Section 19. Each institution of secondary education and each public and private institution of post secondary education shall issue to every student group, student team or student organization which is part of such institution or is recognized by the institution or permitted by the institution to use its name or facilities or is known by the institution to exist as an unaffiliated student group, student team or student organization, a copy of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen; provided, however, that an institution's compliance with this section's requirements that an institution issue copies of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen to unaffiliated student groups, teams or organizations shall not constitute evidence of the institution's recognition or endorsement of said unaffiliated student groups, teams or organizations.
Each such group, team or organization shall distribute a copy of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen to each of its members, plebes, pledges or applicants for membership. It shall be the duty of each such group, team or organization, acting through its designated officer, to deliver annually, to the institution an attested acknowledgement stating that such group, team or organization has received a copy of this section and said sections seventeen and eighteen, that each of its members, plebes, pledges, or applicants has received a copy of sections seventeen and eighteen, and that such group, team or organization understands and agrees to comply with the provisions of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen.
Each institution of secondary education and each public or private institution of post secondary education shall, at least annually, before or at the start of enrollment, deliver to each person who enrolls as a full time student in such institution a copy of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen.
Each institution of secondary education and each public or private institution of post secondary education shall file, at least annually, a report with the board of higher education and in the case of secondary institutions, the board of education, certifying that such institution has complied with its responsibility to inform student groups, teams or organizations and to notify each full time student enrolled by it of the provisions of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen and also certifying that said institution has adopted a disciplinary policy with regard to the organizers and participants of hazing, and that such policy has been set forth with appropriate emphasis in the student handbook or similar means of communicating the institution's policies to its students. The board of higher education and, in the case of secondary institutions, the board of education shall promulgate regulations governing the content and frequency of such reports, and shall forthwith report to the attorney general any such institution which fails to make such report.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part IV - Crimes, Punishments and Proceedings in Criminal Cases
Title I - Crimes and Punishments
Chapter 269 - Crimes Against Public Peace
Section 1 - Dispensing and Suppressing Unlawful Assembly; Arresting Persons
Section 3 - Neglect or Refusal to Exercise Authority to Suppress Assembly
Section 4 - Requiring Aid; Dispersing and Suppressing Assembly; Seizure of Persons
Section 5 - Armed Forces Obeying Orders for Suppressing Riot and Dispersing and Arresting Persons
Section 6 - Person Killed or Wounded as Result of an Assembly; Guilt and Responsibility
Section 7 - Injury to Building or Vessel by Persons Unlawfully Assembled
Section 8 - Destruction of or Damage to Property by Persons Riotously Assembled; Liability of Town
Section 10a - Selling, Giving or Using Silencers; Confiscation and Destruction
Section 10c - Tear Gas; Use in Commission of Crimes
Section 10d - Body Armor; Use in Commission of Crime
Section 10j - Breaking and Entering Building, Ship, Vessel or Vehicle to Steal Firearm; Penalty
Section 11 - Printing Statutes for Posters; Display
Section 11e - Serial Identification Numbers on Firearms
Section 12 - Manufacturing and Selling Knives, Slung Shots, Swords, Bludgeons and Similar Weapons
Section 12a - Air Rifles; Sale to Minors
Section 12b - Air Rifles; Possession by Minors; Shooting
Section 13 - False Alarms of Fire
Section 13a - False Reports to Police Officers
Section 14a - Annoying Telephone Calls or Electronic Communication
Section 15 - Stink Bombs; Sale
Section 16 - Arrowheads Used for Hunting; Sale
Section 17 - Hazing; Organizing or Participating; Hazing Defined