Section 12. The commission shall be required to keep records of all decisions and an official transcript of all proceedings of the hearings. These documents shall be stored in the office of the state secretary. The commission shall upon written request provide any person appealing a decision by the commission a copy of the transcript from hearings pertaining to his case, in accordance with rules and regulations established in conformance with chapter thirty A. All records and transcripts of the commission shall be open to the public.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Chapter 55b - The State Ballot Law Commission
Section 1 - Establishment and Membership of Commission
Section 2 - Members Holding or Nominated for Public Office
Section 3 - Compensation; Record of Proceedings; Clerical Assistance
Section 4 - Powers and Duties of Commission
Section 5 - Objections; Federal, State, and County Offices
Section 6 - Signatures; Review; Correction
Section 7 - Objections; City and Town Offices
Section 8 - Notice of Objections
Section 9 - Hearings on Objections
Section 11 - Vacating Nominations; Nonexisting Persons; False Names