person, corporation, partnership, joint venture, sole proprietorship, or other entity awarded a contract pursuant to sections thirty-eight A1/2 to thirty-eight O, inclusive, of chapter seven and any contract awarded or executed pursuant to section eleven C of chapter twenty-five A, section thirty-nine M of chapter thirty, or sections forty-four A to forty-four H, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and forty-nine, which is for an amount or estimated amount greater than one hundred thousand dollars.
(2) ''Contract'' means any contract awarded or executed pursuant to sections thirty-eight A1/2 to thirty-eight O, inclusive, of chapter seven and any contract awarded or executed pursuant to section eleven C of chapter twenty-five A, section thirty-nine M of chapter thirty, or sections forty-four A through forty-four H, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and forty-nine, which is for amount or estimated amount greater than one hundred thousand dollars.
(3) ''Records'' means books of original entry, accounts, checks, bank statements and all other banking documents, correspondence, memoranda, invoices, computer printouts, tapes, discs, papers and other documents or transcribed information of any type, whether expressed in ordinary or machine language.
(4) ''Independent Certified Public Accountant'' means a person duly registered in good standing and entitled to practice as a certified public accountant under the laws of the place of his residence or principal office and who is in fact independent. In determining whether an accountant is independent with respect to a particular person, appropriate consideration should be given to all relationships between the accountant and that person or any affiliate thereof. Determination of an accountant's independence shall not be confined to the relationships existing in connection with the filing of reports with the awarding authority.
(5) ''Audit'', when used in regard to financial statements, means an examination of records by an independent certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and auditing standards for the purpose of expressing a certified opinion thereon, or, in the alternative, a qualified opinion or a declination to express an opinion for stated reasons.
(6) ''Accountant's Report'', when used in regard to financial statements, means a document in which an independent certified public accountant indicates the scope of the audit which he has made and sets forth his opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole with a listing of noted exceptions and qualifications, or an assertion to the effect that an overall opinion cannot be expressed. When an overall opinion cannot be expressed the reason therefor shall be stated. An accountant's report shall include as a part thereof a signed statement by the responsible corporate officer attesting that management has fully disclosed all material facts to the independent certified public accountant, and that the audited financial statement is a true and complete statement of the financial condition of the contractor.
(7) ''Management'', when used herein, means the chief executive officers, partners, principals or other person or persons primarily responsible for the financial and operational policies and practices of the contractor.
(8) Accounting terms, unless otherwise defined herein, shall have a meaning in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and auditing standards.
(b) Subsection (a)(2) hereof notwithstanding, every agreement or contract awarded or executed pursuant to sections thirty-eight A1/2 to thirty-eight O, inclusive, of chapter seven, or eleven C of chapter twenty-five A, and pursuant to section thirty-nine M of chapter thirty or to section forty-four A through H, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and forty-nine, shall provide that:
(1) The contractor shall make, and keep for at least six years after final payment, books, records, and accounts which in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the contractor, and
(2) until the expiration of six years after final payment, the office of inspector general, and the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance shall have the right to examine any books, documents, papers or records of the contractor or of his subcontractors that directly pertain to, and involve transactions relating to, the contractor or his subcontractors, and
(3) if the agreement is a contract as defined herein, the contractor shall describe any change in the method of maintaining records or recording transactions which materially affect any statements filed with the awarding authority, including in his description the date of the change and reasons therefor, and shall accompany said description with a letter from the contractor's independent certified public accountant approving or otherwise commenting on the changes, and
(4) if the agreement is a contract as defined herein, the contractor has filed a statement of management on internal accounting controls as set forth in paragraph (c) below prior to the execution of the contract, and
(5) if the agreement is a contract as defined herein, the contractor has filed prior to the execution of the contracts and will continue to file annually, an audited financial statement for the most recent completed fiscal year as set forth in paragraph (d) below.
(c) Every contractor awarded a contract shall file with the awarding authority a statement of management as to whether the system of internal accounting controls of the contractor and its subsidiaries reasonably assures that:
(1) transactions are executed in accordance with management's general and specific authorization;
(2) transactions are recorded as necessary
i. to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, and
ii. to maintain accountability for assets;
(3) access to assets is permitted only in accordance with management's general or specific authorization; and
(4) the recorded accountability for assets is compared with the existing assets at reasonable intervals and appropriate action was taken with respect to any difference.
Every contractor awarded a contract shall also file with the awarding authority a statement prepared and signed by an independent certified public accountant, stating that he has examined the statement of management on internal accounting controls, and expressing an opinion as to
(1) whether the representations of management in response to this paragraph and paragraph (b) above are consistent with the result of management's evaluation of the system of internal accounting controls; and
(2) whether such representations of management are, in addition, reasonable with respect to transactions and assets in amounts which would be material when measured in relation to the applicant's financial statements.
(d) Every contractor awarded a contract by the commonwealth or by any political subdivision thereof shall annually file with the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance during the term of the contract a financial statement prepared by an independent certified public accountant on the basis of an audit by such accountant. The final statement filed shall include the date of final payment. All statements shall be accompanied by an accountant's report. Such statements shall be made available to the awarding authority upon request.
(e) The office of inspector general, the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance and any other awarding authority shall enforce the provisions of this section. The commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance may after providing an opportunity for the inspector general and other interested parties to comment, promulgate pursuant to the provisions of chapter thirty A such rules, regulations and guidelines as are necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section. Such rules, regulations and guidelines may be applicable to all awarding authorities. A contractor's failure to satisfy any of the requirements of this section may be grounds for debarment pursuant to section forty-four C of chapter one hundred and forty-nine.
(f) Records and statements required to be made, kept or filed under the provisions of this section shall not be public records as defined in section seven of chapter four and shall not be open to public inspection; provided, however, that such records and statements shall be made available pursuant to the provisions of clause (2) of paragraph (b).

