Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 235 - Judgment and Execution
Section 23a - Recognition and Enforcement of Money-Judgments of Foreign States; Definitions

Section 23A. Except as hereinafter provided, any foreign judgment that is final and conclusive and enforceable where rendered even though an appeal therefrom is pending or it is subject to appeal shall be conclusive between the parties to the extent that it grants or denies recovery of a sum of money. The foreign judgment shall be enforceable in the same manner as the judgment of a sister state which is entitled to full faith and credit.
A foreign judgment shall not be conclusive if (1) it was rendered under a system which does not provide impartial tribunals or procedures compatible with the requirements of due process of law; (2) the foreign court did not have personal jurisdiction over the defendant; or (3) the foreign court did not have jurisdiction over the subject matter.
A foreign judgment shall not be recognized if (1) the defendant in the proceedings in the foreign court did not receive notice of the proceedings in sufficient time to enable him to defend; (2) the judgment was obtained by fraud; (3) the cause of action on which the judgment is based is repugnant to the public policy of this state; (4) the judgment conflicts with another final and conclusive judgment; (5) the proceedings in the foreign court were contrary to an agreement between the parties under which the dispute in question was to be settled otherwise than by proceedings in that court; (6) in the case of jurisdiction based only on personal service, the foreign court was a seriously inconvenient forum for the trial of the action; or (7) judgments of this state are not recognized in the courts of the foreign state.
A foreign judgment shall not be refused recognition for lack of personal jurisdiction if (1) the defendant was served personally in the foreign state; (2) the defendant voluntarily appeared in the proceedings, other than for the purpose of protecting property seized or threatened with seizure in the proceedings or of contesting the jurisdiction of the court over him; (3) the defendant prior to the commencement of the proceedings had agreed to submit to the jurisdiction of the foreign court with respect to the subject matter involved; (4) the defendant was domiciled in the foreign state when the proceedings were instituted, or, being a body corporate had its principal place of business, was incorporated, or had otherwise acquired corporate status, in the foreign state; (5) the defendant had a business office in the foreign state and the proceedings in the foreign court involved a cause of action arising out of business done by the defendant through that office in the foreign state; or (6) the defendant operated a motor vehicle or airplane in the foreign state and the proceedings involved a cause of action arising out of such operation.
The courts of this state may recognize other bases of jurisdiction.
If the defendant satisfies the court either that an appeal is pending or that he is entitled and intends to appeal from the foreign judgment, the court may stay the proceedings until the appeal has been determined or until the expiration of a period of time sufficient to enable the defendant to prosecute the appeal.
This section shall not prevent the recognition of a foreign judgment in situations not covered by this section and its provisions.
As used in this section (1) ''foreign state'' means any governmental unit other than the United States, or any state, district, commonwealth, territory, insular possession thereof, or the Panama Canal Zone, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, or the Ryukyu Islands; (2) ''foreign judgment'' means any judgment of a foreign state granting or denying recovery of a sum of money, other than a judgment for taxes, a fine or other penalty, or a judgment for support in matrimonial or family matters.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases

Title II - Actions and Proceedings Therein

Chapter 235 - Judgment and Execution

Section 3 - Entry of Judgment in District Courts; Summary Process

Section 4 - Judgment Nunc Pro Tunc

Section 6 - Judgment on Default; Several Defendants

Section 7 - Judgments Against Defaulting Defendants; Separate Executions

Section 8 - Interest on Judgments; Warrant or Execution

Section 9 - Judgment for Penalty Forfeited

Section 10 - Judgment for Penal Sum; Amount of Execution

Section 11 - Further Damages; Remedy

Section 12 - Proceedings in Actions for Further Damages

Section 13 - Actions for Damages Instead of Penalty

Section 14 - Executions in Actions on Judgments

Section 15 - Action in Erroneous Venue; Execution

Section 16 - Execution Not to Issue Until Appellate Review Exhausted

Section 17 - Executions; Time for Issuing; Successive Executions; Entry of Satisfactions

Section 18 - Executions of District Court; Where Enforceable

Section 19 - Unsatisfied Judgments; Expiration of Time for Taking Out Executions; Remedies

Section 20 - Erroneous Levy; New Execution; Motion

Section 21 - Erroneous Levy on Member of Corporation; Subsequent Proceedings

Section 22 - Forms of Execution

Section 23 - Execution on Judgments Against Fiduciaries, Sheriffs, etc.; Execution for Possession of Rented or Leased Dwelling

Section 23a - Recognition and Enforcement of Money-Judgments of Foreign States; Definitions

Section 24 - Bankruptcy or Insolvency; Successive Executions on Unsatisfied Judgments; Remedies

Section 25 - Special Judgment Where Insolvent, etc., Has Given Bond to Dissolve an Attachment

Section 26 - Petitioner for Review Adjudged Bankrupt, etc.; Special Judgments

Section 27 - Set-Off of Execution Generally; Exceptions

Section 28 - Levy of Execution; Service; Executions in the Alternative

Section 29 - Levy of Execution on Land; Personal Property

Section 30 - Levy on Corporate Property

Section 31 - Property Liable to Execution

Section 32 - Current Coin Taken on Execution

Section 33 - Bank Notes Taken on Execution

Section 34 - Property Exempt From Execution

Section 34a - Annuities, Pensions, Profit Sharing or Retirement Plans; Insolvency; Attachment

Section 35 - Indemnification of Officer

Section 36 - Sale of Personalty on Execution; Costs

Section 37 - Notice of Sale

Section 38 - Property Valued in Excess of Three Hundred Dollars; Notice of Sale

Section 39 - Adjournment of Sale; Notice

Section 40 - Adjournment Upon Injunction

Section 41 - Failure of Highest Bidder to Purchase; Re-Sale

Section 42 - Return of Execution; Liability for Fraud

Section 43 - Proceeds of Sale; Disposition

Section 44 - Proceeds of Sale; Disposition Among Several Creditors

Section 45 - Successive Attachments; Notice; Liability of Attaching Officer

Section 46 - Nature of Term for Years; Levy; Notice of Sale

Section 47 - Suspension of Levy by Prior Seizure

Section 48 - Liability of Property Not Sold on Prior Seizure; Service of Execution

Section 49 - Death, etc., of Officer Beginning Levy or Service; Completion of Service; Certificates

Section 50 - Removal of Officer After Beginning of Levy

Section 51 - Death of Party; Completion of Service

Section 52 - Detaining Money Collected on Execution; Penalty