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Subtitle 1 - State Operating Budget
Part I - Definitions; General Provisions
Section 7-101 - Definitions - (a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings...
Section 7-102 - Legislative Intent - (a) The General Assembly desires that, during preparation of a...
Section 7-103 - Studies - (a) (1) The Secretary shall continually conduct studies on the...
Section 7-104 - Preparation of Draft of Proposed Budget - (a) (1) The Secretary shall prepare for the Governor a...
Section 7-105 - Form of Proposed Budget - Each proposed budget shall be classified as and in the...
Section 7-106 - Submission of Bond or Revenue Bills by Governor - The Governor shall submit to the General Assembly by the...
Section 7-107 - Publication of Itemized Statement of Revenues Dedicated to Special Funds - The Secretary shall publish on the Department of Budget and...
Part II - Budget Bill
Section 7-108 - Required Appropriations - (a) In accordance with the Maryland Constitution and other law,...
Section 7-109 - Executive Pay Plan - (a) Each budget bill shall contain a separate section that...
Section 7-110 - Department of Transportation - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 7-111 - University College - (a) The Governor shall include in each budget bill a...
Section 7-112 - Conformity With Statutes - (a) Unless specifically authorized by law, the Governor may not...
Section 7-113 - Motor Vehicle Licensing and Fuel Tax Revenues - (a) The purposes of this section are to: (1) carry...
Section 7-114 - Programs Funded by Cigarette Restitution Fund - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 7-114.1 - Costs of Archaeological Work Incurred in State Projects - The costs of archaeological work incurred in a State project...
Section 7-114.2 - Specifying Savings in Budget Proposal That Includes Expenditure Reductions - When a proposed budget includes expenditure reductions to be applied...
Section 7-114.3 - Proposed Appropriation Reductions Struck or Reduced by General Assembly - (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section,...
Part III - Supporting Materials
Section 7-115 - Distribution of Budget Books - (a) On submission of the budget bill to the presiding...
Section 7-116 - Submission of Budget Books in Machine-Readable Format - (a) In this section, “machine–readable format” means a comma–separated values...
Section 7-117 - Effect of Tax Exemptions on Revenues - (a) Subject to § 2–1257 of the State Government Article,...
Section 7-118 - Operating Expenses of State Units - (a) In its annual submission of the proposed budget, the...
Section 7-119 - General Fund Capital Appropriations - (a) (1) For each fiscal year, General Fund capital appropriations...
Section 7-120 - Requirements for Supporting Data and Calculations in Supplemental Budget Bill - On submission of a supplemental budget bill to the presiding...
Subtitle 2 - Disbursements and Expenditures
Section 7-201 - Definitions - (a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings...
Section 7-202 - Appropriation Required - Money may be disbursed from the State Treasury only on...
Part II - Appropriations
Section 7-205 - Disbursements in Accordance With Current Appropriation - Money may be disbursed from the State Treasury only in...
Section 7-206 - Initial Appropriation for Program - The initial appropriation for a program is set forth in...
Section 7-207 - Lump Sum Appropriation; Schedule of Proposed Apportionment and Disbursement - (a) “Lump sum appropriation” means an appropriation for which the...
Section 7-208 - Amendment of Appropriation for Program for Legislative Branch - (a) While the General Assembly is in session the General...
Section 7-208.1 - Amendment of Appropriation for Program of Judicial Branch - (a) The Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals may...
Section 7-209 - Amendment of Appropriation for Program for Executive Branch - (a) The Governor may amend an appropriation for a program...
Section 7-210 - General Restriction on Budget Amendments - (a) (1) A budget amendment may not change any language...
Section 7-211 - Amendments of Appropriations for Department of Transportation - (a) On or before the 3rd Wednesday in January of...
Section 7-212 - Institutions of Higher Education - (a) This section applies only to the following governing boards:...
Section 7-213 - Reductions - (a) (1) Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection and...
Part III - Warrants
Section 7-216 - Expenditures - (a) Subject to the limitations in this subtitle, an officer...
Section 7-217 - Unestimated and Excess Receipts - (a) An officer or unit of the State government may...
Section 7-218 - Audit of Bills - Before issuance of a warrant for payment of a bill,...
Section 7-219 - Issuance of Warrants Generally - (a) The Comptroller, the Chief Deputy Comptroller, or a deputy...
Section 7-220 - Appropriation to Be Charged - A warrant shall charge an applicable appropriation to the officer...
Section 7-221 - Issuance of Warrants to Institutions and Corporations - (a) The Comptroller, the Chief Deputy Comptroller, or a deputy...
