Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 23g - The Massachusetts Development Finance Agency
Section 28 - Advisory Committee; Membership; Terms; Quorum; Reimbursement for Expenses

[ First paragraph of subsection (a) effective until December 13, 2021. For text effective December 13, 2021, see below.]
  Section 28. (a) There shall be an advisory committee to the Emergency Technology Fund established in section 27 which shall consist of the director of the Massachusetts office of business development, the director of the John Adams Innovation Institute, the president of the Massachusetts Technology Development Corporation, 3 persons to be appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall be a representative of an emerging technology industry, 1 of whom shall have knowledge of financing of emerging technology companies and 1 of whom shall have knowledge of technology transfer and commercialization activities at research institutions, and 3 persons to be appointed by the board of the agency, 1 of whom shall be a representative of an emerging technology industry, 1 of whom shall have knowledge of financing of emerging technology companies and 1 of whom shall be a member of the agency's board of directors; provided, however, that the director of the John Adams Innovation Institute and the president of the Massachusetts Technology Development Corporation may designate another person to act in such member's place for a particular purpose, including the right to attend and vote at a meeting of the advisory committee. The executive director of the Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center or the executive director's designee shall serve as an ex-officio and nonvoting member of the advisory committee.
[ First paragraph of subsection (a) as amended by 2021, 102, Sec. 10 effective December 13, 2021. For text effective until December 13, 2021, see above.]
  (a) There shall be an advisory committee to the Emergency Technology Fund established in section 27 which shall consist of the director of the Massachusetts office of business development, the director of the John Adams Innovation Institute, the president of the Massachusetts Technology Development Corporation, 3 persons to be appointed by the governor, 1 of whom shall be a representative of an emerging technology industry, 1 of whom shall have knowledge of financing of emerging technology companies and 1 of whom shall have knowledge of technology transfer and commercialization activities at research institutions, and 3 persons to be appointed by the board of the agency, 1 of whom shall be a representative of an emerging technology industry, 1 of whom shall have knowledge of financing of emerging technology companies and 1 of whom shall be a member of the agency's board of directors; provided, however, that the director of the John Adams Innovation Institute and the president of the Massachusetts Technology Development Corporation may designate another person to act in such member's place for a particular purpose, including the right to attend and vote at a meeting of the advisory committee.
  Each appointed member of the advisory committee shall serve for a term of 3 years or until such member's successor is appointed; provided, however, that 1 of the governor's initial appointees and 1 of the board of the agency's initial appointees shall serve for a term of 1 year, 1 of the governor's initial appointees and 1 of the board of the agency's initial appointees shall serve for a term of 2 years, and 1 of the governor's initial appointees and 1 of the board of the agency's initial appointees shall serve for a term of 3 years. A person appointed to fill a vacancy on the advisory committee shall be appointed in a like manner and shall be eligible for reappointment. A member of the advisory committee appointed by the governor may be removed by the governor for cause. A member of the advisory committee appointed by the board of the agency may be removed by the board of the agency for cause.
  (b) The members shall annually elect a chairman and vice chairman and shall adopt by-laws governing the affairs of the advisory committee. Five members of the advisory committee shall constitute a quorum and the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present and eligible to vote at a meeting shall be necessary for an action to be taken by the advisory committee; provided, however, that no vacancy in the membership of the advisory committee shall impair the right of a quorum to exercise the powers of the advisory committee.
  (c) The members shall serve without compensation, but each member shall be entitled to reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duties.
  (d) The advisory committee may meet as often as the members shall decide; provided, however, that it shall meet at least once in each calendar quarter and its approval shall be necessary for an expenditure from, or commitment of, the assets of the fund or entry into contracts of the type specified in subsection (g).
  (e) The advisory committee may, by majority vote, elect, in its discretion, to delegate some or all of the committee's approval rights to the board or the staff of the agency; provided, that, any such delegation may be revoked at any time by majority vote of the advisory committee.
  (f) The agency shall manage the qualified investments made from the fund on behalf of the advisory committee including, without limitation, the closing, servicing, monitoring, underwriting and where appropriate, the enforcement of rights with respect to such management and shall provide such staff and supporting assistance as deemed appropriate by the board of directors of the agency to enable the advisory committee to discharge its duties in a manner consistent with its public purpose. Subsection (d), subsections (f) to (i), inclusive and subsection (l) of section 2 of this chapter shall also apply to the members and affairs of the advisory committee.
  (g) The advisory committee and the agency may award 1 or more contracts with regard to the management of the fund, which may provide performance-based incentives, with regard to such management.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 23g - The Massachusetts Development Finance Agency

