Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 212 - The Superior Court
Section 26a - Land Title Actions; Jury-Waived Civil Actions; Transfer to Land Court

Section 26A. The superior court may, upon the application of either party, order a jury-waived civil action where any right, title or interest in land is involved, including actions for specific performance of contracts, removed to the land court for trial and disposition. Upon the entry of such an order, the clerk of the court shall forthwith transmit all the papers in the case to the recorder of the land court who shall forthwith enter them on the land court docket, which court thereafter shall have jurisdiction of the action so removed.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases

Title I - Courts and Judicial Officers

Chapter 212 - The Superior Court

Section 1 - Number of Superior Court Justices; Chief Justice; Definitions

Section 1a - Deputy Court Administrator

Section 2 - Court; Manner of Holding

Section 3 - Exclusive Original Jurisdiction

Section 3a - Statement to Accompany Complaint for Civil Action for Damages

Section 4 - Original Jurisdiction

Section 5 - Appellate Civil Jurisdiction

Section 6 - Criminal Jurisdiction

Section 7 - Indictments; Transmittal

Section 8 - Security in Civil or Criminal Cases to Stand on Appeal

Section 9 - Orders or Decrees of Supreme Judicial Court; Recording

Section 12 - Affirmation of Judgment on Non-Entry of Appeal

Section 13 - Late Entry of Appeal

Section 14 - Sittings of Court; Places

Section 14a - Sittings; First Justices; Powers and Duties; Terms; Removal

Section 19 - Clerk's Office

Section 19a - Special Master

Section 20 - Civil and Criminal Business; Separation; Jurors

Section 20a - Central Pools of Jurors

Section 21 - Special Jury Sittings for Criminal Business

Section 22 - Return Day in Criminal Cases

Section 23 - Grand Jury; Assembling

Section 24 - Precedence of Certain Prosecutions

Section 25 - Continuance of Sitting

Section 26 - Records; Custody

Section 26a - Land Title Actions; Jury-Waived Civil Actions; Transfer to Land Court

Section 29 - Speedy Trial of Persons Held in Default of Bail

Section 30 - Labor Dispute Cases; Panel of Justices; Hearing; Review