Section 7-222 - Issuance of Warrants to Debtors - Unless a person and the Comptroller or any duly authorized...
Section 7-223 - Records of Warrants - (a) (1) The Comptroller may not allow a warrant to...
Part IV - Disbursements
Section 7-226 - General Authority - Subject to the limitations in this Part IV of this...
Section 7-227 - Checks - A check that is drawn to disburse money from the...
Section 7-227.1 - Additional Means for Transfer of Funds - In addition to disbursement of money by check authorized under...
Section 7-228 - Receipts - The Treasurer, the Chief Deputy Treasurer, or a deputy treasurer...
Section 7-229 - Undeliverable Checks Fund - (a) In this section, “Fund” means the Undeliverable Checks Fund....
Section 7-230 - Unpresented Checks Fund - (a) In this section, “Fund” means the Unpresented Checks Fund....
Part V - Prohibited Acts; Penalties
Section 7-233 - Lump Sum Appropriation - An officer or unit of the State government may not...
Section 7-234 - Expenditures in Excess of Appropriation - (a) An officer or unit of the State government may...
Section 7-235 - Administrative Actions - (a) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this...
Section 7-236 - Additional Permanent Staff Positions - (a) A unit of the Executive Branch of the State...
Section 7-237 - Contracts - (a) This section applies to any officer or agent of...
Section 7-238 - Department of Transportation - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 7-239 - Use of Appropriation for Settlement of Antiharassment Claim Prohibited - An officer or unit of State government may not use...
Subtitle 3 - Unspent Balances
Section 7-301 - Notice - (a) This section applies to the following entities: (1) an...
Section 7-302 - General Requirement for Reversion - Except as otherwise provided by law, at the end of...
Section 7-303 - Encumbered Balances - At the end of a fiscal year, the amount of...
Section 7-304 - Dedicated Money - At the end of a fiscal year, the unspent part...
Section 7-305 - Capital Expenditures - (a) In this section, “capital expenditure” includes an expenditure for:...
Section 7-306 - Institutions for Higher Education - (a) This section applies only to St. Mary’s College of...
Section 7-307 - New or Substantially Renovated Facility - (a) Unless the State budget expressly provides otherwise, whenever a...
Section 7-308 - Notice of Reversions - The Secretary of Budget and Management shall give each member...
Section 7-309 - State Reserve Fund - (a) There is a State Reserve Fund. (b) The State...
Section 7-310 - Dedicated Purpose Account - (a) In this section, “Account” means the Dedicated Purpose Account....
Section 7-310.1 - Money Received as Result of Settlement, Judgment, or Consent Decrees - (a) Any money received by the State or otherwise subject...
Section 7-311 - Revenue Stabilization Account - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 7-312 - Maryland Stadium Facilities Fund - (a) There is a Maryland Stadium Facilities Fund. (b) The...
Section 7-314 - Economic Development Opportunities Account - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 7-315 - Energy Overcharge Restitution Fund - (a) There is an Energy Overcharge Restitution Fund. (b) (1)...
Section 7-317 - Cigarette Restitution Fund - (a) There is a Cigarette Restitution Fund. (b) (1) The...
Section 7-324 - Catastrophic Event Account - (a) In this section, “Account” means the Catastrophic Event Account....
Section 7-325 - Maryland State Arts Council Appropriation - (a) (1) In each of fiscal years 2011 and 2012,...
Section 7-326 - Public School Construction Fund - (a) In this section, “Fund” means the Public School Construction...
Section 7-327 - Federal Government Shutdown Employee Assistance Loan Fund - (a) In this section, “Fund” means the Federal Government Shutdown...
Section 7-328 - Mortgage Loan Servicing Practices Settlement Fund - (a) There is a Mortgage Loan Servicing Practices Settlement Fund....
Section 7-329 - Closing Revenue Gaps; Distribution of Nonwithholding Income Tax Revenues - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 7-330 - Fiscal Responsibility Fund - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 7-331 - Opioid Restitution Fund - ** CONTINGENCY – NOT IN EFFECT – CHAPTER 537 OF...
Subtitle 4 - Supervision of Recipients
Section 7-401 - Accounting Systems for State Units - (a) The Comptroller may direct the units of the State...
Section 7-402 - State Aid to Social Organizations - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 7-403 - Accounting Standards for Health and Social Welfare Organizations - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 7-404 - Review of Account of Providers of Care - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 7-405 - State Funded Corporations Serving Elderly or Developmentally Disabled Subject to Audit - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...
Section 7-406 - Reporting Requirements for State Aid Provided - (a) (1) In this section the following words have the...