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Chapter 79 - Eminent Domain
Section 1 - Order of Taking; Contents - Section 1. The taking of real estate or of any...
Section 2 - Officials Authorized to Exercise Eminent Domain - Section 2. Where no other provision is made by law,...
Section 3 - Recordation of Taking Order; Procedure to Acquire Possession - Section 3. The board of officers by whom an order...
Section 4 - Taking Registered Land - Section 4. If land of a registered owner, or any...
Section 5 - Taking of Land Already in Public Use - Section 5. No portion of a state institution shall be...
Section 5a - Historical or Archeological Landmarks; Ancient Landmarks; Taking - Section 5A. No historical or archeological landmark certified under the...
Section 5b - Agricultural Land - Section 5B. No property used for agriculture or farming as...
Section 5c - Notice of Intent Prior to Taking; Exceptions - Section 5C. No property shall be taken without the consent...
Section 6 - Taking by Public; Award of Damages; Amendment of Award; Payment - Section 6. When a taking is made on behalf of...
Section 6a - Moving Expenses; Exemption From Attachment or Execution - Section 6A. Any person lawfully occupying real property who is...
Section 7 - Taking by Private Corporations; Award of Damages; Time of Payment - Section 7. When a taking is made on behalf of...
Section 7a - Appraisal as Pre-Requisite to Payment of Damages - Section 7A. An award of damages made pursuant to section...
Section 7b - Payment of Damages; Execution of Necessary Documents; Time of Issuance of Checks - Section 7B. Immediately after the right to damages becomes vested,...
Section 7c - Notice of Taking and Amount of Damages; Contents; Service - Section 7C. Immediately after the right to damages becomes vested,...
Section 7d - Unknown Persons or Persons Under Legal Disability; Manner of Payment of Damages; Apportionment of Damages; Deposits - Section 7D. If the board of officers by whom a...
Section 7e - Unclaimed Checks - Section 7E. If any check issued in accordance with section...
Section 7f - Copies of Notice or Notice of Deposit; Sending to Tax Collectors - Section 7F. The board of officers shall, immediately upon giving...
Section 7g - Receipt of Payment or Deposit; Effect; Recovery of Interest; Refund of Overpayment; Recovery of Payment Made to Person Not Entitled Thereto - Section 7G. A person who receives a payment in accordance...
Section 7h - Payment of Damages of Less Than $2000 to Prevent Hardship Notwithstanding Title Deficiencies - Section 7H. If the board of officers who have made...
Section 8a - Offer of Settlement; Payment Pro Tanto; Refund of Excess - Section 8A. The board of officers who have made a...
Section 8b - Time for Vacation of Dwellings - Section 8B. No person in possession of property which has...
Section 9 - Injuries to Realty Caused by Improvements Not Constituting a Taking - Section 9. When injury has been caused to the real...
Section 10 - Damages for Injuries to Property Caused by Acts in Pais - Section 10. When the real estate of any person has...
Section 10a - Payment of Damages; Enforcement of Provisions of Certain Sections; Petition for Writ of Mandamus - Section 10A. Compliance with the provisions of sections six, seven,...
Section 11 - Land Lying in More Than One Governmental Unit; Petition for Award of Damages - Section 11. If a single parcel of land taken or...
Section 12 - Measure of Damages; Federal Reimbursement - Section 12. The damages for property taken under this chapter...
Section 12a - Property Taken Diminished in Value by Disaster; Full Compensation; Determination of Fair Market Value; Time Limit - Section 12A. Notwithstanding any special or general law to the...
Section 13 - Buildings and Trees on Land Taken - Section 13. If there are trees upon or structures affixed...
Section 14 - Petition to Superior Court - Section 14. A person entitled to an award of his...
Section 16 - Time for Filing Petition - Section 16. A petition for the assessment of damages under...
Section 17 - Time for Filing Petition When Original Proceedings Quashed - Section 17. If a person petitions for an award or...
Section 18 - Time for Filing Petition When Validity of Taking Is Contested - Section 18. If a suit, in which the right of...
Section 19 - Time for Filing Petition if Improvement Delayed by Law - Section 19. If the time for locating or constructing a...
Section 20 - Petition by Guardian, Conservator or Trustee - Section 20. If damages may be recovered under this chapter...
Section 21 - Procedure on Death of Person Entitled to Damages - Section 21. If a person who is entitled to petition...
