Section 38. The director, from funds appropriated or provided by grants, with the approval of the commissioner, shall provide for the conduct of research and demonstration projects relating to water pollution control, innovative water technologies, green infrastructure and other scientific and engineering studies relating to environmental quality. Such projects and studies may include, but shall not be limited to, new and improved methods of controlling and discharge of untreated or inadequately treated sewage, stormwater, or industrial, chemical, radioactive, flammable, toxic, explosive or other wastes hazardous to the public or the environment. The director may also contract for the development of comprehensive river basin, water quality management, or waste treatment management plans. The commissioner shall also provide training and technical assistance to municipalities and other public entities in the implementation and administration of title 5 of 310 CMR 15.00 and in the development, implementation and administration of other wastewater management and water resource protection programs, including providing funding for the transfer of related technologies such as, but not limited to, computers, software and alternative wastewater treatment systems, and shall require as a condition of receipt of such training and technical assistance that municipalities and other public entities, including the local boards of health, provide advice and other reasonable assistance to homeowners in their efforts to conform with the provisions of said title 5 and to minimize the financial impact of such compliance. The director shall provide for inservice training programs in methods of water pollution control, in accordance with the provisions of section twenty-eight A of chapter seven, and may conduct or support programs for the training of waste treatment plant operators. For the purposes of this section, the director may contract with any person, or any instrumentality or agency of the federal government or of any other state, or any interstate agency.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth
Chapter 21 - Department of Environmental Management
Section 1 - Department; Natural Resources Defined; Duties; Divisions
Section 2 - Stewardship Council
Section 2a - Members of the Council
Section 2c - Meetings of Council; Joint Meetings With Advisory Board
Section 2d - Members of Council; Holding Other Positions in Department
Section 2e - Compensation of Council Members; Expenses
Section 2g - Oversight Strategy Plans
Section 3 - Commissioner; Directors
Section 3a - Acting Commissioner; Commissioner's Salary
Section 3b - Experts and Other Employees
Section 3c - Annual Budget; Report
Section 3e - Open Space Land Acquisition; Loans to Cities and Towns
Section 3f - Rehabilitation and Improvement of Olmsted Parks
Section 3g - Olmsted Park Improvement Fund
Section 8 - Division of Water Supply Protection
Section 8b - Definitions Applicable to This Section and Secs. 8c and 8d
Section 8c - Increase in Interbasin Transfers of Surface and Groundwater; Approval; Exemption
Section 8d - Rules and Regulations; Criteria for Approval; Hearings; Procedure
Section 9 - Federal Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act; Programs
Section 9a - Acquisition of Lands and Waters
Section 9b - Groundwater Survey Program
Section 11 - Employees; Rules and Regulations
Section 12 - Federal Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act; Applications for Assistance
Section 13 - Works of Improvement; Assistance From Commonwealth; Conditions
Section 14 - Works of Improvement; Contracting Authority; Agents; Costs
Section 15 - Works of Improvement; Appropriations; Federal, State or Local Funds
Section 17d - Public Removal of Fuel Wood; Landowner's Liability for Injuries
Section 18 - Division of Conservation Services
Section 19 - State Commission for Conservation of Soil, Water and Related Resources; Establishment
Section 22 - Conservation Districts; Supervisors of Districts
Section 23 - Conservation Districts; Supervisors as Governing Body
Section 24 - Conservation Districts; Supervisors' Powers and Duties
Section 25 - Conservation Districts; Inter-District Cooperation
Section 25a - Conservation Districts; Powers
Section 26 - Division of Water Pollution Control
Section 26a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 26 to 53
Section 27 - Division of Water Pollution Control; Powers and Duties
Section 27a - Water Pollution Abatement Projects; Certification; Financial Assistance; Eligibility
Section 30 - Powers of District Commission
Section 30a - Grants for Construction of Collection Systems
Section 32 - Presentation of Plan to Division; Contents; Approval
Section 33 - Financial Assistance
Section 33a - Financial Assistance in Towns of More Than 20,000 Inhabitants
Section 33c - Action by Director Pursuant to Sec. 33b; Contract for Engineering Reports Authorized
Section 33d - Director Authorized to Order Governmental Units to Construct Facilities
Section 33e - Water Pollution Abatement Projects; Grants
Section 34 - Supervision of Operation and Maintenance of Treatment Works
Section 34b - Evaluation and Certification Program; Application; Certification; Fees
Section 34c - Certification Requirement; Violation; Penalty
Section 35 - General Obligation Serial Bonds or Notes; Temporary Notes; Indebtedness
Section 37 - Reimbursement for Costs of Water Pollution Abatement Project
Section 37a - Program for Preservation and Restoration of Publicly-Owned Lakes and Great Ponds
Section 37b - Aquatic Nuisance Control Program
Section 37c - State Assistance to Municipalities or Agencies for Aquatic Nuisance Control
Section 37d - Priority of Projects
Section 38 - Water Pollution Control, Innovative Water Technologies, Green Infrastructure Research and Demonstration Projects; Environmental Quality Studies; Management Plans; Training and Support Programs
Section 38a - Clean Waters Scholarship Intern Program
Section 40 - Entry Upon Property; Investigation or Inspection; Examination of Records
Section 41 - Recommendations by Water Resources Commission
Section 43 - Permit Proceedings; Regulations; Requirements of Permit; Application; Forms; Fees
Section 43a - Public Notification of Sewage Discharge
Section 44 - Discharge Violations; Orders to Comply
Section 45 - Proposals to Suspend or Revoke Permit; Cease and Desist Orders; Request for Hearing
Section 46 - Injunctive Relief; Jurisdiction
Section 46a - Judicial Review; Jurisdiction
Section 48 - Annual Estimates and Reports
Section 50 - Terminals; Licenses; Inspections
Section 50a - Oil Terminals; Pollution Prevention; Revocation of License
Section 50b - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 50c to 50e
Section 50c - Vessel; Certificate of Financial Assurance
Section 50d - Maritime Spill Incident; Hazardous Materials; Environmental Police Officers
Section 50e - Waters of the Commonwealth; Areas of Special Interest
Section 51 - Coordination With Federal Government and Local Authorities; Agreements
Section 52a - Waste Oil Retention Facilities; Installation and Maintenance
Section 53 - Short Title; Investigation and Prosecution of Violations
Section 53a - Sewer Charges; Base Rate
Section 54 - Division of Mineral Resources
Section 55 - Cooperation With Other Governmental Units; Agreements; Federal and Private Grants
Section 56 - License and Lease Requirements; Violations; Penalties; Enforcement
Section 59 - Watershed Preservation Restrictions Program
Section 60 - Watershed Lands Preservation Committee
Section 61 - Watershed Preservation Restrictions Program; Annual Report
Section 62 - Watershed Preservation Restrictions; Tax Assessment
Section 63 - Surveys, Soundings, Drillings or Examinations
Section 64 - Annual Report on Dams
Section 66 - Interagency Support for Duties Under Secs. 64 and 65 and Secs. 44 to 48b of Chapter 253