Section 26C. (a) Upon a conviction or adjudication by reason of a violation of subsections (c) to (e), inclusive, of section 26B or upon a second or subsequent conviction or adjudication of delinquency for violation of section 26, or any combination thereof, a snow vehicle or recreation vehicle used in the commission of such violation or violations shall be subject to forfeiture.
(b) A district attorney or the attorney general may petition the superior or district court in the name of the commonwealth in the nature of a proceeding in rem to order forfeiture of such snow vehicle or recreation vehicle. The petition shall be filed in the court having jurisdiction over the criminal proceeding brought under this section. The proceeding shall be deemed a civil suit in equity. In all such actions in which the snow vehicle or recreation vehicle is jointly owned before the date of the violation committed by the defendant by either a parent, spouse, child, grandparent, brother, sister or parent of the spouse living in the defendant's household, the commonwealth shall have the burden of proving to the court the existence of probable cause to institute the action.
(c) The court shall order the commonwealth to give notice by certified or registered mail to the owners of the snow vehicle or recreation vehicle and to such other persons or entities who appear to have an interest therein, and the court shall promptly, but not less than 2 weeks after notice, hold a hearing on the petition. Upon the motion of an owner of the snow vehicle or recreation vehicle, the court may continue the hearing on the petition pending the outcome of a criminal trial related to the violation. During the pendency of the proceedings, the court may issue at the request of the commonwealth ex-parte any preliminary order or process as is necessary to seize or secure the property for which forfeiture is sought and to provide for its custody. Process for seizure of the property shall issue only upon a showing of probable cause, and the application therefor and the issuance, execution and return thereof shall be subject to chapter 276, as applicable.
(d) At a hearing under this section, the court shall hear evidence and make findings of fact and conclusions of law and shall issue a final order from which the parties shall have such right of appeal as from a decree in equity. No forfeiture under this section shall extinguish a perfected security interest held by a creditor in the property at the time of the filing of the forfeiture action. In all actions where a final order results in forfeiture, the final order shall provide for disposition of the property by the commonwealth or any subdivision thereof in any manner not prohibited by law, including official use by an authorized law enforcement or other agency, or at sale at public auction or by competitive bidding, with the sale being conducted by the office of the district attorney or the attorney general that obtained the final order of forfeiture.
(e) The final order of the court shall provide that the proceeds of any such sale shall be used to pay the reasonable expenses of the forfeiture proceedings, seizure, storage, maintenance of custody, advertising and notice, and 75 per cent of the balance of any proceeds shall be deposited into the Off–Highway Vehicle Program Fund, established in section 35OO of chapter 10 and the remaining 25 per cent shall be distributed equally by the court among the division, departments or offices involved in the seizure or to the division, department or office if a single law enforcement agency was involved.
(f) Any moneys and proceeds received by a division, department or office pursuant to this section may be expended without further appropriation to defray the costs of investigations, to provide additional technical equipment or expertise, to provide matching funds to obtain federal grants or to accomplish such other law enforcement, environmental or public recreational purposes as the head of such division, department or office deems appropriate, but such funds shall not be considered a source of revenue to meet the operating needs of such division, department or office.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Title XIV - Public Ways and Works
Chapter 90b - Motorboats, Other Vessels and Recreational Vehicles
Section 2 - Numbering; Exceptions
Section 3 - Application for Certificate of Number; Display
Section 4 - Lost, Destroyed or Mutilated Certificates of Number; Replacement
Section 4a - Altering, Forging or Counterfeiting Certificates of Number of Motorboat; Penalty
Section 5a - Personal Floatation Devices
Section 5b - Automatic Shut–off Nozzle for Motorboat Fuel Dispensing Devices; Fine
Section 5c - Discharge of Sewage Into Waters Designated as a No Discharge Area; Fine
Section 5d - Violations of Sec. 37b of Chapter 21; Penalties
Section 6 - Exhaust; Use of Cutouts
Section 7 - Compliance With Sec. 5; Pre-Requisite to Departure From Boat Livery
Section 9 - Accidents; Duty of Operator; Reports
Section 9a - Jet Ski, Surf Jet or Wetbike Operation
Section 9b - Educational Safety Program; Jet Skis, Surf Jets and Wetbikes
Section 10 - Requests for Information or Records From Federal Agencies
Section 11 - Powers and Duties of Director
Section 12 - Enforcement of Chapter
Section 12a - Operation Without Personal Flotation Devices or in Overloaded or Unsafe Condition
Section 13 - Arrest Without Warrant; Entry Upon Private Lands
Section 13a - Scuba Divers; Display of Diver's Flag Required
Section 14 - Penalties; Proceedings
Section 15 - Scope of Chapter; Local Regulations; Approval of Ordinances and By-Laws
Section 17 - Enforcing Officers; Reports to Director
Section 20 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 21 to 35
Section 21 - Recreation Vehicle Safety and Responsibility Course
Section 22 - Registration; Application; Period; Certificate; Name and Address; Transferability; Fees
Section 22a - Vintage Snow Vehicle; Registration; Operation Restrictions
Section 23 - Transfer of Ownership
Section 24 - Lights; Reflectors; Excessive Noise; Noxious Fumes
Section 25 - Operation on Public Ways; Emergencies; Regulations
Section 26 - Prohibited or Limited Operation by Underage Persons; Restrictions
Section 26d - Summons for Violation of Secs. 26a or 26b
Section 28 - Suspension or Revocation of Registration; Hearing
Section 29 - Rules and Regulations
Section 30 - Nonresident Recreational Vehicles
Section 31 - Municipal Assessments
Section 32 - Regulations; Enforcement; Reports of Violations
Section 33 - Local or Departmental Regulation; Trespassing
Section 34 - Violations; Punishment
Section 35 - Disposition of Fines
Section 36 - Titled Motorboats; Certificates of Title