Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 56 - Violations of Election Laws
Section 23 - Notices or Warrants; Defacement or Removal

Section 23. Whoever wilfully defaces or removes a notice or warrant for a primary, caucus or election posted according to law, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than six months.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VIII - Elections

Chapter 56 - Violations of Election Laws

Section 1 - False Listings by Registrars, Listing Board Members, Police Officers or Interpreters

Section 2 - Misconduct of Registrars or Assistants

Section 3 - Neglect of Duty; Registrars or Assistants, Listing Board Members, or Police Officers

Section 4 - Refusal or Neglect to Give Information to Registrars or Other Authorized Persons

Section 5 - Giving False Information

Section 6 - False Affidavits and Oaths

Section 7 - Aiding or Abetting False Affidavits or Oaths

Section 8 - Illegal Registration

Section 9 - Misconduct at Registration

Section 10 - Defacing or Removing Notices or Voting Lists

Section 11 - Wilful Alteration, Mutilation, or Destruction of Nomination Papers, etc.; Subscribing to False Statements

Section 11a - False or Willful Alteration of District Designation on Nomination Papers

Section 12 - Misconduct of Officers; Failure to Perform Duties

Section 13 - Challenged Ballots; Failure to Make Proper Entry

Section 14 - Protected Information; Penalties

Section 15 - Reading or Showing Names Selected on Ballots During Election

Section 16 - Improper Disposition of Ballots and Lists

Section 17 - Unlawful Examination of Ballots After Election

Section 18 - Failure to Make and Transmit Election Records

Section 19 - False Certificates of Election Results

Section 21 - Misconduct Relating to Absent Voting

Section 22 - Public Officers, Election Officers, etc.; Failure to Perform Duties

Section 23 - Notices or Warrants; Defacement or Removal

Section 24 - Lists of Candidates; Instructions for Voters; Supplies; Defacement or Destruction

Section 25 - Distinguishing Marks; False Statements or Oaths

Section 26 - Illegal Voting or Attempt to Vote

Section 27 - Absent Voting Laws; Violations

Section 27a - Unlawful Distribution of Absent Voter Ballots

Section 28 - Illegal Voting; Aiding or Abetting

Section 29 - Unlawful Interference With Voter

Section 30 - Obstruction of Voting

Section 31 - Illegal Challenges

Section 32 - Bribery of Voter

Section 33 - Employers; Influencing Votes of Employees; Penalties

Section 34 - Promising Public Appointments

Section 35 - Promising Public Appointments for Political Action

Section 36 - Public Officers and Employees; Influencing Political Action

Section 37 - Public Officers and Employees; Initiative and Referendum; Promotion or Opposition for Hire

Section 38 - Editorial Support; Payment for or Receipt of Payment

Section 39 - Publishing Political Advertisements; Statement; Names; Signatures

Section 40 - Using Names of Political Parties; Restrictions

Section 41a - Unauthorized Use of Endorsements

Section 42 - False Statements Relating to Candidates or Questions Submitted to Voters

Section 43 - Interference With Distribution of Printed Matter

Section 43a - Use of Word ''veteran'' by Candidates

Section 44 - Lists of Candidates Without Party Designations; Distribution

Section 44a - Lists of Candidates; Distribution; Signatures of Responsible Voters

Section 45 - Naturalization Fees; Payment or Promise of Payment

Section 46 - Disorderly Conduct at Polling Places

Section 47 - Disobeying Election, Caucus or Primary Officers

Section 48 - Interfering With Election Officials

Section 49 - Obstructing Transmission of Ballots or Returns

Section 50 - Alteration or Removal of Ballots

Section 51 - Tampering With Voting Machines

Section 52 - Forgery, Destruction or Defacement of Ballots

Section 53 - Distinguishing Marks on Ballots

Section 54 - Removing Ballots From Within Guard Rail

Section 55 - Fraudulent Alteration or Removal of Ballots

Section 56 - Challenged Ballots; Giving Information About Vote

Section 57 - Arrest Without Warrant

Section 58 - Prosecutions; Trial and Judgments; Motions for Other Dispositions

Section 59 - Supreme Judicial Court; Superior Court Departments; Jurisdiction

Section 60 - Conduct Contrary to Election Laws; Remedies