Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 212 - The Superior Court
Section 25 - Continuance of Sitting

Section 25. If a case is on trial at the end of a sitting, such sitting may be continued, and jurors serving in such case may be required to serve until the case is finished.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases

Title I - Courts and Judicial Officers

Chapter 212 - The Superior Court

Section 1 - Number of Superior Court Justices; Chief Justice; Definitions

Section 1a - Deputy Court Administrator

Section 2 - Court; Manner of Holding

Section 3 - Exclusive Original Jurisdiction

Section 3a - Statement to Accompany Complaint for Civil Action for Damages

Section 4 - Original Jurisdiction

Section 5 - Appellate Civil Jurisdiction

Section 6 - Criminal Jurisdiction

Section 7 - Indictments; Transmittal

Section 8 - Security in Civil or Criminal Cases to Stand on Appeal

Section 9 - Orders or Decrees of Supreme Judicial Court; Recording

Section 12 - Affirmation of Judgment on Non-Entry of Appeal

Section 13 - Late Entry of Appeal

Section 14 - Sittings of Court; Places

Section 14a - Sittings; First Justices; Powers and Duties; Terms; Removal

Section 19 - Clerk's Office

Section 19a - Special Master

Section 20 - Civil and Criminal Business; Separation; Jurors

Section 20a - Central Pools of Jurors

Section 21 - Special Jury Sittings for Criminal Business

Section 22 - Return Day in Criminal Cases

Section 23 - Grand Jury; Assembling

Section 24 - Precedence of Certain Prosecutions

Section 25 - Continuance of Sitting

Section 26 - Records; Custody

Section 26a - Land Title Actions; Jury-Waived Civil Actions; Transfer to Land Court

Section 29 - Speedy Trial of Persons Held in Default of Bail

Section 30 - Labor Dispute Cases; Panel of Justices; Hearing; Review