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title III - Laws Relating to State Officers

Chapter 30 - General Provisions Relative to State Departments, Commissions, Officers and Employees

Section 1 - ''departments'' Defined

Section 2 - Executive and Administrative Offices, etc.; Placement Under Control of Some State Department

Section 3 - Establishment of Divisions; Approval of Governor and Council

Section 4 - Organization of Departments; Report to State Secretary

Section 5 - Conflicting Orders or Regulations; Appeal to Governor and Council

Section 6 - Absence or Disability of Department Heads

Section 6a - Absence or Disability of Members, of Permanent State Boards, Etc.

Section 7 - Confidential Secretaries; Appointment and Removal

Section 7b - Change of Name

Section 8 - Public Officers Appointed by Governor; Tenure

Section 9 - Public Officers Appointed by Governor; Removal

Section 9a - Veterans Holding Unclassified Positions; Separation From State Service

Section 9b - Certain Permanent Public Employees; Arbitrary Removal; Protection; Disciplinary Proceedings for Abuse of Disabled Person

Section 9c - Mental Health, Developmental Services and Public Health Department Employees; Damages Caused by Patients

Section 9d - Teachers of Certain State Institutions; Removal; Lowering in Rank

Section 9e - Chaplains; Exemption

Section 9f - State Employees Elected to Public Office; Leave of Absence

Section 9g - Public Employees Participating in World Athletic Competition; Leaves of Absence

Section 9h - Public Employees Who Are Veterans; Participation in Veterans or Memorial Day Exercise; Time Off Granted; Exceptions

Section 9i - Employees of Commonwealth; Leave of Absence With Pay for Serving as Red Cross Disaster Service Volunteers; Annual Report

Section 9j - Transfer of Employee Functions to Another Department or Agency; Employees Transferred; Wages, Seniority and Other Rights

Section 10 - Officers Requiring Gubernatorial Appointments; Filling Vacancies

Section 11 - Oaths of Office

Section 12 - Oaths of Office; Failure to Take and Subscribe

Section 13 - Fees for Certain Commissions, Etc.

