Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 75 - University of Massachusetts
Section 35 - Dean and Other Officers and Members of Professional Staff

Section 35. The trustees shall elect the dean and such other officers and members of the professional staff of the medical school as they deem necessary and shall fix their classification, title and salary within the general salary schedule, except that any such salary shall be fixed at any amount not less than the minimum salary nor more than the maximum salary shown in the said schedule; provided, however, that the trustees may establish the salary for the dean and for the heads of department without reference to the general salary schedule and salary range. The trustees shall define the duties and tenure of office of all officers and members of the professional staff. The dean, under the president of the university, shall have the administrative responsibility of carrying out the policies established by the trustees for the conduct of said school and shall administer and coordinate its affairs.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XII - Education

Chapter 75 - University of Massachusetts

Section 1 - Status; Governing Body

Section 1a - Board of Trustees; Membership; Qualifications; Tenure; Vacancies; Powers and Duties; Indemnification

Section 1b - Student Charges for the University; Revolving Trust Fund; Tuition Credits; Annual Report

Section 2 - Purpose; Courses of Instruction; Standards; Powers of Trustees

Section 2a - Branch Banks on University Grounds Authorized

Section 3 - Rules and Regulations

Section 3a - Delegation of Powers by Trustees

Section 4 - Meetings of Trustees; Quorum; Executive Sessions

Section 5 - Seal

Section 6 - Audit of Accounts

Section 7 - Budget

Section 8 - Appropriations

Section 9 - Insurance

Section 10 - Receipts and Expenditures; Annual Report; Monthly Statements; Accounting System

Section 11 - Special Trusts, etc.; Management

Section 11a - Funds for Legislative Agents or Organizations Attempting to Influence Legislation

Section 12 - University Property; Management and Administration

Section 13 - Purchases

Section 14 - Election of Officers; Salary of President; Employment, Status and Benefits of Personnel

Section 14a - Prescription and Enforcement of Regulations; Contracts

Section 14b - Campus Council

Section 14c - University of Massachusetts Research Foundation; Powers; Regulations

Section 14d - University of Massachusetts; Extension Board of Public Overseers

Section 15 - Reports and Bulletins

Section 15a - Center for Adoption Research and Policy

Section 16 - Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station

Section 16a - Diagnostic Laboratory

Section 17 - Experiments and Investigations; Nature and Scope

Section 18 - Officers; Equipment

Section 19 - Reports on Results of Experiments; Distribution

Section 21 - Fee for Testing Poultry

Section 22 - University Farm

Section 23 - Purposes

Section 24 - Status

Section 25 - Sale of Commonwealth Land to University Employees

Section 26 - Leasing of Commonwealth Land to University Employees

Section 27 - Approvals of Sales and Leases

Section 28 - Taxation of Leased Property

Section 29 - Protection and Maintenance of Mount Toby State Demonstration Forest

Section 30 - Use; Purposes

Section 32 - Travel Policy

Section 32a - Control, Movement and Parking of Motor Vehicles; Appointment of Police Officers

Section 32b - David I. Walsh–leverett Saltonstall Visiting Lectureship Program

Section 33 - University Scholarships

Section 33a - General Court Fellowship Program

Section 34 - University of Massachusetts Medical School; Grants

Section 34a - Tuition; Residents

Section 35 - Dean and Other Officers and Members of Professional Staff

Section 36 - Annual Budget

Section 36a - Cremation and Disposal of Donated Bodies

Section 36b - Analysis of Drugs, Medicine, Chemicals, etc.; Law Enforcement; Report

Section 36c - Acquisition of or Affiliation With Certain Health Care Programs or Facilities by Trustees; Approval of Proposed Transactions; Procedures

Section 36d - Payback Provisions in Learning Contracts; Interest Accrual; Annual Report

Section 37 - Establishment; Purpose; Contracts

Section 38 - National Environmental Technology Institute

Section 39 - Environmental Technology Testing Facility and Environmental Business Center

Section 40 - Marine Technology, Environmental, and Engineering Programs

Section 41 - Center for Materials Reuse

Section 42 - Funding for Environmental Programs; Administration

Section 43 - Biologic Laboratories; Advisory Board; Insurance; Agreements With Private Parties; Yearly Reports; Accounts

Section 44 - Appointment of Trustees to Corporation Receiving Assets From Clinical Operations of Worcester Campus; Student Representative

Section 45 - Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center

Section 45a - Application of Other Laws to the Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center

Section 45b - Innovation Commercialization Seed Fund

Section 45c - Innovation Voucher Program Fund

Section 46 - Office of Dispute Resolution

Section 47 - Statewide Community Mediation Center Grant Program; Funds; Compliance for Eligibility