Section 22 - Pleading and Procedure; Entry of Judgment - Section 22. A complaint brought under section fourteen shall name...
Section 23 - Petition of Persons Holding Different Interests in Same Property - Section 23. If joint tenants, or tenants in common, or...
Section 24 - Damages Sustained by Tenant for Life or Years and Remaindermen; Trust - Section 24. If a tenant for life or for years...
Section 25 - Amount of Damages Placed in Trust; Damages Special to Separate Estate - Section 25. The amount so to be placed in trust...
Section 26 - Trustees for Persons With Legal Disability; Appointment; Bond - Section 26. If a person having an interest in such...
Section 27 - Persons Holding Unusual Interests; Right to Petition - Section 27. If there are several parties, who have several...
Section 28 - Notice to Other Holders of Interests - Section 28. Upon such petition, the court may order the...
Section 29 - Award to Persons Holding Different Interests; Apportionment - Section 29. If, on such petition, the court or jury...
Section 30 - Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem or Trustee - Section 30. If it appears in any proceedings under the...
Section 31 - Petition by Tenant in Possession of Encumbered Property - Section 31. The tenant in possession of property which is...
Section 32 - Mortgaged Land; Procedure - Section 32. If property which is taken in whole or...
Section 33 - Apportionment of Damages Between Mortgagors and Mortgagees - Section 33. If mortgagors or mortgagees begin or become parties...
Section 34 - Request for Speedy Trial - Section 34. Upon the filing of a petition under section...
Section 35 - Evidence of Assessed or Fair Market Value of Property; Admissibility - Section 35. The valuation made by the assessors of a...
Section 35a - Apportionment of Taxes - Section 35A. In case of a trial by jury in...
Section 36 - Discontinuance of Petition - Section 36. No petition brought under section fourteen shall be...
Section 36a - Payment of Damages After Exhaustion or Waiver of Right to Appeal - Section 36A. The body politic or corporate against which an...
Section 37 - Interest on Award of Damages - Section 37. Damages under this chapter shall bear interest at...
Section 38 - Costs - Section 38. In all proceedings before county commissioners under this...
Section 39 - Settlement and Tender; Interest - Section 39. Whenever damages may be recovered under this chapter,...
Section 40 - Taking by Private Corporations; Security for Damages - Section 40. Before a taking is made or injury inflicted...
Section 41 - Finality of Award; Remedy for Collection - Section 41. If no petition under section fourteen is filed...
Section 42 - Remedies to Enforce Payment by Private Corporations - Section 42. If a private corporation has erected or laid...
Section 43 - Right Less Than Fee; Effect of Abandonment on Award of Damages - Section 43. When any easement or other right less than...
Section 44 - Taking by United States - Section 44. If the agents of the United States and...
Section 44a - Tax Liens on Realty Taken - Section 44A. If real estate taken in whole or in...
Section 45 - Applicability of Chapter - Section 45. No real estate shall be taken for public...
Chapter 79a - Relocation Assistance
Section 1 - Definitions - Section 1. The following terms as used in this chapter...
Section 2 - Relocation Advisory Agency; Necessity of Qualification Prior to Displacement of Occupants - Section 2. No acquisition, rehabilitation, demolition, or other improvement which...
Section 3 - Projects Displacing Occupants; Agencies to Provide Relocation Assistance - Section 3. Any public agency, or any person authorized to...
Section 4 - Relocation Plans; Submission; Contents - Section 4. At the time of the submission of an...
Section 5 - Relocation Plans; Examination; Review; Approval - Section 5. If the costs of relocation assistance are reimbursable...
Section 6 - Carrying Out Relocation Plan; Program Requirements - Section 6. After approval has been granted in accordance with...
Section 7 - Relocation Payments; Alternative and Additional Payments; Exemption From Attachment or Execution; Exclusion From Determination of Eligibility for Certain Public Benefits - Section 7. I. (A) Any agency or person specified under...
Section 8 - Substantial Changes of Relocation Plans; Notice; Review; Approval - Section 8. The taking agency or relocation agency shall inform...
Section 9 - Suspension of Approval of Relocation Plan; Notice - Section 9. If the bureau determines that a taking agency...
Section 10 - Emergency Projects; Emergency Approval - Section 10. If a relocation plan required by section four...