Section 14 - Approval of Bond; Withholding Commission

Section 15 - Bonds; Determining Amount

Section 16 - Schedule Bonds

Section 17 - Bond Premiums; Reimbursement

Section 18 - Examination of Bonds

Section 19 - Failure to File Sufficient Bonds; Removal of Principal

Section 20 - Bonds Deposited With County Treasurers; Examination

Section 21 - Multiple Salaries From Treasury

Section 22 - Plurality of Offices; Penalties

Section 23 - Full Time Devotion to Duties; Certain State Officers

Section 23a - Certain Trustees of State Institutions; Plurality of Positions

Section 24 - Office Hours

Section 24a - Working on Legal Holidays; Compensation; Exceptions

Section 24b - Assignments of Employee From Lower to Higher Grade

Section 24c - Overtime Pay; Prior Written Approval

Section 25 - Expenses of State Officers, Etc.

Section 25a - Death Away From Home; Return of Body; Expenses

Section 25b - Out-of-State Travel Expenses; Restrictions

Section 27 - Money Received for Commonwealth; Daily Remittance; Exceptions

Section 28 - Books and Accounts; Fiscal Year

Section 29 - State Institutions; Keeping Books and Accounts

Section 30 - Official Letters; Size of Paper

Section 30a - Official Letterheads; Uniform Style

Section 31 - Printing, Binding and Procuring Stationery for Commonwealth Offices and Departments

Section 32 - Annual Reports

Section 33 - Annual Reports; Recommendations for Legislation

Section 33a - Annual Reports; Recommendations to Avoid Special Legislation

Section 34 - Reports of Special Commissions; Drafts of Legislation

Section 35 - Special Reports to State Purchasing Agent; Appeals

Section 35a - Reports; Projects Requiring Assessments Upon Municipalities; Notice

Section 36 - Motor Vehicles Owned by Commonwealth; Use and Marking; Regulations and Restrictions, Enforcement; Transfer

Section 36a - Purchase, Replacement or Repair of Motor Vehicles; Authorization; Funds

Section 37 - Rules and Regulations; Compliance With Statutory Filing Requirements

Section 38 - Reports on Public Employees; Central Personnel Register

Section 38a - Price Adjustment Clause in Contracts for Road, Bridge, Water and Sewer Projects Awarded Under Sec. 39m

Section 39a - Construction Contracts for Public Ways, Airports or Public Works; Truck Rentals; Security for Payment

Section 39b - Construction Contracts for Public Ways, Airports or Public Works; Dump Trucks; Schedule of Rates; Disputes

Section 39c - Actions Under Sec. 39a; Forbidden Defenses

Section 39d - Additional Security

Section 39e - Inducing Rebates or Refunds of Transportation Charges; Penalties

Section 39f - Construction Contracts; Assignment and Subrogation; Subcontractor Defined; Enforcement of Claim for Direct Payment; Deposit, Reduction of Disputed Amounts

Section 39g - Completion of Public Works; Semi-Final and Final Estimates; Payments; Extra Work; Disputed Items

Section 39h - Indemnification of Contractors

Section 39i - Deviations From Plans and Specifications

Section 39j - Public Construction Contracts; Effect of Decisions of Contracting Body or Administrative Board

Section 39k - Public Building Construction Contracts; Payments

Section 39l - Public Construction Work by Foreign Corporations; Restrictions and Reports

Section 39m - Contracts for Construction and Materials; Manner of Awarding

Section 39m1/2 - Project Oversight; Owner's Representative; Qualifications; Procurement; Powers and Duties

Section 39n - Construction Contracts; Equitable Adjustment in Contract Price for Differing Subsurface or Latent Physical Conditions