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Creation; Directors, Officers and Employees; Termination; Trade Secrets

Section 3 - Powers

Section 4 - Development Finance Insurance Fund

Section 5 - Insurance or Reinsurance of Loans; Rates; Approval of Loan

Section 6 - Massachusetts Export Development Fund

Section 7 - Massachusetts Export Development Program; Insurance, Co-Insurance and Loan Guarantees

Section 8 - Issuance of Bonds; Bond Reserve Fund

Section 9 - Investment in Bonds by Public Officers, Public Bodies, Insurance or Banking Institutions

Section 10 - Audits

Section 11 - Marine Seafood Processing Revolving Loan Fund; Separate Accounts

Section 12 - Marine Seafood Processing Revolving Loan Fund; Rules and Regulations Advisory Council; Loan Authorization

Section 13 - Grant and Approval of Loans

Section 14 - Acquisition of Lands

Section 15 - Conveyance of Land to Agency or Boston Redevelopment Authority

Section 16 - Acquisition of Surplus or Blighted Lands; Redevelopment or Incubator Development Plans; Approval

Section 16a - Designations; Walking Track; Tennis Courts

Section 16b - Borrowing of Money

Section 16c - Taking of Land by Eminent Domain

Section 17 - Disposition of Lands; Valuation

Section 18 - Government Land Bank Fund

Section 18a - Liability for Payment of Bonds Issued Under Prior Act

Section 19 - Grants; Financing Transactions; Approval of Applications

Section 20 - Small Business Incubator Facilities; Location Restriction

Section 21 - Application Requirements for Incubator Development Plan, Loans or Grants

Section 22 - Application Approval; Requirements by Incubator Sponsor

Section 23 - Incubator Facilities; Tenant Businesses; Time Limitation

Section 24 - Authorization to Borrow; Issuance of Bonds and Notes

Section 25 - Issuance and Sale of Bonds

Section 26 - Contract Assistance for Debt Service Obligations

Section 27 - Emerging Technology Fund

Section 28 - Advisory Committee; Membership; Terms; Quorum; Reimbursement for Expenses

Section 29 - Debt Obligations

Section 29a - Brownfields Redevelopment Fund

Section 30 - Accounts of Receipts and Expenditures; Annual Report

Section 31 - Rents and Charges for Services or Facilities Furnished or Supplied by Agency

Section 32 - Liability in Contract or Tort

Section 33 - Exemption From Taxation

Section 34 - Annual Report

Section 35 - Building Projects; Contracting or Incurring Obligations for Project Design or Construction

Section 36 - Interests in Land, Mortgages, Liens and Security Interests; Transfer Upon Termination of Agency

Section 37 - Monies Credited to Government Land Bank Fund; Reversion Upon Termination of Agency

Section 38 - Books, Papers, Records, Documents and Equipment; Transfer Upon Termination of Agency

Section 39 - Agreements, Contracts, Leases and Other Obligations; Performance and Enforcement Upon Termination of Agency

Section 40 - Proceedings and Prosecutions Pending Upon Termination of Agency

Section 41 - Incubator Program Fund

Section 42 - Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund

Section 43 - Cultural Facilities Fund Advisory Committee; Members; Review of Applications for Grant and Loans

Section 44 - Application of Other Laws to the Agency

Section 45 - Commonwealth Advanced Manufacturing Futures Program; Grants and Loans; Performance Evaluations; Annual Reports

Section 46 - Transformative Development Fund

Section 47 - Maritime Piers Repair and Rehabilitation Program