Section 25A. The department, in order to identify the location, distribution and nature of all health care resources in the commonwealth shall establish and maintain on a current basis an inventory of all such resources together with all other reasonably pertinent information concerning such resources. For purposes of this section, a health care resource shall include any resource, whether personal or institutional in nature and whether owned or operated by any person, the commonwealth or political subdivision thereof, the principal purpose of which is to provide, or facilitate the provision of, services for the prevention, detection, diagnosis or treatment of those physical and mental conditions experienced by humans which usually are the result of, or result in, disease, injury, deformity, or pain; and provided that the term ''treatment'' shall include custodial and rehabilitative care incident to infirmity, developmental disability or old age.
Such inventory and all related information shall be maintained in a form usable by the general public in a designated office of the department, shall constitute a public record, and shall be coordinated with information collected by the department under other provisions of law, federal census information, and other vital statistics from reliable sources; provided, however, that any item of information which is confidential or privileged in nature shall not be regarded as a public record under this section.
The department may require health care resources to provide information for the purposes of this section and may prescribe by regulation uniform reporting requirements. In prescribing such regulations the department shall strive to make any reports required under this section of mutual benefit to those providing as well as those using such information, and shall avoid placing any burdens on such providers which are not reasonably necessary to accomplish the purposes of this section.
The department shall publish analyses, reports and interpretations of information collected under this section in order to further public knowledge concerning the distribution and nature of health care resources in the commonwealth.
Agencies of the commonwealth which collect cost or other data concerning health care resources shall cooperate with the department in coordinating such data with information collected under this section.
In the performance of its duties, the department, subject to appropriation, may enter into such contracts with agencies of the federal government, the commonwealth or its political subdivisions, and public or private bodies, as it deems necessary; provided, however, that no information received under such a contract shall be published or relied upon for any purpose by the department unless the department has determined such information to be reasonably accurate by statistical sampling or other suitable techniques for measuring the reliability of information-gathering processes.
The department of public health may establish an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis registry, to be known as the Argeo Paul Cellucci Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Registry, by areas and regions of the commonwealth, with specific data to be obtained from urban, low and median income communities and minority communities of the commonwealth.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Section 2 - Duties of Commissioner of Public Health
Section 2a - Co-Operation With Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
Section 2b - Air Pollution Emergencies
Section 2c - Pollution Violations; Orders of Department of Environmental Protection
Section 2d - Massachusetts State Health HIV and Hepatitis Fund; Definitions
Section 2e - Massachusetts State Public Health and Hepatitis Fund; Expenditures
Section 2f - Massachusetts AIDS Advisory Board; Membership
Section 2g - Prevention and Wellness Trust Fund
Section 2h - Prevention and Wellness Advisory Board
Section 2i - Substance Abuse Services Fund
Section 2j - Public Health Grant Trust Fund
Section 3 - Public Health Council; Hearings, Intervention
Section 3a - Board of Trustees of Massachusetts Hospital School; Appointment
Section 4 - Health Districts; District Health Officers; Enforcement of Laws in Districts
Section 4e - Program to Combat Intellectual Disabilities in Children
Section 4f - Advisory Council on Radiation Protection
Section 4g - Epileptics; Program for Care, Treatment and Rehabilitation
Section 4h - Chronic Renal Diseases; Care and Treatment; Agreements
Section 4i - Erythroblastosis Fetalis; Prevention; Rules and Regulations
Section 4j - Multi–disciplinary Medical Review Team; Certification of Nursing Home Care Eligibility
Section 4k - Diethylstilbestrol; Public Information Program; Regional Screening; Annual Report
