Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 183a - Condominiums
Section 21 - Multiple Family Condominium Units; By-Laws; Master Deed

Section 21. If a condominium does not contain any unit which is designed for occupancy by only one family or household, or if the floor area of all those units which are designed for occupancy by only one family or household does not in the aggregate exceed ten percent of the floor area of all units in the condominium, then the following provisions shall be applicable notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, and such condominium shall be considered a commercial condominium:
(a) The by-laws may provide:—
(1) That to any extent specified in the by-laws the common profits shall be distributed among, and the common expenses shall be charged to, the unit owners in proportions other than according to their respective percentages of the undivided interest in the common areas and facilities.
(2) That to any extent specified in the by-laws the unit owners shall not be personally liable for sums assessed for their share of common expenses, but such provisions shall not adversely affect any lien for said share.
(3) For limitations upon the first mortgages of record or the types or categories thereof which shall have priority over the liens provided for in clause (c) of section six, which may be dependent on the person or entity to whom such mortgages are given or upon such other criteria as may be specified in the by-laws.
(4) A procedure for submitting the disputes arising from the administration of the condominium to arbitration or other impartial determination.
(5) Provisions giving a particular unit owner or owners voting rights with respect to election of directors, trustees or members of the managing board less than, or in excess of, the voting rights which such owner or owners would otherwise have had, and provisions requiring or permitting approval of any matter, or any specified category or categories of matters, by a proportion greater than a majority, which proportion may be as great as one hundred percent.
(6) Terms and conditions differing from or exempting the condominium from subsection (c) of section six, subsections (c) to (k), inclusive, and (m) of section ten, and sections seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen, or any of them, regarding limited lien priority for outstanding common expenses, payment of outstanding common expenses by tenants, rebuilding made necessary by fire or other casualty loss, the making of improvements and the allocations of the costs of such rebuilding or improvements, and the removal of the condominium or portion thereof from the provisions of this chapter; and in such case such terms and conditions so provided in the by-laws shall take precedence over such provisions of said subsection (c) of section six, subsections (c) to (k), inclusive, and (m) of section ten, and sections seventeen, eighteen, or nineteen to the extent inconsistent therewith.
(b) The master deed:—
(1) Need not contain a statement of the number of rooms in any unit designed for purposes other than dwelling.
(2) May contain a requirement that in order for instruments to be binding on an organization of unit owners which is a trust or unincorporated association, such instruments shall be signed by a greater proportion of the trustees or of the managing board than a majority, which proportion may be as great as one hundred percent; and in such case the provisions of clause (e) of section ten shall apply only to instruments signed by the proportion of trustees or of the managing board set forth in such requirement in the master deed.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part II - Real and Personal Property and Domestic Relations

Title I - Title to Real Property

Chapter 183a - Condominiums

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Application of Chapter; Creation of Other Interests in Realty

Section 3 - Nature of Interest; Sale or Descent

Section 4 - Exclusive Ownership and Possession; Restrictions

Section 5 - Interest in Common Areas or Facilities; Percentage; Division

Section 6 - Common Profits and Expenses; Lien

Section 7 - Contribution Toward Common Expenses; Liability; Offset, Deduction, or Waiver Prohibited

Section 8 - Master Deed; Recording; Contents

Section 8a - Leasehold Condominiums; Rights of Unit Owners

Section 9 - Deeds of Units; Contents

Section 10 - Corporation, Trust or Unincorporated Association; Owner's Interest; Powers and Duties; Management

Section 11 - By-Laws; Mandatory Provisions

Section 12 - By-Laws; Additional Provisions

Section 13 - Claims Involving Common Areas and Facilities; Liability

Section 14 - Taxation and Betterment Assessments; Lien

Section 15 - Subdivision Control Law

Section 16 - Submission of Property to This Chapter

Section 17 - Rebuilding Following Casualty Loss; Partition Upon Disapproval; Repair or Restoration Upon Approval; Purchase From Dissenting Owner

Section 18 - Improvements; Costs

Section 19 - Removal From Provisions of This Chapter

Section 20 - Municipal Participation in Condominium Organization and Ownership

Section 21 - Multiple Family Condominium Units; By-Laws; Master Deed

Section 22 - Foreclosure of Condominium Development; Liability of Lender and Developer

Section 23 - Prior Consent for Amendment of Deed, Trust or Bylaw