Section 1. There shall be a state ballot law commission consisting of five persons to be appointed by the governor, one of whom shall be a retired justice of the supreme judicial court, appeals court, superior court or district courts of the commonwealth who shall be chairman. The chairman shall serve for a term of one year from February first of the year in which he was appointed and may be reappointed for further terms. The other members of said commission shall serve for terms of two years from February first of the year in which they were appointed and may be reappointed for further terms.
No more than three members of the commission shall be members of the same political party.
Vacancies occurring during the term of any member shall be filled for the unexpired term by the governor within sixty days of the occurrence of said vacancy. The governor may remove any member of the commission.
The state secretary shall serve as the secretary of the commission.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Chapter 55b - The State Ballot Law Commission
Section 1 - Establishment and Membership of Commission
Section 2 - Members Holding or Nominated for Public Office
Section 3 - Compensation; Record of Proceedings; Clerical Assistance
Section 4 - Powers and Duties of Commission
Section 5 - Objections; Federal, State, and County Offices
Section 6 - Signatures; Review; Correction
Section 7 - Objections; City and Town Offices
Section 8 - Notice of Objections
Section 9 - Hearings on Objections
Section 11 - Vacating Nominations; Nonexisting Persons; False Names