Section 4l - Advisory Board for Diethylstilbestrol Program
Section 4o - Appointment of Dental Director; Office of Oral Health; Responsibilities
Section 5 - Powers and Duties of Department
Section 5a1/2 - Emergency Stockpile Trust Fund
Section 5d - Plastic Bags and Film; Rules and Regulations
Section 5f - Aquatic Nuisances; Control; Cost Sharing Programs
Section 5g - Water Supply; Treatment Facilities
Section 5i - Laser Equipment; Rules and Regulations; Penalties for Violation
Section 5j - Radiation Treatment; Clinical Precautions
Section 5k - Nuclear Reactors; Monitoring and Surveillance; Charges and Assessments
Section 5l - Radiologic Technologists; Advisory Commission; Licenses
Section 5m - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 5m to 5p
Section 5o - Notices of Violation and Orders; Hearing; Civil Penalties
Section 5q - Mammography Facilities; Rules and Regulations; Licensing; Inspections
Section 6 - Power to Define Diseases Deemed Dangerous to Public Health; Control and Prevention
Section 6a - Hemophilia; Program for Care and Treatment; Definition
Section 6b - Hemophilia Advisory Committee
Section 6c - Hemophilia Program; Powers and Duties of Department
Section 6e - Collection and Report of Data on Law Enforcement-Related Injuries and Deaths
Section 7 - Investigation of Contagious or Infectious Diseases; Notice
Section 8 - Use of Common Drinking Cup or Towel; Rules and Regulations
Section 8a - Poisonous or Corrosive Substances; Disposal or Closures of Containers
Section 14a - Rheumatic Fever; Treatment of Patients
Section 15 - Services for Division of Animal Health
Section 16 - Unsanitary Condition of Barns, Stables or Enclosures in Which Cattle Are Kept; Report
Section 18 - Powers and Duties of District Health Officer
Section 19 - Annual Report of District Health Officer
Section 21 - Rules for Living Conditions of Detainees; Enforcement
Section 23 - Annual Report of Commissioner of Environmental Protection; Recommendations
Section 24 - Publication of Parts of Annual Report; Manual of Laws
Section 24b - Birth Information; Statistical Purposes
Section 24e - Comprehensive Family Planning Services; Program Establishment
Section 24h - Managed Care Program Within Community Health Centers
Section 24i - Universal Immunization Program
Section 24j - Medical Respite Services Program
Section 24k - Pediatric Palliative Care Program; Eligibility; Services
Section 24l - Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Initiative
Section 24m - Computerized Immunization Registry
Section 25 - Publication of Certificate of Examination or Results of Analyses
Section 25a - Inventory of Health Care Resources and Related Information; Status as Public Record; Reporting Regulations; Publication; Inter-Agency Cooperation; Contracts Authorized
Section 25b - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 25b to 25g
Section 25b1/2 - Expenditure Minimums; Annual Adjustments
Section 25c1/2 - Exemption From Determination of Need of Projects Related to Inpatient Services
Section 25f - Rules and Regulations; Effective Date
Section 25g - Enforcement of Secs. 25c to 25g
Section 25i - Guidelines for the Reduction of Medication Waste in Licensed Facilities
Section 25j - Competent Interpreter Services in Acute-Care Hospitals
Section 25k - Educational Insert Accompanying Sale of Hypodermic Syringes and Needles
Section 25l - Health Care Workforce Center
Section 25m - Healthcare Workforce Advisory Council
Section 25n - Health Care Workforce Loan Repayment Program
Section 25n1/2 - Primary Care Residency Grant Program
Section 25n3/4 - Primary Care Workforce Development and Loan Forgiveness Grant Program
Section 26 - Boards of Health in Cities; Membership; Appointment; Removal; Compensation
Section 26a - Health Departments in Cities; Commissioners
Section 26b - Commissioner of Health in Cities; Appointment; Removal; Qualifications
Section 26d - Abolition of Boards of Health in Cities and Towns Upon Qualification of Commissioner
Section 26e - Rules and Regulations for Departments of Health; Assistants and Clerks
Section 26f - List of Hazardous Chemicals in Water Supply; Effects
Section 26g - Septic System Installers; Inspections
Section 27 - Organization of Boards; Appointment of Physician and Clerk; Compensation
Section 27d - Public Health Excellence Program; Definitions; Purpose; Grant Program; Duties
Section 28 - Annual Reports of Boards of Health
Section 29 - Weekly Reports of Deaths From Diseases Dangerous to Public Health
Section 30 - Agents; Appointment; Inspections
Section 31a - Permit for Removal or Transportation of Garbage; Application; Exemptions
Section 31b - Rules and Regulations for Removal of Garbage; Penalty
Section 31d - Privy, Cesspool and Septic Tanks; Disposal of Contents; Investigation of Facilities
