Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 23g - The Massachusetts Development Finance Agency
Section 16 - Acquisition of Surplus or Blighted Lands; Redevelopment or Incubator Development Plans; Approval

Section 16. The Agency may take possession of or acquire blighted lands or incubator development lands or an interest therein or make loans, loan guarantees or grants for the redevelopment of blighted lands only after a public hearing and a determination by the Agency that such lands are decadent, substandard or blighted open areas.
The Agency may dispose of federal surplus, blighted or incubator development lands or an interest therein only after approval of a redevelopment plan for federal surplus or blighted lands, or an incubator development plan for incubator development lands by the board of directors of the Agency, which approval shall not occur until a public hearing is held on said redevelopment or incubator development plan and provided such lands shall be developed or redeveloped in accordance with said redevelopment plan or incubator development plan. The Agency shall not approve a redevelopment or incubator development plan for such lands within one year of the acquisition or possession by the Agency of such lands or an interest therein unless the city council, board of aldermen or board of selectmen of the municipality or municipalities in which the lands lie have approved said redevelopment or incubator development plan. The Agency may extend the one year period by petition of any municipality wherein the lands are located.
The Agency may take possession of or acquire state surplus lands or an interest therein only after approval of a redevelopment plan for such lands by the board of directors of the Agency, the city council, board of aldermen or board of selectmen of the municipality or municipalities in which the lands lie, and the deputy commissioner of capital planning and operations, which approvals shall not occur until a public hearing is held on said redevelopment plan. Such lands shall be developed or redeveloped in accordance with said redevelopment plan and if a formal competitive process will not be the method utilized for the disposition of such lands or interests to a private person or entity, the Agency shall disclose the reasons therefore in the central register published by the secretary of state prior to such disposition.
The Agency shall, in accordance with section 3 of chapter 30A of the General Laws, establish general rules and regulations governing the evaluation and selection criteria for development proposals for all state surplus lands acquired by it, prior to the acquisition of any state surplus lands by the Agency.
No redevelopment or incubator development plan shall be approved by the Agency unless the Agency finds that such plan provides for the development, redevelopment, operation, or maintenance of the lands, in whole or in part, substantially for institutional, governmental industrial, commercial or residential uses which will prevent or eliminate blight, economic dislocation, economic distress, or unemployment, or for the construction or rehabilitation upon the lands or decent, safe and sanitary housing, at least 25 per cent of which shall be made available to persons of low and moderate income, or for such other public purposes as the Agency may determine are generally consistent with the provisions of this chapter; that such plan is consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, with particular regard to the prevention of blight, economic dislocation and unemployment or the alleviation of the shortage of such housing; that such plan is financially sound; and that such plan meets such other requirements as the Agency may by regulation establish.
No redevelopment or incubator development plan shall be materially amended unless the public hearing and approval procedures as specified in this section for redevelopment or incubator development plans are complied with prior to any such amendment.
Redevelopment or incubator development plans shall contain a general description of the lands and of the purposes for which the lands will be developed, redeveloped, operated or maintained, the anticipated financing sources for said development, redevelopment, operation or maintenance and the role of the Agency in and the anticipated public benefits and public subsidies that will result from the development, redevelopment, operation or maintenance of such lands. If a redevelopment plan is for state surplus lands, said plan shall also contain a description of (a) any reuse restrictions imposed by the general court or the deputy commissioner of capital planning and operations and how said restrictions will be enforced by the Agency; and (b) the disposition process to be utilized for such lands.
Any required public hearings need not be adjudicatory hearings as provided by chapter 30A. Notice for said public hearings must be published in a daily newspaper of general circulation in the area in which the land is located at least seven days prior to said hearings and the requirements of sections 11A and 11B of said chapter 30A shall be met. At least seven days prior to public hearings on redevelopment or incubator development plans, said plans shall be available for public review at the offices of the Agency.
The provisions of this section shall apply only to the exercise by the Agency of its powers under clause (23) and clauses (26) to (29), inclusive of section 3.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title II - Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth

Chapter 23g - The Massachusetts Development Finance Agency

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Creation; Directors, Officers and Employees; Termination; Trade Secrets

Section 3 - Powers

Section 4 - Development Finance Insurance Fund

Section 5 - Insurance or Reinsurance of Loans; Rates; Approval of Loan

Section 6 - Massachusetts Export Development Fund

Section 7 - Massachusetts Export Development Program; Insurance, Co-Insurance and Loan Guarantees

Section 8 - Issuance of Bonds; Bond Reserve Fund

Section 9 - Investment in Bonds by Public Officers, Public Bodies, Insurance or Banking Institutions

Section 10 - Audits

Section 11 - Marine Seafood Processing Revolving Loan Fund; Separate Accounts

Section 12 - Marine Seafood Processing Revolving Loan Fund; Rules and Regulations Advisory Council; Loan Authorization

Section 13 - Grant and Approval of Loans

Section 14 - Acquisition of Lands

Section 15 - Conveyance of Land to Agency or Boston Redevelopment Authority

Section 16 - Acquisition of Surplus or Blighted Lands; Redevelopment or Incubator Development Plans; Approval

Section 16a - Designations; Walking Track; Tennis Courts

Section 16b - Borrowing of Money

Section 16c - Taking of Land by Eminent Domain

Section 17 - Disposition of Lands; Valuation

Section 18 - Government Land Bank Fund

Section 18a - Liability for Payment of Bonds Issued Under Prior Act

Section 19 - Grants; Financing Transactions; Approval of Applications

Section 20 - Small Business Incubator Facilities; Location Restriction

Section 21 - Application Requirements for Incubator Development Plan, Loans or Grants

Section 22 - Application Approval; Requirements by Incubator Sponsor

Section 23 - Incubator Facilities; Tenant Businesses; Time Limitation

Section 24 - Authorization to Borrow; Issuance of Bonds and Notes

Section 25 - Issuance and Sale of Bonds

Section 26 - Contract Assistance for Debt Service Obligations

Section 27 - Emerging Technology Fund

Section 28 - Advisory Committee; Membership; Terms; Quorum; Reimbursement for Expenses

Section 29 - Debt Obligations

Section 29a - Brownfields Redevelopment Fund

Section 30 - Accounts of Receipts and Expenditures; Annual Report

Section 31 - Rents and Charges for Services or Facilities Furnished or Supplied by Agency

Section 32 - Liability in Contract or Tort

Section 33 - Exemption From Taxation

Section 34 - Annual Report

Section 35 - Building Projects; Contracting or Incurring Obligations for Project Design or Construction

Section 36 - Interests in Land, Mortgages, Liens and Security Interests; Transfer Upon Termination of Agency

Section 37 - Monies Credited to Government Land Bank Fund; Reversion Upon Termination of Agency

Section 38 - Books, Papers, Records, Documents and Equipment; Transfer Upon Termination of Agency

Section 39 - Agreements, Contracts, Leases and Other Obligations; Performance and Enforcement Upon Termination of Agency

Section 40 - Proceedings and Prosecutions Pending Upon Termination of Agency

Section 41 - Incubator Program Fund

Section 42 - Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund

Section 43 - Cultural Facilities Fund Advisory Committee; Members; Review of Applications for Grant and Loans

Section 44 - Application of Other Laws to the Agency

Section 45 - Commonwealth Advanced Manufacturing Futures Program; Grants and Loans; Performance Evaluations; Annual Reports

Section 46 - Transformative Development Fund

Section 47 - Maritime Piers Repair and Rehabilitation Program