Section 39o - Contracts for Construction and Materials; Suspension, Delay or Interruption Due to Order of Awarding Authority; Adjustment in Contract Price; Written Claim

Section 39p - Contracts for Construction and Materials; Awarding Authority's Decisions on Interpretation of Specifications, etc.; Time Limit; Notice

Section 39q - Contracts for Capital Facility Construction; Contents; Annual Claims Report

Section 39r - Keeping and Maintaining of Books, Records and Accounts; Statement of Management on Internal Accounting Control; Financial Statements; Enforcement

Section 39s - Contracts for Construction; Requirements

Section 39t - Controlled Insurance Program

Section 40 - Discharge or Release of Bonds

Section 41 - State Institutions; Sales of Property; Itemized Accounts

Section 42 - Records Conservation Board; Composition; Powers and Duties; Sale or Destruction of Records; Records Defined; Inquiries From Departments or Agencies

Section 43 - Fees for Copying Records; Keeping by Employees; Penalties

Section 44 - Employees as Agents for Others; Sale of Lands

Section 44a - Land Owned by Commonwealth; Sale to Counties, etc.; Highway Purposes

Section 44b - Petroleum Pipe Line; Laying on State Lands

Section 45 - Office and Position Classification Plan; Pay Plan

Section 46 - Administration of Classification and Pay Plans

Section 46c - Management Pay Plan

Section 46d - Appointments to Positions; Promotions From Positions Classified Under Civil Service Provisions

Section 46e - Civil Service Classifications; Positions Reimbursed by Federal Government

Section 46f - Tenure

Section 46g - Overtime Compensation

Section 46h - Vacation, Sick-Leave, Personal Leave and Benefits

Section 46i - Additional Duties of Personnel Administrator

Section 48 - Incumbents of Positions Classified; Duties

Section 49 - Appeal From Classification

Section 50 - Limit of Application of Secs. 45 to 49

Section 51 - Purchasing of Goods, Supplies, Equipment and Services for State Departments

Section 52 - Approval of Purchases

Section 53 - Grievances of Employees; Disposition; Appeals

Section 57 - Finality of Decision; Grievances Requiring Payment of Money; Disposition

Section 58 - Injuries Sustained in Service of State; Compensation

Section 59 - Persons Under Indictment for Misconduct in Office; Suspension; Temporary Appointees

Section 60 - Co-Operative Education Programs; Employment of Students

Section 61 - Determination of Impact by Agencies; Damages to Environment; Prevention or Minimization; Foreseeable Climate Change Impacts; Definition Applicable to This Section and Sec. 62

Section 62 - Definitions

Section 62a - Notice of Intent to Apply; Forms; Certification of Need for Environmental Impact Report; Application of Section

Section 62b - Environmental Impact Reports; Preparation and Submission; Funding

Section 62c - Notice of Availability of Environmental Impact Statement; Public and Agency Review

Section 62d - Permit Applications; Time for Agency Determination

Section 62e - Categories of Projects and Permits Not Requiring Environmental Impact Reports; Establishment; Application

Section 62f - Emergencies; Commencement of Projects; Land Acquisition

Section 62g - Federal Environmental Impact Statements in Lieu of Reports

Section 62h - Action or Proceeding Alleging Improper Determination of Need for Environmental Impact Report or Noncompliance With Law; Notice; Commencement; Matters Raised

Section 62i - Environmental Notification Forms Filed on or After November 15, 2007; Requirements

Section 62j - Opportunities for Public to Assess Impact of Proposed Projects; Impact on Environmental Justice Population; Measures to Improve Public Participation; Meaning of Designated Geographic Area

Section 62k - Consideration of Environmental Justice Principles; Establishment of Standards and Guidelines

Section 62l - Environmental Justice Council; Membership; Duties; Recommendations

Section 63 - Notice to State Secretary; Specifications; Report

Section 64 - Conversion of Hospitals; Approval of General Court

Section 65 - Legal Services for Commonwealth Provided Under Contract