Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 75 - University of Massachusetts
Section 27 - Approvals of Sales and Leases

Section 27. No sale or conveyance under section twenty-five shall become operative until it is approved by the governor and council, and no lease under section twenty-six shall become operative until the form thereof is approved by the governor and council.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XII - Education

Chapter 75 - University of Massachusetts

Section 1 - Status; Governing Body

Section 1a - Board of Trustees; Membership; Qualifications; Tenure; Vacancies; Powers and Duties; Indemnification

Section 1b - Student Charges for the University; Revolving Trust Fund; Tuition Credits; Annual Report

Section 2 - Purpose; Courses of Instruction; Standards; Powers of Trustees

Section 2a - Branch Banks on University Grounds Authorized

Section 3 - Rules and Regulations

Section 3a - Delegation of Powers by Trustees

Section 4 - Meetings of Trustees; Quorum; Executive Sessions

Section 5 - Seal

Section 6 - Audit of Accounts

Section 7 - Budget

Section 8 - Appropriations

Section 9 - Insurance

Section 10 - Receipts and Expenditures; Annual Report; Monthly Statements; Accounting System

Section 11 - Special Trusts, etc.; Management

Section 11a - Funds for Legislative Agents or Organizations Attempting to Influence Legislation

Section 12 - University Property; Management and Administration

Section 13 - Purchases

Section 14 - Election of Officers; Salary of President; Employment, Status and Benefits of Personnel

Section 14a - Prescription and Enforcement of Regulations; Contracts

Section 14b - Campus Council

Section 14c - University of Massachusetts Research Foundation; Powers; Regulations

Section 14d - University of Massachusetts; Extension Board of Public Overseers

Section 15 - Reports and Bulletins

Section 15a - Center for Adoption Research and Policy

Section 16 - Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station

Section 16a - Diagnostic Laboratory

Section 17 - Experiments and Investigations; Nature and Scope

Section 18 - Officers; Equipment

Section 19 - Reports on Results of Experiments; Distribution

Section 21 - Fee for Testing Poultry

Section 22 - University Farm

Section 23 - Purposes

Section 24 - Status

Section 25 - Sale of Commonwealth Land to University Employees

Section 26 - Leasing of Commonwealth Land to University Employees

Section 27 - Approvals of Sales and Leases

Section 28 - Taxation of Leased Property

Section 29 - Protection and Maintenance of Mount Toby State Demonstration Forest

Section 30 - Use; Purposes

Section 32 - Travel Policy

Section 32a - Control, Movement and Parking of Motor Vehicles; Appointment of Police Officers

Section 32b - David I. Walsh–leverett Saltonstall Visiting Lectureship Program

Section 33 - University Scholarships

Section 33a - General Court Fellowship Program

Section 34 - University of Massachusetts Medical School; Grants

Section 34a - Tuition; Residents

Section 35 - Dean and Other Officers and Members of Professional Staff

Section 36 - Annual Budget

Section 36a - Cremation and Disposal of Donated Bodies

Section 36b - Analysis of Drugs, Medicine, Chemicals, etc.; Law Enforcement; Report

Section 36c - Acquisition of or Affiliation With Certain Health Care Programs or Facilities by Trustees; Approval of Proposed Transactions; Procedures

Section 36d - Payback Provisions in Learning Contracts; Interest Accrual; Annual Report

Section 37 - Establishment; Purpose; Contracts

Section 38 - National Environmental Technology Institute

Section 39 - Environmental Technology Testing Facility and Environmental Business Center

Section 40 - Marine Technology, Environmental, and Engineering Programs

Section 41 - Center for Materials Reuse

Section 42 - Funding for Environmental Programs; Administration

Section 43 - Biologic Laboratories; Advisory Board; Insurance; Agreements With Private Parties; Yearly Reports; Accounts

Section 44 - Appointment of Trustees to Corporation Receiving Assets From Clinical Operations of Worcester Campus; Student Representative

Section 45 - Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center

Section 45a - Application of Other Laws to the Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center

Section 45b - Innovation Commercialization Seed Fund

Section 45c - Innovation Voucher Program Fund

Section 46 - Office of Dispute Resolution

Section 47 - Statewide Community Mediation Center Grant Program; Funds; Compliance for Eligibility