Section 31e - Individual Sewage Disposal Systems; Action on Applications
Section 32 - Retention of Cases by Board of Health
Section 33 - Construction and Maintenance of Sanitary Stations
Section 50 - Establishment and Maintenance of Dental, Medical and Health Clinics; Appropriations
Section 51 - Hospitals, Institutions for Care of Unwed Mothers, or Clinics; Licensing
Section 51a - Out-of-Hospital Dialysis Units; Licensing
Section 51b - Pregnancy Clinics
Section 51c - Applications for Staff Membership or Clinical Privileges; Discrimination
Section 51d - Discrimination by Acute Hospitals Against Medicare Beneficiaries; Discharge Planning
Section 51i - Checklists of Care
Section 51j - Limited Services Clinics
Section 51k - Home Health Agency Licensure
Section 52 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 51 to 56
Section 53 - Classification of Hospitals; Rules and Regulations; Dialysis Units; Inspections
Section 53a - Hospitals and In-Patient Clinics to Offer and Perform ''pap Tests''
Section 53c - Non-Reusable Syringes; Regulation Advisory Committee
Section 53e - Patient and Family Advisory Councils; Establishment
Section 53f - Requests for Additional Assistance for Deteriorating Patients
Section 54 - Audit of Medical Records
Section 56 - Penalties; Enforcement
Section 57a - Establishment and Maintenance of Cancer Clinics
Section 57b - Establishment and Maintenance of Muscular Dystrophy Clinics
Section 57c - Establishment and Maintenance of Clinics for the Aging
Section 57d - Hospice Programs; Licensure; Limitations
Section 62a - Establishment of Children's Health Camps in Cities and Towns
Section 62b - Commission on Children's Health Camps; Membership; Appointment
Section 62c - Powers and Duties of Commission
Section 62e - Records; Annual Reports of Receipts and Disbursements
Section 62g - Location and Construction Plans for Health Camp; Approval; Inspection
Section 62h - Contracts for Care and Treatment of Children as Compliance With Secs. 62a to 62g
Section 62i - Hospital School and Hospital for State Minor Wards; General Supervision
Section 62j - Purpose of School; Children From Other States; Inpatient or Outpatient Services
Section 62k - Trustees; Corporation; Additional Powers and Duties; Grants; Devises; Gifts; Trusts
Section 62l - Administration of School; Appointment of Personnel; Expenses
Section 62m - Admissions; Applications; Discharges; Tuition
Section 62n - Inspection of Schools; Report; Audit
Section 62o - Accounts and Books of Treasurer; Inspection by Trustees
Section 62p - Construction and Maintenance of Hospital for State Minor Wards
Section 62q - Powers and Duties of Trustees; Management; Admissions; Approval
Section 62s - Assignment of State Minor Wards to Hospital; Approval
Section 63 - Supervision and Control by Commissioner
Section 63a - Admissions to Hospital
Section 63b - Medicare Program Billings; Commissioner's Report
Section 64 - Annual Inventory; Report; Audit
Section 64a - Cushing Hospital; General Supervision by Department
Section 64b - Chronic Care Hospital; Services Provided; Research on Aging
Section 64c - Board of Trustees
Section 64d - Corporation; Investments
Section 64e - Administration of Hospital; General Trust Fund
Section 64f - Projected Revenue and Disbursement Schedule of General Trust Fund
Section 64g - Establishment of Other Trust Funds; Assent to Federal Laws; Contracts and Agreements
Section 64h - Rules and Regulations
Section 64i - Staff Members Employees of Commonwealth
Section 64j - Delegation of Authority by Trustees
Section 64l - Superintendent; Subordinate Officers and Employees
Section 65a - Admission to Lakeville Hospital
Section 65c - Patients' Funds; Deposit
Section 65d - Patients' Funds; Disposition of Unclaimed Deposits
Section 67 - Gifts or Bequests
Section 67f - Newborn Hearing Screening Tests
Section 67g - Audiometric Testing of Children; Costs
Section 67h - Literature on Hearing Impairments
Section 69f - Notice of Admission of Needy Person
Section 69g - Effect of Notice of Admission of Needy Person
Section 69h - Charges for Support; Rate
Section 69i - Liability for Charges for Support; Assessment; Proceedings; Written Statements
Section 69j - Operation of Concessions
Section 69k - Patients Eligible for Federal Veterans' Benefits
Section 69l - Vehicles; Moving and Parking Rules; Violations
Section 70 - Records of Hospitals or Clinics; Custody; Inspection; Copies; Fees
Section 70a - Hospital Lien; Creation; Priority; Application
Section 70c - Settlement Disregarding Hospital Lien; Effect; Limitation of Action
Section 70d - Itemized Statement of Charges; Effect of Failure to Furnish
Section 70e - Patients' and Residents' Rights
Section 70f - HIV Test; Informed Consent; Disclosure of Results or Identity of Subject of Test
Section 71 - Licensing of Convalescent and Nursing Homes, Infirmaries, Etc.
