Section 12. Whoever, himself, or by his agent or servant, manufactures, sells or exchanges, or has in his custody or possession with intent to sell or exchange, any woven fabric or paper containing arsenic in any form, or any article of dress or household use composed wholly or in part of such woven fabric or paper, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars; but this section shall not apply to articles intended for the destruction of insects, having the word ''POISON'' plainly printed in uncondensed gothic letters not less than one inch long on both sides of each sheet and square foot of the fabric, or to dress goods or articles of dress containing not more than one one-hundredth grain, or to other materials or articles containing not more than one tenth grain of arsenic for each square yard of the material. The department of public health shall make all necessary investigations as to the existence of arsenic in the aforesaid articles and materials, employ inspectors and chemists, and adopt such measures as are necessary to enforce this section.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part IV - Crimes, Punishments and Proceedings in Criminal Cases
Title I - Crimes and Punishments
Chapter 270 - Crimes Against Public Health
Section 1 - Adulterating Liquor; Sale; Forfeiture
Section 1a - Eyeglasses or Sunglasses; Specifications; Flammable Frames; Sales
Section 3 - Drugs or Other Substance Injurious to Users; Distribution
Section 3a - Poison for Rodents; Placement Where It May Cause Injury
Section 4 - Wood Alcohol Contained in Food or Drink; Sale or Possession
Section 5 - Alcoholic Beverages or Drugs; Sale or Delivery to Hospital Patients
Section 6 - Sale or Provision of Tobacco Product to Person Under 21 Years of Age
Section 6a - Sale of Tobacco Rolling Papers to Person Under 21 Years of Age
Section 7 - Posting Copy of Secs. 6 and 6a; Signage for Smoking Cessation Resources
Section 8 - Candy Containing Alcohol; Sale
Section 8a - Foods Containing Foreign Injury Causing Substances; Distribution or Sale
Section 9 - Feeding Garbage or Refuse to Animals
Section 10 - Toys or Confectionery Containing or Coated With Material Containing Arsenic
Section 11 - Arsenic; Samples for Analysis
Section 12 - Fabric or Paper Containing Arsenic
Section 13 - Water; Refusal or Neglect to Furnish
Section 15 - Arrest Without Warrant for Spitting
Section 16a - Alternative Noncriminal Disposition of Violations of Sec. 16
Section 17 - Garbage or Refuse; Disposal in Containers Placed Along Highways
Section 18 - Substance Having Property of Releasing Toxic Vapors
Section 19 - Glue or Cement; Sale to Minors; Smelling Deterrent Ingredients
Section 20 - Burning of Refuse, Etc. Within Marine or Shoreline Boundaries
Section 22 - Smoking in Public Places
Section 23 - Flea Markets; Smoking Prohibition; Penalty
Section 24 - Mercury Thermometers; Sale or Supply; Instructions Regarding Breakage