Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 98 - Weights and Measures
Section 29 - Powers and Duties of Deputy Director of Standards

Section 29. The deputy director shall enforce the laws relating to the use of weighing and measuring devices and the giving of false or insufficient weight or measure and shall keep a detailed record of his work in connection therewith. He shall also from time to time establish units of measurement to be observed in the sale of wooden shingles in the commonwealth. He may also, if he deems it desirable, and shall, upon request of the manufacturer of any weighing or measuring device or of any sealer of weights and measures, examine such device to determine whether or not its construction is such as to insure reasonably permanent accuracy and whether or not it may be used to facilitate the perpetration of fraud, approving or disapproving it accordingly. The division may also approve weighing and measuring devices for which certificates of conformance have been issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology under the National Type Evaluation program. When any weighing or measuring device has been so approved or disapproved by him, he shall notify all sealers of weights and measures, who shall thereafter act in accordance with such approval or disapproval when devices of that type are submitted to them for test. All weighing and measuring devices used or intended to be used commercially shall meet all the applicable requirements contained in the most recent publication of National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 44 as adopted by the National Conference on Weights and Measures.
The deputy director may from time to time adopt, and may thereafter amend or repeal, and shall enforce, all such reasonable rules and regulations, and orders thereunder, as may be necessary or suitable in relation to weighing and measuring devices, and the use thereof; provided, that such rules and regulations are in accordance with such generally accepted standards of engineering practice as relate to such weighing and measuring devices. Any person aggrieved by any rule or regulation, or order thereunder, made under authority of the preceding sentence may appeal therefrom to the director of consumer affairs and business regulation, who, after due notice, shall hold a hearing thereon and thereafter render a decision upon such appeal; and any person aggrieved by such decision may appeal therefrom to the district court within whose judicial district such person resides or has his usual place of business, and the decision of said court shall be final. Rules and regulations and orders issued by the deputy director hereunder may provide penalties for violations thereof not exceeding, for the first offense, a fine of one hundred dollars and, for the second or subsequent offense, a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars.
The committee shall certify all inspectors, sealers and deputies in accordance with sections 34, 35 and 36 and regulations promulgated by the committee including, but not limited to, regulations covering initial written certification testing for inspectors, sealers and deputies and mandatory continuing education programs for inspectors, sealers and deputies to maintain their certificates. Every store, retail establishment, food store or food department and all merchants within the jurisdiction of the division of standards shall provide adequate space for the display of information relative to how the local sealer or inspector or the division of standards can be contacted as provided in regulations to be promulgated by the committee. Notwithstanding any certification exemption, all sealers, inspectors and deputy sealers and deputy inspectors shall participate in continuing education programs. The committee shall establish a training and education fee to be paid by the municipality which employs such sealer, inspector, deputy sealer and deputy inspector sufficient to offset the cost of providing such training and education.
There shall be a permanent standing advisory committee comprised of the director of the division of standards or his designee, and a designee from each of the following organizations: the Massachusetts Weights and Measures Association, The Eastern Massachusetts Weights and Measures Association, the western Massachusetts Weights and Measures Association, and the city of Boston's department of inspectional services. Members of said board shall serve without compensation. Said committee shall be chaired by the director or deputy director of the division of standards. The committee shall develop, and from time to time, revise the certification and continuing education requirements that are established by the division of standards.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XV - Regulation of Trade

Chapter 98 - Weights and Measures

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Relation of Avoirdupois Pound to Troy Pound

Section 3 - State Standards

Section 4 - Additional State Standards; Replacement of Weights

Section 5 - Municipal Standards

Section 6 - Safe Keeping and Preservation of Town Standards; Insurance

Section 7 - Neglect to Provide Suitable Place for Keeping Standards; Loss or Damage

Section 8 - Vibrating Steelyards

Section 9 - State Clinical Standard Thermometer; Certification

Section 10 - Office Clinical Standard Thermometers; Verification; Comparisons

Section 11 - Tolerances and Specifications for Clinical Thermometers

Section 12 - Inspection and Testing of Clinical Thermometers; Certification; Fees

Section 13 - Manufacture and Sale of Clinical Thermometers

Section 14 - Penalties for Violation of Sec. 13

Section 14a - Glass Bottle or Jars for Lubricating Oil; Quality; Capacity; Sealing; Revocation of Authority; False or Insufficient Measure; Inspection of Bottles or Jars

Section 15 - Glass Bottles or Jars for Milk or Cream; Capacity; Sealing; Designating Mark; False Measure; Revocation of Authority

Section 16 - Paper or Fibre Bottles and Jars for Milk or Cream; Capacity; Sealing; Stamping

