Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 186 - Estates for Years and at Will
Section 24 - Termination of Rental Agreement or Tenancy by Victim of Domestic Violence, Rape, Sexual Assault or Stalking

Section 24. (a) A tenant or co-tenant may terminate a rental agreement or tenancy and quit the premises upon written notification to the owner that a member of the household is a victim of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault or stalking, if such notification is made within 3 months of the most recent act of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault or stalking; or if a member of a tenant's household is reasonably in fear of imminent serious physical harm from domestic violence, rape, sexual assault or stalking. An owner shall have the right to request proof of the status as a victim of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault or stalking, including the name of the perpetrator, if known, as provided in subsection (e).
(b) Within 3 months of written notification to the owner to terminate a rental agreement or tenancy under subsection (a), a tenant, co-tenant or any household member who is not the perpetrator of the domestic violence, rape, sexual assault or stalking shall quit the premises. If the tenant or co-tenant fails to quit the premises within 3 months, the notice to terminate the rental agreement or tenancy shall be void.
(c) A tenant or co-tenant to whom this section applies shall be discharged from liability for rent or use and occupancy for 30 days or 1 full rental period after the quitting date, whichever last occurs, to the extent that a rental agreement and applicable law may otherwise impose such liability beyond the quitting date. Such tenant or co-tenant shall be entitled to a refund of any prepaid rent for any period thereafter. The tenant or co-tenant shall receive a full and specific statement of the basis for retaining any of the security deposit together with any refund due in compliance with section 15B within 30 days of the conclusion of the tenancy and the delivery of full possession of the leased premises by all occupants to the landlord.
(d) No other tenant or co-tenant who is a party to the rental agreement shall be released from such tenant's or co-tenant's obligations under the rental agreement or other obligations under this chapter. If the tenant or co-tenant to whom this section applies vacates but leaves belongings, such belongings shall be deemed abandoned and may be disposed of under applicable law, unless the tenant or co-tenant indicates in writing the responsibility for such belongings and the action to be taken with respect to such belongings. If the tenant or co-tenant to whom this section applies vacates, but another person remains in the premises other than another tenant or co-tenant, nothing in this section shall affect the owner's rights and obligations with regard to such remaining person. A landlord who in good faith initiates an action against a remaining tenant, co-tenant or household member, or a housing subsidy provider who terminates or denies a rental subsidy to a remaining tenant, co-tenant or household member, or takes any other action under this section, shall not be subject to a claim of retaliation or any other claim under this chapter.
(e) If relief is sought because of recent or ongoing domestic violence, rape, sexual assault or stalking, an owner may request that proof be provided to show that a protective order or third-party verification is in effect or was obtained within the prior 3 months, or a tenant or co-tenant is reasonably in fear of imminent serious physical harm. Proof of status as a victim of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault or stalking shall be satisfied by production of any 1 of the following documents:
(1) a copy of a valid protection order under chapter 209A or 258E obtained by the tenant, co-tenant or member of the household;
(2) a record from a federal, state or local court or law enforcement of an act of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault or stalking and the name of the perpetrator if known; or
(3) a written verification from any other qualified third party to whom the tenant, co-tenant or member of the tenant or co-tenant's household reported the domestic violence, rape, sexual assault or stalking; provided, however, that the verification shall include the name of the organization, agency, clinic or professional service provider and include the date of the domestic violence, rape, sexual assault or stalking, and the name of the perpetrator if known; and provided, further, that any adult victim who has the capacity to do so shall provide a statement, under the penalty of perjury, that the incident described in such verification is true and correct.
(f) An owner or housing subsidy provider who obtains written proof of status as a victim of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault or stalking shall keep such documentation and the information contained in the documentation confidential, and shall not provide or allow access to such documentation in any way to any other person or agency, unless the victim provides written authorization for the release of such information or unless required by court order, government regulation or governmental audit requirements.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title I - Title to Real Property

Chapter 186 - Estates for Years and at Will

Section 1a - Land Demised for Term of 100 Years or More Regarded as Estate in Fee Simple

Section 3 - Tenancy at Sufferance; Liability for Rent

Section 4 - Liability of Tenant for Rent for Proportion of Land in Possession

Section 5 - Action to Recover Rent; Evidence

Section 6 - Survival of Action

Section 7 - Remedies of Landlords

Section 8 - Recovery of Rent Accruing Before Determination of Lease

Section 9 - Recovery of Rent Paid in Advance

Section 10 - Rent as a Necessary

Section 11 - Determination of Lease for Nonpayment of Rent

Section 11a - Termination of Lease for Nonpayment of Rent

Section 12 - Notice to Determine Estate at Will

Section 13 - Recovery of Possession After Termination of Tenancy at Will

Section 13a - Tenants Deemed to Be at Will Upon Foreclosure of Residential Real Property; Status of Tenancy Agreements Where Rental Payment Subsidized Under State or Federal Law

Section 14 - Wrongful Acts of Landlord; Premises Used for Dwelling or Residential Purposes; Utilities, Services, Quiet Enjoyment; Penalties; Remedies; Waiver

Section 15 - Non-Liability of Landlord; Provisions in Lease or Rental Agreement

Section 15a - Waiver of Notices; Lease or Rental Agreement Provisions; Validity

Section 15b - Entrance of Premises Prior to Termination of Lease; Payments; Receipts; Interest; Records; Security Deposits

Section 15c - Residential Real Estate, Lease Payments Based on Real Estate Tax Increases

Section 15d - Oral Agreement to Execute Lease; Delivery of Lease Copy; Penalty; Waiver

Section 15e - Action Against Owner; Injuries Due to Defects Violating Building Code; Defense; Waiver

Section 15f - Residential Leases or Rental Agreements Restricting Litigation or Landlord Liability; Ouster of Tenant; Remedies

Section 16 - Leases or Rental Agreements Restricting Occupancy of Children

Section 17 - Occupancy Constituting Tenancy at Will; Termination

Section 17a - Residential Care and Services; Housing Facility Providers; Eviction; Hearing; Jurisdiction

Section 18 - Reprisal for Reporting Violations of Law or for Tenant's Union Activity; Damages and Costs; Notice of Termination, Presumption; Waiver in Leases or Other Rental Agreements Prohibited

Section 19 - Notice to Landlord of Unsafe Condition; Tort Actions for Injuries Resulting From Uncorrected Condition

Section 20 - Attorneys' Fees and Expenses; Residential Lease Provisions; Implied Covenant; Waiver

Section 21 - Disclosure of Insurance Information by Lessor; Violations; Waiver

Section 22 - Definitions; Submeter Installation; Testing; Water Use Charges; Public Housing Development Exemption

Section 23 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 23 to 29

Section 24 - Termination of Rental Agreement or Tenancy by Victim of Domestic Violence, Rape, Sexual Assault or Stalking

Section 25 - Refusal of Rental Agreement or Assistance Based on Termination of Rental Agreement Under Sec. 24 or Request for Change of Lock Under Sec. 26 Prohibited

Section 26 - Change of Locks Upon Request of Tenant, Co-Tenant or Household Member Believed to Be Under Imminent Threat of Domestic Violence, Rape, Sexual Assault or Stalking

Section 27 - Jurisdiction of Courts to Restrain Violation of Secs. 23 to 26; Applicability of Other Laws to Requests to Change Locks

Section 28 - Waivers of Secs. 23 to 27 Void and Unenforceable

Section 29 - Owner Immunity From Liability

Section 30 - Inspection of Vacated Property for Presence of Abandoned Animals