Maryland Statutes
Part II - Budget Bill
Section 7-109 - Executive Pay Plan

(a)    Each budget bill shall contain a separate section that includes:
        (1)    the proposed salary schedule for the executive pay plan established under Title 8, Subtitle 1 of the State Personnel and Pensions Article, which shall be in effect for that fiscal year; and
        (2)    a listing of the job classification and title of each position in the executive pay plan, including the proposed salary grade for each position.
    (b)    In addition to the separate section required under subsection (a) of this section, each budget bill shall contain a separate section that includes:
        (1)    a listing, by the unit of State government, of the job classification of each position with flat rate or per diem compensation in excess of the minimum salary in the proposed executive pay plan. The listing shall include, but not be limited to, constitutional officers, positions for which salaries by law are determined by judicial salaries, and positions for which salaries are determined by an agency with independent salary setting authority that have not been included in the executive pay plan;
        (2)    the number of positions in each of those job classifications; and
        (3)    the amount of the salary proposed for each of those job classifications.
    (c)    (1)    The salary schedule and proposed salary grade, as provided in accordance with subsection (a) of this section, shall be subject to approval by the General Assembly.
        (2)    The proposed salary for job classifications, as provided in accordance with subsection (b) of this section, shall be subject to approval by the General Assembly.