Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 56 - Violations of Election Laws
Section 11 - Wilful Alteration, Mutilation, or Destruction of Nomination Papers, etc.; Subscribing to False Statements

Section 11. Whoever falsely makes or wilfully alters, defaces, mutilates, destroys or suppresses a certificate of nomination or nomination paper, or letter of withdrawal of a name from such paper, or an initiative petition or a petition for the submission of a question to the voters, or unlawfully signs any such certificate, paper, letter or petition, or files any such certificate, paper, letter or petition, knowing the same to be falsely made or altered, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than one year.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VIII - Elections

Chapter 56 - Violations of Election Laws

Section 1 - False Listings by Registrars, Listing Board Members, Police Officers or Interpreters

Section 2 - Misconduct of Registrars or Assistants

Section 3 - Neglect of Duty; Registrars or Assistants, Listing Board Members, or Police Officers

Section 4 - Refusal or Neglect to Give Information to Registrars or Other Authorized Persons

Section 5 - Giving False Information

Section 6 - False Affidavits and Oaths

Section 7 - Aiding or Abetting False Affidavits or Oaths

Section 8 - Illegal Registration

Section 9 - Misconduct at Registration

Section 10 - Defacing or Removing Notices or Voting Lists

Section 11 - Wilful Alteration, Mutilation, or Destruction of Nomination Papers, etc.; Subscribing to False Statements

Section 11a - False or Willful Alteration of District Designation on Nomination Papers

Section 12 - Misconduct of Officers; Failure to Perform Duties

Section 13 - Challenged Ballots; Failure to Make Proper Entry

Section 14 - Protected Information; Penalties

Section 15 - Reading or Showing Names Selected on Ballots During Election

Section 16 - Improper Disposition of Ballots and Lists

Section 17 - Unlawful Examination of Ballots After Election

Section 18 - Failure to Make and Transmit Election Records

Section 19 - False Certificates of Election Results

Section 21 - Misconduct Relating to Absent Voting

Section 22 - Public Officers, Election Officers, etc.; Failure to Perform Duties

Section 23 - Notices or Warrants; Defacement or Removal

Section 24 - Lists of Candidates; Instructions for Voters; Supplies; Defacement or Destruction

Section 25 - Distinguishing Marks; False Statements or Oaths

Section 26 - Illegal Voting or Attempt to Vote

Section 27 - Absent Voting Laws; Violations

Section 27a - Unlawful Distribution of Absent Voter Ballots

Section 28 - Illegal Voting; Aiding or Abetting

Section 29 - Unlawful Interference With Voter

Section 30 - Obstruction of Voting

Section 31 - Illegal Challenges

Section 32 - Bribery of Voter

Section 33 - Employers; Influencing Votes of Employees; Penalties

Section 34 - Promising Public Appointments

Section 35 - Promising Public Appointments for Political Action

Section 36 - Public Officers and Employees; Influencing Political Action

Section 37 - Public Officers and Employees; Initiative and Referendum; Promotion or Opposition for Hire

Section 38 - Editorial Support; Payment for or Receipt of Payment

Section 39 - Publishing Political Advertisements; Statement; Names; Signatures

Section 40 - Using Names of Political Parties; Restrictions

Section 41a - Unauthorized Use of Endorsements

Section 42 - False Statements Relating to Candidates or Questions Submitted to Voters

Section 43 - Interference With Distribution of Printed Matter

Section 43a - Use of Word ''veteran'' by Candidates

Section 44 - Lists of Candidates Without Party Designations; Distribution

Section 44a - Lists of Candidates; Distribution; Signatures of Responsible Voters

Section 45 - Naturalization Fees; Payment or Promise of Payment

Section 46 - Disorderly Conduct at Polling Places

Section 47 - Disobeying Election, Caucus or Primary Officers

Section 48 - Interfering With Election Officials

Section 49 - Obstructing Transmission of Ballots or Returns

Section 50 - Alteration or Removal of Ballots

Section 51 - Tampering With Voting Machines

Section 52 - Forgery, Destruction or Defacement of Ballots

Section 53 - Distinguishing Marks on Ballots

Section 54 - Removing Ballots From Within Guard Rail

Section 55 - Fraudulent Alteration or Removal of Ballots

Section 56 - Challenged Ballots; Giving Information About Vote

Section 57 - Arrest Without Warrant

Section 58 - Prosecutions; Trial and Judgments; Motions for Other Dispositions

Section 59 - Supreme Judicial Court; Superior Court Departments; Jurisdiction

Section 60 - Conduct Contrary to Election Laws; Remedies