Massachusetts General Laws
Article 3 - Negotiable Instruments
Section 3-601 - Discharge and Effect of Discharge

Section 3–601. (a) The obligation of a party to pay the instrument is discharged as stated in this Article or by an act or agreement with the party which would discharge an obligation to pay money under a simple contract.
(b) Discharge of the obligation of a party is not effective against a person acquiring rights of a holder in due course of the instrument without notice of the discharge.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XV - Regulation of Trade

Chapter 106 - Uniform Commercial Code

Article 3 - Negotiable Instruments

Section 3-111 - Place of Payment

Section 3-112 - Interest

Section 3-102 - Subject Matter

Section 3-312 - Lost, Destroyed, or Stolen Cashier's Check, Teller's Check, or Certified Check

Section 3-401 - Signature

Section 3-402 - Signature by Representative

Section 3-403 - Unauthorized Signature

Section 3-404 - Impostors; Fictitious Payees

Section 3-405 - Employer's Responsibility for Fraudulent Indorsement by Employee

Section 3-406 - Negligence Contributing to Forged Signature or Alteration of Instrument

Section 3-407 - Alteration

Section 3-408 - Drawee Not Liable on Unaccepted Draft

Section 3-409 - Acceptance of Draft; Certified Check

Section 3-410 - Acceptance Varying Draft

Section 3-411 - Refusal to Pay Cashier's Checks, Teller's Checks, and Certified Checks

Section 3-412 - Obligation of Issuer of Note or Cashier's Check

Section 3-413 - Obligation of Acceptor

Section 3-311 - Accord and Satisfaction by Use of Instrument

Section 3-414 - Obligation of Drawer

Section 3-416 - Transfer Warranties

Section 3-418 - Payment or Acceptance by Mistake

Section 3-419 - Instruments Signed for Accommodation

Section 3-420 - Conversion of Instrument

Section 3-501 - Presentment

Section 3-502 - Dishonor

Section 3-503 - Notice of Dishonor

Section 3-504 - Excused Presentment and Notice of Dishonor

Section 3-505 - Evidence of Dishonor

Section 3-601 - Discharge and Effect of Discharge

Section 3-602 - Payment

Section 3-603 - Tender of Payment

Section 3-604 - Discharge by Cancellation or Renunciation

Section 3-605 - Discharge of Indorsers and Accommodation Parties

Section 3-415 - Obligation of Indorser

Section 3-310 - Effect of Instrument on Obligation for Which Taken

Section 3-417 - Presentment Warranties

Section 3-308 - Proof of Signatures and Status as Holder in Due Course

Section 3-309 - Enforcement of Lost, Destroyed, or Stolen Instrument

Section 3-103 - Definitions

Section 3-104 - Negotiable Instrument

Section 3-105 - Issue of Instrument

Section 3-106 - Unconditional Promise or Order

Section 3-107 - Instrument Payable in Foreign Money

Section 3-108 - Payable on Demand or at Definite Time

Section 3-110 - Identification of Person to Whom Instrument Is Payable

Section 3-101 - Short Title

Section 3-113 - Date of Instrument

Section 3-114 - Contradictory Terms of Instrument

Section 3-115 - Incomplete Instrument

Section 3-116 - Joint and Several Liability; Contribution

Section 3-117 - Other Agreements Affecting Instrument

Section 3-118 - Statute of Limitations

Section 3-109 - Payable to Bearer or to Order

Section 3-201 - Negotiation

Section 3-307 - Notice of Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Section 3-119 - Notice of Right to Defend Action

Section 3-306 - Claims to an Instrument

Section 3-305 - Defenses and Claims in Recoupment

Section 3-304 - Overdue Instrument

Section 3-302 - Holder in Due Course

Section 3-301 - Person Entitled to Enforce Instrument

Section 3-303 - Value and Consideration

Section 3-207 - Reacquisition

Section 3-206 - Restrictive Indorsement

Section 3-205 - Special Indorsement; Blank Indorsement; Anomalous Indorsement

Section 3-204 - Indorsement

Section 3-203 - Transfer of Instrument; Rights Acquired by Transfer

Section 3-202 - Negotiation Subject to Rescission