Section 71a1/2 - Deposit of Inpatient or Resident Funds
Section 72c - Convalescent or Nursing Homes; Lighting and Ventilation
Section 72d - Nursing Homes, etc.; Telephone Access
Section 72f - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 72f to 72l
Section 72g - Reports of Abuse of Patients
Section 72h - Duties of Department
Section 72i - Filing of Reports; Confidentiality
Section 72j - Registry; Establishment; Documented Findings of Patient or Resident Abuse
Section 72k - Definitions; Civil Penalties; Recovery by Attorney General
Section 72l1/2 - Immunity From Liability as Result of Compliance With Secs. 72f to 72l
Section 72m - Appointment of Receiver; Emergency; Definition
Section 72o - Authority of Receiver; Duties; Closure of Facility; Repairs; Financial Assistance
Section 72q - Compensation of Receiver; Bond; Lien; Recoupment of Commonwealth Expenditures
Section 72r - Termination of Receivership
Section 72s - Actions Against Receiver; Liability
Section 72t - Effect of Appointment; Violation of Regulations
Section 72u - Rules and Regulations
Section 72v - Nursing Homes, etc.; Storage Space for Residents
Section 72w - Nurses' Aide Training
Section 72x - Nursing Homes; No Smoking Areas; Use of Tobacco Products Prohibited
Section 72y - Nursing Pool Registrations
Section 72z - Licensed Skilled Nursing Facilities; Intermediate Care Facilities; Family Councils
Section 73b - Facilities Operated by Roman Catholic Church
Section 74 - Appropriation of Money for Maintenance of Free Bed in Hospital
Section 75 - Unlawful Use of Buildings for Hospitals
Section 77 - Department; Duty to Provide Care and Treatment of Tuberculosis Patients
Section 78a - Hospital Care of Persons Suffering From Chronic Diseases; Admission; Cost
Section 81 - Programs of Control and Eradication of Tuberculosis; Responsibility
Section 81a - Use of Intradermal Tuberculin Tests to Show Freedom From Tuberculosis
Section 82 - Operation of Hospitals by County Commissioners or Trustees
Section 83 - County or Municipal Tuberculosis Institutions; Conveyance to Commonwealth
Section 83a - Indemnity Insurance for Officers and Employees of Hospital
Section 85 - Maintenance of County Tuberculosis Hospitals; Apportionment of Costs and Expenses
Section 85a - Maintenance, Operation and Repair of Hospitals; Apportionment; Expenditures
Section 86 - Acquisition of Land
Section 87 - County Commissioners as Trustees of Institutions
Section 88 - Conversion of Hospitals Into Chronic Disease Hospitals or Homes for the Aged
Section 91c - Diseases of Chest; Use of Facilities for Treatment; Rules and Regulations
Section 92 - Construction and Maintenance of Isolation Hospitals; Approval
Section 93 - Regulation of Persons Approaching Isolation Hospital
Section 94 - Receiving Persons From Adjoining Towns
Section 94c - Court Commitment to Tuberculosis Treatment Center; Procedure; Notice; Hearing
Section 94d - Tuberculosis Treatment Center; Establishment; Supervision
Section 94e - Financial Responsibility for Treatment of Patients; Residence
Section 94f - Discharge From Treatment Center; Declassification; Transfer
Section 94g - Petition for Release; Order of Release
Section 94h - Regulations Concerning Content of Certification; Minimum Standards
Section 95 - Powers and Duties of Boards in Cases of Infectious Diseases
Section 96 - Warrants to Remove Persons Infected With Dangerous Disease
Section 96a - Transportation of Person Infected With Dangerous Disease to Another Town
Section 97 - Removal of Patient From Home Where Patient Cannot Be Isolated
Section 98 - Permits for Removal of Infected Articles or Sick Persons
Section 99 - Warrant to Secure Infected Articles; Application
Section 100 - Warrant to Take Houses for Safe Keeping of Infected Articles
Section 101 - Execution of Warrant; Breaking Open Houses
Section 102 - Payment of Expenses in Purifying Infected Articles
Section 103 - Compensation for Houses and Stores Impressed
Section 104 - Prevention of Spread of Infection; Public Notice; Removal
Section 105 - Violation of Regulations
Section 106 - Travelers From Infected Places Outside Commonwealth; License
