Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 167i - Corporate Bank Transactions: Mergers, Consolidations, Purchase of Assets and Conversions
Section 13 - Plan of Acquisition of Stock by Company Acquiring All the Capital Stock of Any Stock Bank

Section 13. A company having capital stock, which desires to acquire all the capital stock of any stock bank shall, together with such stock bank, submit, to the commissioner a written plan of acquisition of such stock. Such plan shall be in a form satisfactory to the commissioner, shall specify the stock bank, the stock of which is to be acquired by the company, shall prescribe the terms and conditions of the acquisition and the mode of carrying it into effect, including the manner of exchanging the shares of the corporation for shares or other securities of the company. Any such plan may provide for the payment of cash in lieu of the issuance of fractional shares of the company. At the time of submitting said written plan of acquisition, an investigation fee, the amount of which shall be determined annually by the secretary of administration and finance pursuant to section 3B of chapter 7, shall be paid to the commissioner of banks by the company.
There shall also be submitted with said plan of acquisition of stock, a certificate of any officer or duly authorized representative, certifying that such plan has been approved by the board of directors or other governing body of the company by a majority vote of all the members thereof, and a certificate of any officer or duly authorized representative of each stock bank, the acquisition of all the capital stock of which is provided for, certifying that such plan has been approved by the board of directors of such corporation by a majority vote of all the members thereof, and that such plan was thereafter submitted to the stockholders of such stock bank at a meeting thereof held upon notice of at least 15 days, specifying the time, place and object of such meeting and addressed to each stockholder at the address appearing upon the books of the corporation and that such plan has been approved at such meeting by the vote of stockholders owning at least 2/3 of the stock of such corporation.
The commissioner shall examine the plan of acquisition of stock so submitted, and after making such investigation thereof as the commissioner deems appropriate, the commissioner shall, within 60 days after receipt thereof approve or disapprove such plan of acquisition in case such company is not, and would not upon the effectiveness of such plan become, a bank holding company. In approving any such plan, the commissioner may attach such conditions thereto as the commissioner deems advisable.
If the commissioner finds that competition among banking institutions will not be unreasonably affected and that public convenience and advantage will be promoted, the commissioner shall approve such plan of acquisition and shall endorse the approval thereon and a copy of the plan bearing such endorsement shall be filed within 30 days thereafter in the office of the commissioner. Upon such filing, the plan, and the acquisition provided for therein, shall become effective, unless a later date is specified in the plan, in which event the plan and such acquisition shall become effective upon such later date.
A stockholder of any such corporation which shall have approved such plan of acquisition, who objects to such action, in the manner provided in sections 13.21 and 13.23 of chapter 156D, shall be entitled, if such plan shall have become effective, to demand payment for the stockholder's stock from such corporation and an appraisal thereof in accordance with sections 13.01 and 13.03 to 13.31, inclusive, of chapter 156D, which provisions, as modified for the purposes of this paragraph by the provisions hereof, are hereby made applicable in all such cases, and such stockholder and such corporation shall have the rights and duties and follow the procedure set forth in said sections.
Any stock bank shall have the power to organize a company for the purposes contemplated by this section; and in connection with such organization and the development of a plan of acquisition, any such corporation may incur organization and other expenses in such amounts, in the aggregate, not exceeding 2 per cent of its capital stock, surplus account and undivided profits as the commissioner may approve.
Any such company shall engage directly or indirectly only in such activities as are now or may hereafter be proper activities for bank holding companies registered under the federal Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the issuance and sale of commercial paper and acquiring, managing or controlling a bank, a federally-chartered bank or an out-of-state bank.
Section 14 shall not apply to an acquisition under this section. A company that acquires any such corporation under this section shall be deemed a bank holding company subject to section 5 of chapter 167A. For the purposes of this section, ''company'' shall have the same meaning as defined in paragraph (c) of section 1 of chapter 167A.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 167i - Corporate Bank Transactions: Mergers, Consolidations, Purchase of Assets and Conversions

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Merger or Consolidation of Mutual Banks or Thrift Institutions Into Single Mutual Bank or Thrift Institution

Section 3 - Merger or Consolidation of Stock Banks, Federally-Chartered Banks, Out-of-State Banks and Limited Purpose Trust Companies Into Single Stock Bank, Federally-Chartered Bank or Out-of-State Bank

Section 4 - Merger or Consolidation of Mutual Banks or Subsidiary Banking Institutions and Credit Unions or Federal Credit Unions Into Single Mutual Bank or Subsidiary Banking Institution

Section 5 - Expedited Consolidation or Sale of Assets of Bank Certified as Unsafe to Transact Business

Section 6 - Age and Concentration Limitations for Approval of Application for Merger or Consolidation

Section 7 - Articles of Consolidation or Merger

Section 8 - Advance, Loan Upon or Purchase of Whole or Part of Assets or Stock of Any Bank, etc., in Possession of Commissioner Pursuant to Secs. 22 to 36 of Chapter 167 or Assisted by or in Possession of Insurer

Section 9 - Conversion of Mutual Bank to Stock Bank

Section 10 - Conversion of Credit Union to Mutual Bank

Section 11 - Consolidation, Merger or Conversion of Mutual Bank or Stock Bank Into Federally-Chartered Bank or Thrift Institution

Section 12 - Conversion of Federally-Charted Bank or Thrift Institution Into Bank Chartered Pursuant to Chapter 168, 170 or 172

Section 13 - Plan of Acquisition of Stock by Company Acquiring All the Capital Stock of Any Stock Bank

Section 14 - Notice of Proposed Acquisition of Control of Stock Bank; Disapproval of Proposed Acquisition

Section 15 - Dissolution and Liquidation of Bank

Section 16 - Termination of Membership of Savings Bank in Depositors Insurance Fund Upon Merger or Consolidation Into Bank, Federally Chartered Bank or Out-of-State Bank or Upon Acceptance of Federal Charter; Effect of Acceptance of Federal Charter;...

Section 17 - Notice to Depositors Insurance Fund Upon Proposal to Merge or Consolidate Co-Operative Bank Into a Bank or Upon Conversion to Federal Charter; Effect of Acceptance of Federal Charter; Effect of Conversion of Federal Bank or Federal Thrif...

Section 18 - Interim Banks