Section 11 - Expenditure of Funds by Public Agency or Municipality; State Financial Assistance - Section 11. Funds appropriated or otherwise available to any public...
Section 12 - Regulations; Powers of Bureau - Section 12. The bureau may promulgate regulations to carry out...
Section 13 - Enforcement of State Sanitary Code; Displacement of Persons; Moving Expenses; State Financial Assistance; Reports - Section 13. Any public agency displacing one or more persons...
Section 14 - Projects Utilizing Public Mortgage Financing; Moving Expenses - Section 14. Any person utilizing mortgage financing issued, insured, or...
Section 15 - Severability - Section 15. If any provision of this chapter or the...
Chapter 80 - Betterments
Section 1 - Assessment of Cost of Public Improvements - Section 1. Whenever a limited and determinable area receives benefit...
Section 2 - Assessment Order; Plan and Estimate; Recordation - Section 2. An order under section one which states that...
Section 3 - Surrender of Land Assessed - Section 3. An owner of land abutting on a public...
Section 4 - Collection - Section 4. Within a reasonable time after making the assessment...
Section 5 - Petition for Abatement; Filing, Etc. - Section 5. The owner of any real estate upon which...
Section 6 - Filing Petition; Time Limitation; Extension - Section 6. If a suit in which the validity of...
Section 7 - Appeal to Superior Court - Section 7. A person who is aggrieved by the refusal...
Section 8 - Death of Person Entitled to Petition for Abatement - Section 8. If a person who is entitled to petition...
Section 9 - Trial Procedure - Section 9. Upon the filing of a petition under section...
Section 10 - Appeal to County Commissioners - Section 10. A person who is aggrieved by the refusal...
Section 10a - Petition for Abatement; Procedure on Failure of Board to Act - Section 10A. If the board with which a petition for...
Section 11 - Contribution by Lessee; Rights and Remedies of Lessee - Section 11. If an assessment is made upon land the...
Section 12 - Lien Status of Assessment; Duration of Lien - Section 12. Assessments made under this chapter shall constitute a...
Section 13 - Apportionment and Reapportionment - Section 13. Assessments made by a board of the commonwealth...
Section 13a - Land Devoid of Structures; Extension of Time for Payment of Assessments - Section 13A. The board making the order for the assessment...
Section 13b - Deferral and Recovery Agreements; Application; Recordation; Lien - Section 13B. In a city or town which accepts the...
Section 15 - Division of Assessed Land - Section 15. If land which is subject to a lien...
Section 16 - Reassessment - Section 16. If an assessment is invalid and has not...
Section 17 - Application of Chapter - Section 17. Whenever a formal vote or order for the...
Chapter 80a - Eminent Domain Takings and Betterment Assessments by Judicial Proceedings
Section 1 - Authorization - Section 1. A board of officers, hereinafter called the board,...
Section 2 - Order of Intention; Contents - Section 2. The board, having first complied with all the...
Section 3 - Order of Intention; Additional Provisions; Notice of Adoption - Section 3. The order shall contain an estimate of all...
Section 4 - Petition to Take Property - Section 4. Within ten days from the recording of such...
Section 5 - Answer - Section 5. Any of said respondents, and any other person...
Section 6 - Default Judgments; Appointment of Guardians - Section 6. The court shall, on motion of the petitioner,...
Section 7 - Hearing; Judgment - Section 7. If any person in his answer denies the...
Section 8 - Arbitration of Disputes; Appointment of Commissioners - Section 8. If the court shall enter an order establishing...
Section 9 - Redetermination of Damages; Procedure - Section 9. Any person aggrieved by the determination of the...
Section 10 - Final Adjudication - Section 10. If the verdict of the jury as finally...
Section 11 - Abandonment or Discontinuance of Proceedings - Section 11. The board may at any time before final...
Section 12 - Transfer of Property; Interest Transferred; Payment of Compensation - Section 12. The taking shall become absolute and the right...
Section 13 - Taxation of Costs - Section 13. If the petition is dismissed under section seven,...
Section 14 - Assessment of Improvements; Assessment Lien; Effective Date - Section 14. If the right to assess betterments has been...
Section 15 - Application of Sections Controlling Eminent Domain and Betterments; Fees of Guardians and Commissioners - Section 15. The provisions of chapters seventy-nine and eighty, and...
Section 16 - Election to Proceed Under This Chapter - Section 16. In any case where the commonwealth, or a...