Section 11. Judges of probate shall semi-annually inspect the doings of the registers of their courts, and see that the records and files are made up seasonably and kept in good order; and if the records are left incomplete for more than six consecutive months, such neglect, unless caused by illness or casualty, shall be adjudged a forfeiture of the bond of the register. In case of any neglect causing a forfeiture of the bond of the register or assistant register, the judge shall forthwith give written notice thereof to the state treasurer, who shall thereupon cause the bond to be put in suit; and the amount recovered in such suit shall be applied to the expense of making up the deficient records under the direction of the court in whose records the deficiency exists, and the surplus, if any, shall be carried into the account of such treasurer. This section shall not exempt registers or assistant registers from an action for any other breach of their bond, or from other liability for neglect or misconduct in office.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part III - Courts, Judicial Officers and Proceedings in Civil Cases
Title I - Courts and Judicial Officers
Chapter 217 - Judges and Registers of Probate and Insolvency
Section 1 - Divisions; Justices; Definitions
Section 2 - Judges; Number in Certain Counties; First Justices, Powers, Terms
Section 3b - Hampshire County; Associate Justice
Section 3c - Circuit Justices; Appointment; Expenses
Section 4 - Registers of Probate and Insolvency
Section 6a - Special Judge or Register; Interest in Proceedings; Prohibition
Section 6b - Prohibitions and Restrictions on Justices; Assignment to Another County
Section 7 - Judge and Register; Appointment as Guardian or Executor
Section 8 - Chief Justice; Powers and Duties
Section 81/2 - Deputy Court Administrator
Section 8a - Provision of Suitable Offices
Section 9 - Out of County Authority; Probate Judges
Section 10 - Vacancy; Powers of Acting Judge; Bonds
Section 11 - Judges; Inspection of Records; Forfeiture of Bonds of Registers; Notice
Section 13 - Temporary Register
Section 14 - Register; Duty to Certify Amount of Assistance
Section 15 - Register; Duties; Custody of Records, Etc.
Section 15a - Register or Assistant; Printing or Typing of Names on Filed Instruments
Section 15c - Inventory Involving Real Estate Located in Another County; Duties of Registers
Section 16 - Register; Copies of Certain Papers; Mailing to Commissioner of Revenue
Section 17 - Register to Report Vacancy and Appointment of Assistant
Section 18 - Register; Furnishing Copies; Fees
Section 19 - Register; Reports to Division of Public Charities
Section 20 - Register to Account
Section 21 - Register; Receipt of Complaints, Petitions, and Applications
Section 22 - Register; Power to Issue Attachments, Appoint Appraisers, Etc.
Section 22a - Identification of Husbands and Wives in Documents and Communications
Section 23 - First Assistant Registers
Section 23a - Assistant Registers
Section 23b - Administrative Deputy Assistants
Section 23c - Judicial Case Managers
Section 23d - Assistant Judicial Case Managers
Section 26 - Assistant Registers; Official Signatures
Section 27 - Assistant Registers; Duties
Section 27a - Duties of Judicial Case Managers
Section 28 - Suffolk County; Clerk to Administer Oaths in Probate Proceedings
Section 29 - Middlesex County; Clerk to Administer Oaths in Probate Proceedings
Section 29a - Dukes County; Clerk to Administer Oaths in Probate Proceedings
Section 29b - Nantucket County; Clerk to Administer Oaths in Probate Proceedings
Section 29c - Barnstable Probate Court; Deputy Assistant Registers
Section 29d - Berkshire Probate Court; Deputy Assistant Register
Section 29e - Hampden Probate Court; Deputy Assistant Registers
Section 29f - Worcester Probate Court; Deputy Assistant Registers
Section 29g - Bristol Probate and Family Court; Deputy Assistant Registers
Section 29h - Hampshire Probate Court First Justice; Deputy Assistant Registers
Section 29i - Plymouth Probate Court; Deputy Assistant Registers
Section 29j - Essex Probate and Family Court; Deputy Assistant Register
Section 29k - Franklin Probate and Family Court; Deputy Assistant Register
Section 29l - Norfolk Probate and Family Court; Deputy Assistant Register
Section 30 - Court Officers; Appointment for Certain Counties
Section 33 - Allowance to Registers for Assistance
Section 35a - Registers; Salaries
Section 39 - Court Officers and Messengers; Compensation