Section 107 - Transportation of Infected Dead Bodies; Rules and Regulations
Section 108 - Removal of Sick Prisoners
Section 109a - Treatment of Infants' Eyes at Time of Birth
Section 110 - Report of Diseases of the Eyes of Infants
Section 110a - Tests of Newborn Children for Treatable Disorders or Diseases
Section 110b - Reyes Syndrome Treatment or Examination; Reports
Section 111a - Cerebral Palsy; Reports
Section 111b - Malignant Disease and Benign Brain-Related Tumor Registry; Reports
Section 112 - Notice by Local Board to Department
Section 113 - Records of Reports of Dangerous Diseases; Notice
Section 114 - Forfeiture of Claim
Section 115 - Recovery of Expenses
Section 116 - Payment of Reasonable Expenses; Chronically Nonresident Person Defined
Section 116a - Hospitalization of Persons Suffering From Chronic Rheumatism; Rules and Regulations
Section 118 - Discrimination Against Treatment of Venereal Diseases
Section 119 - Records Pertaining to Venereal Diseases
Section 121a - Serological Test for Syphilis of Pregnant Women
Section 122 - Regulations Relative to Nuisances; Examinations
Section 122a - Regulation of Domestic Water Supply; Powers of Board of Health; Penalties
Section 123 - Abatement of Nuisance by Owner; Penalty
Section 124 - Service of Order for Abatement
Section 125 - Removal of Nuisance by Board
Section 125a - Review of Order Adjudging the Operation of a Farm to Be a Nuisance
Section 126 - Location of Privy Vaults
Section 127 - Regulations Relative to House Drainage
Section 127a - State Sanitary Code; Adoption; Enforcement; Jurisdiction; Speedy Trial
Section 127c - Petition for Violation of Sanitary Code; Requisites
Section 127d - Entry Fee; Notice Upon Offending Owner
Section 127e - Copy of Report of Investigation; Admissibility in Evidence
Section 127f - Court Order Regarding Rental Payments; Disbursement of Funds; Receiver
Section 127i - Enforcement of Sanitary Code; Remedies; Receiver
Section 127k - Agreement to Waive Enforcement of Sanitary Code; Validity
Section 127l - Repairs by Tenants of Residential Premises to Cure Violations; Reimbursement for Cost
Section 127o - Conveyance of Real Estate With Intent to Evade Nuisance Provisions; Penalty
Section 127p - Land Covered by Subdivision Plan; Application of State Environmental Code
Section 128a - Filling of Sites of Demolished or Removed Buildings
Section 128g - Farm Labor Camps; Inspection; Certificate; Complaints
Section 129 - Removal or Destruction of Nuisance on Conviction of Owner
Section 130 - Enjoining Nuisance
Section 131 - Compulsory Examination of Premises; Complaint; Warrant
Section 142c - Other Air Pollution Control Districts; Formation
Section 142f - Discharging Excess Fuel From Aircraft Into Atmosphere; Penalty; Definitions
Section 142g - Burning of Christmas Trees Restricted
Section 142h - Ceremonial Bonfires Restricted; Permits
Section 142i - Bonfires From July 2 to July 6 Authorized
Section 142k - Motor Vehicle Emissions Standards; Late Models
Section 142l - Agricultural Burning
Section 142n - Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generation Facilities; Uniform Performance Standards
Section 144 - Revocation of Location Assignment; Removal of Nuisance
Section 146 - Orders of Prohibition; Service
Section 147 - Appeal From Order; Notice; Trial
Section 148 - Exercise of Trade or Employment During Pendency of Proceedings
Section 150 - Damages and Costs
Section 150a1/2 - Standards and Criteria for Siting of Facilities; Rules and Regulations
Section 150b - Establishment of Facility Site
Section 151 - Slaughter Houses; Regulation; Public Hearing; Application of Section
Section 155 - Licensing of Stables in Cities and Large Towns; Fees
Section 156 - Stables in Vicinity of Churches
Section 157 - Penalty for Violation of Secs. 155 and 156
Section 159 - Supervision of Inland Waters
Section 160c - Home Water Treatment Devices; Definitions Applicable to Secs. 160b to 160g
Section 160d - Analysis of Drinking Water; Disclosure Form
Section 160e - Analysis of Drinking Water by Uncertified Person; Penalty
Section 160f - Misrepresentations; Sale of Home Water Treatment Devices