Section 17 - Re-Use of Paper or Fibre Bottles or Jars for Milk, Cream or Other Liquids

Section 18 - Markings on Cans or Containers for Milk or Cream; Sealing; Rules and Regulations; Revocation of Authority; Designating Marks; False or Insufficient Measure; Inspection

Section 19 - Penalties for Violation of Sec. 18

Section 20 - Containers for Sale of Ice Cream, Frozen Desserts or Frozen Dessert Mix; Capacity; Sealing; Designating Mark; False or Insufficient Measure

Section 21 - Semi-Annual Inspection of Ice Cream, Frozen Desserts or Frozen Dessert Mix Containers

Section 22 - Paper or Fibre Cartons for Sale of Viscous or Semi-Solid Commodities; Capacity; Shape; Dimensions; Markings

Section 23 - Testing Capacity of Containers; Seizure; Complaint; Revocation of Authority

Section 24 - Penalty for Unauthorized Marking

Section 25 - Condemnation of Weighing or Measuring Devices; Marking; Removal of Notice

Section 26 - Use or Possession of False or Condemned Devices

Section 27 - Use of Unsealed Weighing or Measuring Devices

Section 28 - Recovery of Market Value of Goods for Use of Unsealed Devices

Section 28a - Sealing and Testing of Meters for Measuring Liquefied Petroleum Gas; Tolerances; Revocation of Authority

Section 29 - Powers and Duties of Deputy Director of Standards

Section 29a - Civil Citation for Violation of Weights and Measures Laws; Appeal

Section 31 - Use of Seals; Imitation or Counterfeit Seals

Section 32 - Tests, Inspections and Adjustments of Town Standards and Devices; Complaints; Enforcement

Section 33 - Testing of Weighing and Measuring Devices in State Institutions; Reports; Appointment of Special Deputies

Section 33a - Testing of Weighing and Measuring Devices in Towns of 5,000 or Less Inhabitants

Section 34 - Appointment of Sealers and Deputies in Cities and Large Towns; Powers and Duties; Interference With Sealer; Compensation; Fees; Certification

Section 35 - Comprehensive Weights and Measures Enforcement System in Small Towns; Certification of Sealers and Deputies

Section 36 - Appointment of District Sealers; Powers and Duties; Bond; Compensation; Records; Fees; Certification

Section 36a - Determination That Cities or Towns Have an Inadequate Weights and Measures Enforcement System; Assumption of Responsibilities

Section 37 - Reports of Municipalities; Weighing and Measuring Devices

Section 38 - Duplicate Set of Apothecaries' Weights and Liquid Measures

Section 39 - Receipt and Accountability of Town Standards and Seal

Section 40 - Duplicate Set of Weights, Measures and Balances

Section 41 - Annual Testing and Sealing of Weights and Measures; Notice; Record

Section 42 - Failure to Comply With Notice; Sealing on Premises; Interference With Sealer; Penalty

Section 43 - Testing of Weighing or Measuring Devices Registering Price

Section 44 - Testing of Devices for Determining Measurement of Leather; Rules and Regulations

Section 45 - Testing of Taximeters; Rules and Regulations

Section 46 - Testing of Devices for Standardizing Production and Determining Wages, Capacity of Tanks or Containers; Sealing; Condemnation; Fee Schedule; Certificate; Accuracy of Automatic Devices

Section 46a - Bulk Milk Tanks; Calibration and Sealing

Section 47 - Annual Testing of Apothecaries' Weights and Measures; Sealing; Graduated Glass Measures; Approval; Designating Marks; Revocation of Authority

Section 48 - Use of Untested Weights or Measures

Section 49 - Annual Tests of Hay and Coal Scales

Section 50 - Tests of Weighing or Measuring Devices Upon Request; Results

Section 51 - Sealing of Glass Milk and Cream Bottles or Jars

Section 52 - Testing Incorrect Weights or Measuring Devices Upon Complaint; Entry; Use of Device

Section 53 - Marking Devices With Stencil; Certificate; Notice Forbidding Use; Removal of Notice

Section 54 - Seizure of Weighing or Measuring Devices for Evidence; Disposition

Section 55 - Seizure of Devices Not Conforming to Legal Standards; Destruction

Section 56 - Fees of Sealers and Inspectors

Section 56a - Location of Scales for Food Sold at Retail

Section 56b - Computing Scales for Prepackaged Meat, Poultry or Fish; Penalty for Failure to Provide

Section 56c - Placement of Cash Register; Observation of Total by Customer; Penalty

Section 56d - Examination and Testing of Automated Retail Checkout Systems

Section 57 - Annual Report of the Acts of the Division of Standards