Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 76 - School Attendance
Section 1 - Requirements and Exceptions

Section 1. Every child between the minimum and maximum ages established for school attendance by the board of education shall, subject to section fifteen, attend a public day school in the town the student resides, or some other day school approved by the school committee, during the number of days required by the board of education in each school year, unless the child attends school in another town, for said number of days, under sections six to twelve, inclusive, or attends an experimental school project established under an experimental school plan, as provided in section one G of chapter fifteen, but such attendance shall not be required of a child whose physical or mental condition is such as to render attendance inexpedient or impracticable subject to the provisions of section three of chapter seventy-one B or of a child granted an employment permit by the superintendent of schools when such superintendent determines that the welfare of such child will be better served through the granting of such permit, or of a child who is being otherwise instructed in a manner approved in advance by the superintendent or the school committee. The superintendent of schools may transfer to any specialized type of school on a full-time basis any child who possesses the educational qualifications enumerated in this section and in the opinion of the superintendent would be benefited by such transfer. The superintendent, or teachers in so far as authorized by him or by the school committee, may excuse cases of necessary absence for other causes not exceeding seven day sessions or fourteen half day sessions in any period of six months. Absences may also be permitted for religious education at such times as the school committee may establish; provided, that no public funds shall be appropriated or expended for such education or for transportation incidental thereto; and provided, further, that such time shall be no more than one hour each week. For the purposes of this section, school committees shall approve a private school when satisfied that the instruction in all the studies required by law equals in thoroughness and efficiency, and in the progress made therein, that in the public schools in the same town; but shall not withhold such approval on account of religious teaching, and, in order to protect children from the hazards of traffic and promote their safety, cities and towns may appropriate money for conveying pupils to and from any schools approved under this section.
Except as herein provided, pupils who attend approved private schools of elementary and high school grades shall be entitled to the same rights and privileges as to transportation to and from school as are provided by law for pupils of public schools and shall not be denied such transportation because their attendance is in a school which is conducted under religious auspices or includes religious instruction in its curriculum. Each school committee shall provide transportation for any pupil attending such an approved private school within the boundaries of the school district, provided, however, that the distance between said pupil's residence and the private school said pupil attends exceeds two miles or such other minimum distance as may be established by the school committee for transportation of public school students. Any school committee which is required by law to transport any pupil attending an approved private school beyond the boundaries of the school district shall not be required to do so further than the distance from the residence of such pupil to the public school he is entitled to attend.
The school committee of each town shall provide for and enforce the school attendance of all children actually residing therein in accordance herewith.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XII - Education

Chapter 76 - School Attendance

Section 1 - Requirements and Exceptions

Section 1a - Pupil Absence Notification Programs

Section 1b - Pupil Absence Notification Program

Section 2 - Duties of Parents; Penalty

Section 2a - Attendance of Deaf Children; Penalty

Section 3 - Attendance of Illiterate Minors; Penalties

Section 4 - Inducing Absences; Penalty

Section 5 - Place of Attendance; Violations; Discrimination

Section 6 - Payment of Tuition for Non-Resident Children

Section 7 - Tuition; Children Under Control of Department of Children and Families; Foster Care; Reimbursement

Section 9 - High School Tuition of Children Under Control of Department of Public Welfare, Etc.

Section 10 - Settlements of Accounts Between Towns and Department of Public Welfare, Etc.

Section 11 - Tuition of Children in Institutions

Section 12 - Attendance Outside Place of Residence

Section 12a - Plan for Attendance in Public School to Eliminate Racial Imbalance; Adoption; Financial and Technical Assistance

Section 12b - Definitions; Attendance of School Other Than in City or Town of Residence of Child; Reports; Tuition; Parent Information System; Transportation Reimbursement Program; Funding

Section 12c - School Choice Tuition Trust Fund

Section 13 - Transfer Cards

Section 14 - Island Children; Transportation

Section 15 - Vaccination and Immunization

Section 15a - Sickle Cell Anemia; Blood Tests

Section 15b - Screening Programs, Testing, Treatment, Etc. for Sickle Cell Anemia and Related Genetically-Linked Diseases; Rules and Regulations; Records and Information, Disclosure Restricted

Section 15c - Immunization of College Health Science Students

Section 15d - Meningococcal Disease; College Students Immunization

Section 16 - Children Excluded From School; Remedies

Section 17 - Hearing Prerequisite to Exclusion

Section 18 - Notice to Parent or Guardian and Meeting With School Committee Prerequisite to Student Permanently Leaving School; Annual Report; Application of Section

Section 19 - Supervisors of Attendance; Employment

Section 20 - Powers and Duties of Supervisors of Attendance

Section 21 - Opportunity for Academic Progress for Suspended Students; Education Service Plans; Alternative Educational Services