Section 160g - Enforcement of Secs. 160c to 160f
Section 162 - Removal of Causes of Pollution; Petition; Hearing; Notice; Damages; Violation of Order
Section 164 - Enforcement of Orders, Rules and Regulations
Section 165 - Entry on Premises; Compensation of Agents; Apportionment
Section 167 - Protection of Sources of Water Supply
Section 168 - Prescriptive Rights of Drainage; Application of Sec. 167
Section 169 - Injunction Against Pollution of Water Supply
Section 170 - Willful Defilement or Corruption of Spring or Source of Water
Section 171 - Wilful Deposit of Excrement or Foul Matter Into Water Supply; Bathing in Water Supply
Section 173a - Police Employed to Protect Water Supply; Powers and Duties
Section 173b - Entry Upon Premises Within Water Shed of Source of Water Supply
Section 174 - Driving Animal on Ice of Pond or Stream Used for Domestic Water Supply
Section 174a - Prevention of Defilement of Domestic Water Supply by Gulls or Terns
Section 175 - Protection of Charles River From Pollution
Section 181 - Enforcement of Vaccination of Inhabitants of Towns
Section 182 - Vaccination of Inmates of Institutions Supported by Aid of Commonwealth
Section 183 - Exemptions From Vaccination Requirement
Section 184 - Establishment and Maintenance of Bacteriological Laboratories
Section 184c - Donation of Blood by Minors
Section 185 - Disinfecting Public Mutoscopes and Other Apparatus
Section 185a - Rules of Instruction, Test Cards and Other Appliances
Section 186 - Public Use of Machines Requiring Application of Lips
Section 186a - Shoe-Fitting Machines; Restrictions on Use; Penalty
Section 187 - Enforcement of Chapter
Section 188 - Disposition of Fines and Forfeitures
Section 189 - Application of Chapter to Cities
Section 189a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 189a to 199b
Section 191 - Reports of Lead Poisoning; Notifications to Agencies; Records
Section 192 - Lead Poisoning Educational and Publicity Program
Section 192b - Preparation of Educational Materials
Section 193 - Lead Poisoning Early Identification Program; Examination and Reports
Section 197b - Lead Paint Inspectors; Deleaders; Licensure
Section 197d - Secured Lenders; Liability
Section 197e - Lead Abatement Loan Program
Section 198 - Violations of State Sanitary Code; Enforcement
Section 199 - Liability of Owner of Premises; Punitive Damages
Section 199b - Exemptions From Secs. 189a to 199a
Section 202 - Fetal Deaths; Reports; Confidentiality; Disposition of Remains; Violations; Forms
Section 203 - Health Care Provider Misconduct; Medical Peer Review
Section 206a - Seal of Approval for Wellness Programs Implemented by Businesses
Section 207 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 208 to 214
Section 211 - Use of Tanning Device by Minors
Section 214 - Violations; Fines
Section 215 - Needle Exchange Programs; Approval; Report
Section 216 - Fragrance Advertising Inserts; Microencapsulated Fragrance; Penalty
Section 218 - Guidelines for Human Leukocyte or Histocompatibility Locus Antigen Testing
Section 219 - Meningitis Immunization Awareness
Section 220a - Prevention of the Practice of Female Genital Mutilation
Section 221 - Breastfeeding in a Public Place
Section 224 - Commission on Falls Prevention; Members; Duties
Section 225 - Presenting Claim for Payment for Anatomic Pathology Services
Section 226 - Mandatory Overtime for Nurses Prohibited; Exception for Emergency Situations
Section 230 - Folic Acid Awareness Initiative
Section 233 - Palliative Care and Quality of Life Interdisciplinary Advisory Council
Section 234 - Palliative Care Consumer and Professional Information and Education Program
Section 235 - Surgical Technologists; Standards and Requisites for Employment; Waiver
Section 236 - Nondiscrimination in Access to Organ Transplantation
Section 237 - Analysis of Population Health Trends; Opiate Overdoses
Section 238 - Promoting Awareness of Reproductive Health Care Facilities in the Commonwealth
Section 240 - Reimbursement for Travel and Ancillary Costs for Cancer Clinical Trials
Section 241 - Rare Disease Advisory Council; Membership; Duties; Funding; Reports