Section 10. All acts and resolves or parts thereof in force at the time of the taking effect of the General Laws which are of limited duration shall continue in effect according to their terms, notwithstanding any provisions of said General Laws inconsistent therewith.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part V - The General Laws, and Express Repeal of Certain Acts and Resolves
Chapter 281 - The General Laws and Their Effect
Section 1 - Designation as General Laws; Citation; Effective Date
Section 2 - Construction of General Laws as Continuation of Former Acts
Section 3 - Repealed or Superseded Law; Effect of Repeal of Law by General Laws
Section 5 - Punishment, Penalty or Forfeiture Incurred; Effect of Repeal of Law by General Laws
Section 6 - Pending Actions, Suits or Prosecutions; Effect of Repeal of Law by General Laws
Section 7 - Tenure of Office Holders; Effect of Repeal of Law by General Laws
Section 8 - Salary or Compensation of Incumbent; Effect of Repeal of Law by General Laws
Section 9 - Statutory Time Periods; Effect of Repeal of Law by General Laws
Section 10 - Temporary Laws; Effect of Enactment of General Laws